Unless you have a particular reason for sticking to POSIX, who cares? I’ll take the user experience improvement without worry.
Cuteness enjoyer.
Unless you have a particular reason for sticking to POSIX, who cares? I’ll take the user experience improvement without worry.
I like fish abbreviations. They are like aliases but expand when you press space or enter. That way you can edit it, and also still see the full command so you are less likely to forget it when you don’t have your aliases. Of course I have some scripts as well.
Is suckless surf small enough? https://surf.suckless.org/
Well, you don’t. But let’s think about it. The micro controller in it could easily log your keys. But logging data without retrieving it is rather useless. Either the keyboard itself has hardware to send out the data or it sends the data via your computer. The first one is absurd, what is that supposed to be, a satellite connection? The second one is not any different from having any old keylogger installed on your computer. The keyboard does the first step of collecting the keystrokes but every keyboard does that. The program does the second step of sending the data out over the internet but every keylogger does that. So could the software bundled with it be a keylogger? Sure but probably not. Making a whole company and production line with a product just to distribute a keylogger is quite overkill and risky when found out. With this line of thinking any software you install could be a keylogger, which it can be but is probably not the case. In short, there is nothing special about a keyboard that makes it more likely to be a keylogger than any other device or software. If you are somehow paranoid about this you can build your own keyboard and flash your own firmware to its micro controller. I did that but not for the reason of keyloggers, I just wanted to design and build my own keyboard.
Something I cooked up, it’s a regular horizontal staggered board but other than that very similar to the Corne indeed.
I daily one with 42 keys and I almost never use 2 of them.
I don’t, I didn’t do it back then and I ended up using this system for much longer than I thought I would(4+ years). I want to do it next time but I don’t feel like reinstalling just for that.
I always shut it down every night, so usually not much more than 12 hours at best.
My terminal doesn’t “scroll” at all. Page up and down is all I need. I also don’t smooth scroll in my browser usually. Does it add anything? Isn’t smooth scrolling just worse actually (just like any other animation ever)?. The sooner the screen stops moving the sooner your eyes can lock on, focus and read. I never payed attention to it but you say it’s not widely supported, and that kinda makes sense to me. I can’t think of any reason to have it. I do lots of things in the terminal, I don’t even have a file manager. Smooth scrolling would make me slower and I would go crazy. Also you could scroll and end up with half a line visible on the top or bottom, which is just kinda weird and wasting space.
Personally I wouldn’t call that replacing. But that’s probably because I am a deranged minimalist. I can’t answer this thread because technically I didn’t remove anything that my installation started out with.
Do you really replace bash though? I also use fish but even as a relatively deranged minimalist I haven’t removed bash as it has so many dependents.
Ah ok. It is understandable that there will be some false positives. I understand it better now, thanks for the explanation.
Does it say “failed external validation” when it thinks it’s illegal? I tried re-uploading a community logo which is a crop of a frame from an anime but it quickly flashed such an error in the corner of the screen. Is anything copyrighted illegal? I have had some images not shown up for a long while, didn’t know this could be it.
The picture for reference:
I don’t know of any. I do like keyboard based workflows so I have VimiumC in firefox which does what you want. A tiling window manager is the solution for the desktop environment part. The tricky part is navigating existing GUI apps.
They all work using macOS’ accessibility API which exposes UI elements for programmatic interaction.
Because linux doesn’t have a unified framework because of our freedom, things like this are very tricky if not practically infeasible (at least as far as I know).
edit: There was also a thing where you divide up the screen recursively with keyboard shortcuts and when the intersection hovered over whatever you want to click you could hit a key and it would generate a mouseclick there. I forgot the name, never tried it either. But a plus is that it doesn’t need applications to implement a certain API to work so it would work system wide.
Didn’t know about Veilid.
Hidamari Sketch is very underrated and is much less well known than it’s contemporaries like Lucky Star, but it’s basically the comfiest thing ever. Any CGDCT/SOL could work for this (Nichijou, Yuyushiki, Kiniro Mozaiku, K-ON!, …) but I specifically chose shows with a slower tempo.
Man I used to do SketchUp all the time in middle/high school, so nostalgic.
So you use default vim bindings with dvorak? I use neovim and type in qgmlwy but I remapped the bindings in my config.