What is your go-to Anime whenever you want to feel cozy and warm inside? I loved Toradora back in the day, and I am trying to find other anime like it. I also watched Golden Time and Horimiya, and they were both good as well!
Yuru Camp! Just cute girls cooking and camping.
I’ve rewatched it 3 or 4 times. My other go to for cozy is Girls und Panzer.
I saw this last year because I happened upon it on netflix: Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai. It’s a bit horny, but it does have a lot of slice-of-life scenes and moments.
Nichijou was the first thing I thought of. It’s just so carefree and cute, but unexpectedly wild. I love absurdist humor, too.
On top of that it’s the first time I really “got” anime, so it’s sentimental. I clicked with it hardcore, and was embarrassed about it for a while.
Just imagine anime night with the bros, watching sword art, and you’re the only one who just needs to fit in another episode of Nichijou lol
+1 for Nichijou. <3
I could not love Nichijou more.
Mushishi and Kino’s Journey
We still go with K-On. Girls doing cute stuff and being kind of stupid is just great.
Silver Spoon is all I’m going to say.
Damn it, Blue Period too.
Acchi Kocchi. just two oblivious kids crushing on each other in that “it’s obvious to everyone except them” sort of way. format wise it’s skit based, almost like if Lucky Star had been written to be more wholesome and less crude.
btw, i’d also appreciate recs from any other Acchi Kocchi enjoyers in the thread 😉
Aria the Animation
My Neighbor Totoro and Castle in the Sky.
For me Nichijou, Hyouka
Shirokuma Cafe (polar bear’s Cafe).
- Hidamari Sketch
- Lucky Star
- Non Non Biyori
- Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
- Gochuumon wa Usagi desuka?
- Tanaka kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Hidamari Sketch is very underrated and is much less well known than it’s contemporaries like Lucky Star, but it’s basically the comfiest thing ever. Any CGDCT/SOL could work for this (Nichijou, Yuyushiki, Kiniro Mozaiku, K-ON!, …) but I specifically chose shows with a slower tempo.
How to Keep a Mummy is sickeningly adorable.
Or As Miss Beelzebub Likes, but then I just want an Azazel of my own…
- The angel next door spoils me rotten
- Non Non Biyori
- Akebis sailor uniform
- Sakura Trick
- the dangers in my heart
- tamako love story
My Roommate Is a Cat is hard to beat in my opinion.