Bill Clinton just endorsed unlimited genocide on americans because they weren’t there first.
That is a shit tonne of work for the poor natives. Better put the settlers on a diet first.
Fucking idiot. Then nowaday’s americans should also be stripped of their possessions an thrown away from their houses because the original folks were there first? Indigenous people are still being targeted for murder, maybe they should defend themselves by bulldozing entire cities and reclaiming the territory. This animal.
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The whole “the land wasn’t being used” is pretty much the oldest justification for colonialism, it goes back to Locke and those other freaks
step 1: genocide them
step 2: the land reverts to wilderness since you genocided the people who tended it
step 3: look, they arent even using it! IT’S FREE REAL ESTATE!Colonizers were also famously unable to recognize indigenous agriculture for what it was because it was so labor-efficient and integrated with local ecosystems. I’d imagine this extends to most aspects of indigenous life, even among the larger more centralized civilizations.
“weird how these eastern chestnut forests are a garden of eden even if we are too stupid to know how to use them”
maybe they should defend themselves by bulldozing entire cities and reclaiming the territory
Imagine if indigenous people started stealing lil white kids from their homes, forcing them into indoctrination schools, and then destroying all history of whatever cultural heritage generic white people can claim.
People would lose their minds
If people ever wonder what Germany would have been like today if the Nazis had won, all you have to do is to look at America.
I don’t know how people generally feel about the show The Man in the High Castle but the best part for me at the start was how similar Nazi 1950’s US was to American 1950’s US. If it weren’t for the swastikas and the heils, you would still think the Allies won the war.
Pretty fucking spot-on.
They are telling you loudly and clearly that they do not want your vote.
CW for childhood bs and brief mention of
, racism/white supremacy
All right, this is finally something I have wanted to talk about for a while. I grew up in the US in the-other-South in one of those interim Protestant marginally pro-zionist households with a church and family that was trending toward MAGA evangelical Christianity and all that entails. As a young geography nerd(geography bee school champion in the 5th grade nbd nbd) I might have been more clued into this stuff than I should have been which is why I even asked my family about Israel in the first place. These fully grown adults told me that the Israelis in Israel were the same Israelis that we read about in the Bible in church and Sunday school every week. Forgive me, but lying to children is bad. And a sin, if you believe in that sort of thing. Matthew 18:6
I think it is worth dissecting the lie and to contextualize where it came from. Otherwise, we will wind up confused, like our dear President Lolita Express. What you are hearing from Bill here is the lie that US Christians have been telling themselves for the past 50 years to protect their white supremacy and commit and contribute to genocide without ever having to feel bad or reflect on it.
My grandfather served in the US military during WWII, but didn’t go overseas. When I knew him he couldn’t get enough of the History Channel WWII docs. He once got mad at a Sikh person for wearing a turban on Wheel of Fortune and immediately became irate that Pat Sajak would allow a Muslim person on his favorite game show, like 8 years after 9/11.
We wouldn’t really talk about Israel or Jewish people in our household or church but what we did talk about was Jesus’ apocalyptic return to the Holy Land. This is the pre-internet 90s, everything I know comes from the people around me. And these people, my family, told frightening stories. What I knew about Jewish people is that they were going to hell for not being Christian, same with the Mormons and the JWs and everyone else.
My aunt was addicted to those Left Behind novels, we watched the movie Tribulation with Gary Busey half a dozen times. In our household, the End Times were upon us, imminently. But in the meantime, our church began bringing in wackier and wackier speakers, evolution and stem cell therapies were a hot topic for denouncement from the pulpit every Sunday. And we celebrated sending missionaries to Ukraine(true story). As it turns out, it was always just about white supremacy, our city landmark church had been a meeting place for the KKK in the 50s, and in the 80s my grandmother had led the movement to resegregate the black and white Baptist congregations in our city, which was successful as I don’t think I ever saw a black person in that church. One of the Republican state senators who wrote my state’s anti-trans ‘bathroom bill’ was a prominent member there.
This is all to say that I had no idea what a Palestinian was until maybe 2010. I’ve learned a lot since then.
Its funny to me that people think being a Rhodes Scholar is a prestigious thing. Every one I know of is a complete idiot ghoul
It may even be a red flag because it seems like it’s a crony position given to fail kids so they don’t stay fail kids.
so they don’t stay fail kidsso they keep failing upwards
Damn why don’t we have tony Abbott emoji
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I used to serve some Rhodes Scholars every summer. All I ever saw them do was listen to lectures and then talk about them over food. Is that all it is? Because I know a few Discords where crusty ass socialists sit and do that all day long.
I’ll fedpost for you
Bill clinton, I hope you get
“Want to kill Israelis” hundreds of thousands of palestinians are dead. Famine so bad IPC classification It estimates that 677,000 people, or 32% of all Gazans, are in “catastrophic” conditions today and a further 41% are in “emergency” conditions. It expects fully half of Gazans, more than 1 million people, to be in “catastrophe” or “famine” within weeks. “comparison, the worst famine on the IPC record books struck Somalia in 2011, through a combination of war, drought and a shutoff in aid. At its nadir, 490,000 people were in “catastrophe” conditions with a larger number in “emergency” conditions. An estimated 258,000 people perished over 18 months.”
"Make israel uninhabitable " "It could take 350 years for Gaza to rebuild if it remains under a blockade, UN report says
Shut up
But have you considered that the real victims are the genocidal settlers whom Hamas didn’t even put up at the Ritz???
So if one calls a country “Roman Empire” that means they were there before and have a right over the entire Mediterranean?
If blood and soil mattered — which it shouldn’t unless you are a literal fucking fascist ffs I mean jfc — the Palestinians have the best claim to being the descendents of those tribes anyway.
So I assume all the settlers will be moving out of the US and back to Europe immediately? After all, the Native American peoples were there first.
Are you asking this in a pro-zionist way or are you genuinely curious what people think about landback?
They were being sarcastic
I think they were pointing out how the logic is inconsistent even on its own terms
Yes, very sarcastic as FuckyWucky said. They always make these sorts of claims for other people but never apply the same standard to themselves. I do want to be clear that I don’t think that the zionist claims have any merit. Lots of people have lived there throughout history and the idea that one of them deserves to build an ethnostate and exterminate everyone else is horrific.
Those are Zionist talking points to justify colonialism, there’s no connection to the current settlers occupying Palestine.
Also, Bill “Epstein” Clinton should stop breathing.
Also: “Harris said she’ll try to negotiate an end to the violence. That oughta be enough.”
JFC this guy is supposedly a huge genius of campaigning? Maybe the Clintons really are trying to sabotage Harris
Maybe the Clintons really are trying to sabotage Harris
They are in yet anther swanky hotel room paid for by some Kamala PAC. Hillary has the remote in her hand which is always dangerous. She changes the channel to CNN. Kamala is onscreen walking and waving.
“It was my turn.” Hillary says to the tv. But Bill knows his role is to say something. To go through the minefield of possible comments without getting a limb blown off.
“Honey, we should order from room service before they close down.” Changing the subject is a risky play because it might be the wrong thing. But in this case it probably worked.
“Yeah,” she says stewing.
“Where’s the that menu at?” Bill says with a bit of levity.
Hillary continues to stare at the tv with anger.
Going to Michigan to do hasbara in person
They are trying to lose