Half the country sees former President Donald Trump as a fascist, amplifying concerns raised in recent days by Vice President Kamala Harris and past members of Trump’s own administration. Far fewer in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll level the same charge against Harris.
Nearly two-thirds also say Trump often departs from the truth, again more than say so about Harris. But Harris gets more criticism than Trump for pandering for votes by promoting policies she doesn’t intend to carry out – underscoring challenges for both candidates as the fur flies in their increasingly heated presidential race.
The fact that it’s only half is mind boggling
Remember that ~40% have been told that fascism, communism, socialism, and the Democratic party are all the same for the last 40+ years by “news” organisations.
And frankly, we’ve been blowing the fascism whistle for a long time. Though the GOP/Trump are indisputably fascist now, a lot of people are numb to the alarm and don’t take it seriously.
The boy who cried fascist.
The boy who cried fascist, except he never lied about it a single time, there’s just a lot of people who didn’t care if a few sheep get taken, and refuse to care now that we’re running out of sheep.
How many of the elements of fascism does a person or party need to contain before they’re fascist in your eyes?
Not the boy who cried fascist.
A man who was so consistently fascist over such a long period of time that it duplicated the effect, even though nobody who pointed it out was exaggerating.
“The boy who cried fascist” would mean people were saying it when it wasn’t true. The stupid he makes is so baffling that it can seem that way though, can’t it?
Which presidents have been fascist other than Trump?
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That’s what makes their messaging so effective. They just mislabel all sorts of shit so words lose all meaning.
My understanding from my remaining MAGA friend is that they’re fed a steady diet of “liberals believe crazy theories” all day long from all the sources they’re allowed. e.g. if liberals believe a thing there’s absolutely no way it can be true.
Now the fact that this circumvents reason and agency are (apparently) irrelevant.
e.g. if liberals believe a thing there’s absolutely no way it can be true.
This kind of thinking is what will be the downfall of humanity. Already is happening.
And of that half, some are voting for him because of it.
Nearly two-thirds also say Trump often departs from the truth
JFC this is way too low.
Such a softball way of putting it. More like “lies every time he breathes”.
Even the softball way can’t get 2/3!
And yet a good chunk of that 2/3 is willing to vote for him anyways.
The problem is that half of America likes fascism.
Fascism thrives on establishing an “In” group that has all the power and all the rights, and an “Out” group that gets nothing but suffering and is scapegoated for everything. You can guess which group that half thinks they’ll be a part of.
The problem is that they always need an “out” group. So what happens when you get rid of all of the illegal immigrants? Suddenly, you’re no longer part of the “in” group because you’re neurodivergent or have the wrong color eyes. Or whatever becomes the new “out” group.
Then you’re dead
My hypothesized order of scapegoats is:
- Non-cis gender identity
- Sexual orientation
- Neurodivergence
- Race
- Women
- Wealth
They can’t be too obvious about the end state being the rich having absolute domination over the poor, nor can they jump straight to demographics that have historically fought for equal rights.
You forgot people of color and people who don’t hold an ever-narrowing definition of correct religious faith. And people belonging to unions.
This. Half of America likes fascist ideas, but don’t want to to support THE WORD “fascism” since that’s a bad word. Fucking idjits.
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You can’t fight fascism with fascism. 😒
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You really can’t, because once they killed off the conservatives they’d move on to a new target to kill off. Fascism is a project that can’t ever be finished, it always requires new enemies to exterminate.
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Tell that to history.
Cutting off your balls to spite your dick
This would be big news if having a majority actually mattered.
Meanwhile %90 europe sees Trump a fascist
Unfortunately not true. When I look at how many people have been voting on the right recently. For example among AfD voters in Germany (which got 30% in some areas), Trump is still very popular. The cancer is rampant here too.
I think it’s wrong to think that because the right supports Trump that they don’t think he’s a fascist. A significant portion of those on the right support Trump because they think he’s a fascist.
The important questions are, of the Americans who think Trump is a fascist:
How many think it should disqualify him?
How many plan to vote for him despite him being a fascist?
How many plan to vote for him because he’s a fascist?
A good chunk of Trump’s cancer is caused by terrible left wing policy.
I hate Trump and everything about the far right, but I can understand people falling in love with the idea of a strongman who will cut through bullshit and do what people want.
The left is supposed to mitigate income inequality, and make life good for their citizens.
Both left/right idealogies are entirely owned by corporate interests across the globe - this is the crux of the entire issue.
The problems facing the middle class are entirely artificial and intentional. There are a myriad of reasons, but the end result is that we have one societies/laws/reality for the wealthy, and a completely different set of rules for the population.
The left promises to solve everything with equality and the right promises to resolve everything with hierarchy.
Neither idealogy has any intention of doing anything but funnel as much money/power to big business until their political careers are done.
The obvious difference is the “Right” idealogies are objectively bad for everyone but the ultra wealthy. Unfortunately being ultra wealthy gives you the ability to own national anti-reality propaganda networks.
The US doesn’t have a left wing.
Even that number is too low compared to what it should be.
The other half lick his boots
I’m pretty sure a good percentage of those who believe him a fascists also approve of that
If you’re shoulder to shoulder supporting the same leaders and policies that Neo-Nazis are, I got some bad news for ya.
If you’re sitting at a table alone, and 10 Nazis come to sit with you and you don’t get up, there are now 11 Nazis at that table.
They’ll just call your bad news “fake news” and move on with their day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The other half is stupid
No, the other half just doesn’t know what fascism means.
Or they know and are ok with it because they’re cis, white, males who call themselves christian.
They think it’s a condiment
Only half? America is so weird
At least a third don’t know what fascism is. We do not do education well. It’s how we ended up here in the first place.
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Don’t you mean Italy?
Is there some pop culture reference that I’m unaware of, or why are you talking nonsense?
The reference is to Champagne and Sparkling Wine
US decided they can call their Sparkling Wine Champagne because people were choosing the foreign product
Sure, ok. It’s just odd to suggest that nazi germany was the first or has a claim to the word.
Fascism has a very long history, with many recognised variations. National Socialism (ie. Nazi state) is just one instance, and far from the first. Most people think of Mussolini’s Italy when they think of fascism - also not the first though.
The word itself derives from the latin “fasces” (a bundle [of sticks]), and had political connotations back then.
Not sure of the origin but I’ve read enough brain-dead takes that are similar in idea.
So every Democrat voter basically and no Republican voter sees him as one.
Not quite every Democratic voter as it’s only 50%. Every Democrat and a majority of independents said he lies since that was 2/3rds and a bit over 30% of the population are Republicans with another about 10% being made up of right leaning independents.
Among registered voters who think Trump is a fascist, 8% support him anyway.
Probably a few Republicans in there.
and the half that dont cant even spell fascist
Half of Americans don’t view him as a fascist and will gladly vote for him, and a portion of the other half sees it as a sign of leadership
And the other half love him for it.
… Yet a good chunk will vote for him anyway, because they think Trump is hurting the right people.