They look unseasoned and could be cut a little smaller, but are cooked well… the good news is that those are way easier to fix
All you really need for tasty roasted potatoes is salt, which you wouldn’t be able to see. Paired with some garlic mayo ideally.
Rosemary is a must
They don’t look great but they definitely look like roasted potatoes… I don’t see what the problem is here
Removed by mod
Cool… So now I’ve seen two pictures of roasted potatoes. Still not sure what the issue is here. Just because they’re not seasoned to your liking doesn’t mean it’s not roasted potatoes lol
Would you like this whole half of a potato I have baked seasoned only with vegetable oil? No? Why don’t you like my roasted potatoes?!
Potatoes are good as is imo. Put some butter on them and you’re golden
They absorb flavors from the roast beef they are cooked with. All they need is a little salt to taste.
I never said they look like good roasted potatoes lol looks like they could use some salt and pepper for sure
You’re right. Technically one would call this roasted potatoes.
Quite an achievement, yeah?
Edit: the downvotes is peak comedy for me. Gotta love it.
I’m glad we could come to an agreement lol!
I don’t know why people are downvoting you I thought the whole thing was funny
UK Roasties look exactly like the one posted first. They tend to be made by par boiling potatoes and then roasted in some oil or a fat. Not shitty food porn. It’s how they’re traditionally done.
Traditional can still be shitty.
Said by someone who has clearly not travelled the world and tasted “white people” food
Ah you’re also from a UK community! That’s everything I need to know.
Edit: The UK mods should just ban me from their instance because I’m obviously a menace to everything they stand for.
They honestly dont look that bad. They just need some more fat and maybe some herbs.
Presentation could be improved but they look like alright roasted potatoes to me
After you’ve par-boiled them, drain them and put them back into the empty pan with the lid on. Take outside (helps if it’s cold!) and lift the lid for a couple of seconds so that steam escapes. This makes the outside of the spuds go fluffy, and it’ll crisp up nicely in the oven.
You can also put some around the meat (if you’re roasting some) and let them absorb the delicious grease.
(Also you’ll need more than that)
Delicious lipids
I’ll have to try your outside steam trick.
I’m in Canada, so I’m sure that will be very interesting in a couple of months when we’re in winter! The cold does an incredible job pulling out any humidity or moisture.
They look fine. Maybe some rosemary? Decently browned, too. All I’d worry about is “new potatoes” getting gummy when slow-cooked.
Garlic powder and salt when they come out, spritz of lemon, she’ll be right.
Chunks are much too big. With the amount (or lack of) seasoning put on those, eating a single one would be a chore of flavorless potato mush. They need to slice them thinner, quarter them, or stop being afraid of seasoning.
Mush? You know those things are dry and hard on the inside
Not when baked?
I clearly know a very different level of cook than you do
I see the before picture but where is the after picture?
They look unevenly cut, under done, and insufficiently seasoned.
the seasoning i don’t care about, you can just add as much salt as you want at the table and it’s fine, but man they need to go for like at least another 10 minutes.
You put herbal seasoning on the potatoes before roasting so they take on the flavors.
…i know how seasoning works, my point is that i don’t care and just adding salt after is still perfectly fine, potatoes are inherently tasty with just a little salt added at any point.
This is the most “English food is spicy” take I’ve read this entire year.
wat? most things taste fine with just some salt lol, salt is the universal seasoning, this is basic cooking knowledge.
Other seasonings are great too, but without salt you’ll always have something kinda sad, and salt doesn’t strictly need anything else.
there’s no way they’re cooked evenly at that size unless they were sous vided ahead of time
Maybe by CasualUK standards.
Great Depression taters
They look wet
Kinda looks like sweet potatoes.
In case it isn’t:
Olive Oil, Fresh Rosemary, Salt & Pepper.
Throw some roughly cut Carrots, Celery Root and an Onion in there as well.
About 30 minutes at 180 - 200 degrees celsius (dependent on oven). Bam! Good eats for you and yours.
If it is sweet potatoes, I can’t help as I’ve only tried them once and didn’t care for them.
3.6/5. Not great, not terrible.