If they wanted to read on a phone/Normal display, they wouldn’t have asked for recommendations.
Hello 🥳
If they wanted to read on a phone/Normal display, they wouldn’t have asked for recommendations.
Batman Begins, Pretty good!
I just wear proper fitting underwear.
I use a Asus ZenDrive V1M
I hope the company goes out of business.
Personally I just run a ThinkCentre mini pc with Fedora. Bluetooth keyboard/trackpad; Sorted. Not as convenient as a remote but don’t need to fiddle with stuff.
You can get them cheap used on eBay
99% of my Feed on Bluesky was just people saying they’ve left Twitter for Bluesky. No amount of suggest less of this helped.
Covid happened.
UK Roasties look exactly like the one posted first. They tend to be made by par boiling potatoes and then roasted in some oil or a fat. Not shitty food porn. It’s how they’re traditionally done.
How much butter do you go through a week lmao
Uninstall OneDrive, Never had a popup. Not that fucking hard jesus christ.
They use it because the general public don’t care what Elon/X is doing, They just want to see posts and they can still do that.
It was the NDS (and 3DS), Now It’s the switch (hopefully a successor is on the way…)
I like all consoles in general and have had most modern ones up til Xbox One S and PS4.
Only own a PC and Switch now.
I like the portable form factor, I don’t feel the need for a Deck as I can play everything I want on my current devices.
99% of people think all mobile games should be free to use. So they go for P2W to make money.
They wouldnt make anywhere close to the amount they do via P2W if they did an upfront cost.
It’s also on the Switch!
I can’t imagine wearing shoes indoors (at home), My feet are kept warm by socks.
They need to hire more people as they can’t even push out updates they showed off on time.
1 crap mob added via voting nobody likes
You can see the box around the garlic text and it says Vanilla in bottom left.
Get an external SSD if you can’t open the laptop, Modern laptops will have a fast usb c port available (I use mine for VR).
They also talk about playing ToTK on the laptop too…
“Will Tears of the Kingdom take up the space they otherwise would have occupied?”
I know you can emulate but this writer wtf
If they can make money off you, they will.