Like a Kingdom Hearts character…
Like a Kingdom Hearts character…
Mumble is a terrific VOIP program. It’s audio quality and reliability are WAY better than discord. But it does not nearly have enough features to be a good replacement. It’s missing features like being able to stream in-app, share videos, keep and pin messages in different channels, pinging system for people and groups… The list goes on. These are features that groups and communities have come to rely on.
An analogy would be like comparing an incredibly good tent to a shitty house. While the tent is probably comfier to sleep in, eventually you’re going to want things like outlets, kitchen appliances, toilets, and showers which make the shitty house the better long-term choice.
Those years were around the time he was very pro-LGBT and human rights. Seems like he stopped taking the “we’re all connected” drugs and started taking the “I’m amazing and better than everyone” drugs.
“Hey! That store you don’t shop at? Make sure you continue to not shop there for the next 40 days! That’ll show the elites!”
When DOGE infiltrated the Department of Education, several Democratic congresspeople, with media circus in tow, went to the DoE building but were stopped by a single skinny man, with no uniform, who produced no ID, and claimed to be security hired by Musk. A toddler could have pushed past him. Instead, they gave up and left.
Some Republicans have been having meetings with constituents. Why not crash the meetings? Ask hard questions. Make the republicans answer or show them running like cowards.
The left is desperate for new blood and new leadership. So, after the election, the DNC circled the wagons, and gave us… Hakeem Jeffries. Picking leadership that actually inspires people, instead of putting the same bland ghouls up on a pedestal, might actually get people to pay attention. Instead it feels like they have no plan other than to wait out the storm and turning to the same old playbook that’s made them lose to Trump. Twice.
Last night, Al Green was the only representative that spoke out during the speech. The rest of the Democrats either stood silently, or held tiny signs like Wile E. Coyote in the most pathetic, childish, display of resistance I’ve ever seen. Imagine instead if there was a string of constant interruptions as they all walked out, one by one.
So yes, there is actually quite a lot they could do besides “raise awareness and hope voters do better in 2026.” Saying there’s nothing they can do is serving bullshit and claiming it’s sirloin. Trump has signaled that the rules of law do not apply, so maybe start bending or breaking those rules? They have left it up to the people to protest. I haven’t seen a single member of the DNC calling for action. Why should the left be motivated to protest if our leaders won’t even acknowledge us, let alone stand with us?
If someone I don’t like or interact with says they support me, that is not me “teaming up” with them.
The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
People hate whenever Brave is mentioned… But when it comes to privacy, I have not regretted my decision to use it
One of my best friends was a dude from Philadelphia who was a republican who became friends with the mortal enemy of the republican party
He became friends with the concept of education?
Yea! I was told that the genocide was single-handedly Biden’s fault and then single-handedly Kamala’s fault and that’s why we couldn’t vote for them! It’s a good thing we didnt too. It was important to send a message to the Democrats that we think genocide as bad. And what better way to send that message than to elect someone who pushes even harder for it?!
Nope, they aren’t brown enough to be on the list.
Soyboy stealth archer has to slowly sneak around and line up shots one at a time. If spotted, he must hide, or run, until aggro drops and he can start sneaking again.
Chad two-handed weapon user boldly charges in and power attacks anything that moves until all that’s left are bloody corpses. When spotted, enemies will rush him, saving him the trouble of having to hunt them down.
Hard no. Extremely hard no. This is the kind of crap our parents would make and serve.
For anyone with taste buds, let’s be abundantly clear on something: steaming vegetables is perhaps the WORST way to cook them.
Unless you are eating them raw, or using them as an ingredient in a larger dish, almost all vegetables should be roasted/grilled to bring out and caramelize their natural sugars. Steaming them strips away a lot of the nutrients and flavors, leaving you with tasteless mush. Like you’re cooking the soul out of them and leaving only a sad memory of what they could have been.
Nah, this is crazier. Ignore the DEI angle and this is a state suing a company for the crime of not being profitable. That’s way more out of the norm than a racist gunman shooting people because he’s racist.
It’s absolutely the case here. It’s the retailers buying from them that have to pay the tariffs, not the manufacturer. So they’re not increasing costs to make up for the tariffs, they’re just increasing costs that retailers will have to pay ON TOP OF the extra they’re already having to pay for the tariffs.
Its like a company trying to justify increasing the cost of their goods just because the sales tax on their goods went up. The company’s profits are unchanged by the tax increase, it’s just the consumer who’s getting screwed twice.
Early in my engineering career, I was told that a screw hole on a part needed to be increased one size. Not knowing any better, I increased the size but made the thread count the same. Little did I know that the machine shop head had recently gotten unfairly grilled by management about following engineering drawings to a T, and had adopted an attitude of malicious compliance. So rather than reach out to engineering to check if they really needed this obscure thread size, he instead just went ahead and purchased a new $7000 threading tool for that size that would never be used again.
I learned a lot that day about common fastener sizes and to always be nice to the machine shop head.
A few weeks back a bunch of Democratic Congresspeople went to the Department of Education with a whole media circus in tow, and were blocked from entering by a single small man, who couldn’t have weighed more than 150lbs soaking wet, who claimed to be hired by Musk and working for the federal government despite not providing any ID. The Democrats gave up and left.
Like fucking what? Are you kidding me? You are members of Congress! Just fucking push past him! Either that security guard has the authority to keep you out, in which case they’d have to go through the terrible fucking optics of arresting a sitting congressperson for accessing a government building, or he doesn’t actually have the authority in which case you have a duty to tell him to fuck off.
They’re just spineless.
I bought Black Flag a few years ago during a steam sale because I heard it was good, but never got around to playing it.
Last week I decided to finally give it a try. Got it downloaded, only to be asked to sign in with my UPlay account. Ok, pain in the ass, but whatever. Got my password reset and entered it in and then… Nothing. Login window closes, game does not launch.
I scoured the internet looking for a solution and found a ton of people with the same issue. I also found many reported “fixes” that did not work for me, nor for anyone else judging by the numerous replies to each of them saying the “fixes” did nothing.
So cool, and since I bought it years ago, it’s not like I can refund it. Guess I bought a game I won’t ever be able to play unless I decide to pirate it. Ironic. Thanks Ubisoft!
I mean, he was incredibly rich. That probably helped.
Name a non-US country in the Americas that is not