Every single one of them look like their eyes are about to roll right out of their heads.
Top left has some vulcan eyebrows going on.
Looks to me like she’s done with his shit and about to use the nerve pinch to stop him.
They look like college students who were told to act.
Thanks for the explanation 🙄
You should really pay attention more, and you won’t miss little details like that.
I mean, at most meetings I shift between holding back rolling my eyes, and forcing them open so I don’t fall asleep.
Us-vs-them attitudes are super cool and good.
People like you would think that.
Edit: /s, since it apparently wasn’t obvious.
You would say that.
You’re both just the same as each other.
No u
You’re just like your father.
Oh of course you would take her side
Generally I do agree with that statement. But I think this can be taken in a lighthearted manner. Not every joke needs to be so PC to the point where you’re afraid to say anything and all humor is lost. Humor is subjective tho so I think it’s fair to not like the joke.
Literally just a person talking in a group to other people. How is this a science meme?
When you work at a university the marketing department is always a meme.
When I was in college, the science department was a group of people at a table going, “Hey nerd! I bet you like computers, don’t you?”
And I did and I walked over.
It’s our word now
Us nerds might not run the world, but we run the Internet which all the non-nerds depend on. Checkmate,
Fuuuuck, they cover the walls of our science buildings with those now. It’s like, how much are you spending on this shit, but you can’t fix the fucking HVAC in the building?
It’s mainly funny, because all the women look bored out of their mind. It makes it look like they’re letting Greg blather on, even though none of his points are novel to them. And Greg has such a massive ego that he doesn’t notice no one is listening to him.
Obviously, yes, Greg probably is just a person without ego talking normally. But him being the only dude in the picture and the only one talking, the mansplaining interpretation is a little too close for comfort, which makes it funny.
"It’s mainly funny, because all the women look bored out of their mind. "
That’s just how people look in most academic conversations.
I wonder why they don’t leave, why do they subject themselves to this guy’s domination?
are they weak or something?
It’s a stock photo, people always look kinda awkward in them.
well, my whole class looked like that when we had to listen to the teacher, aint that so in the usa?
not most of the time, but from time to time.
The picture seems to be from Australia, I’m from Germany, so uh, no idea about the USA. 🙃
And yes, that can be a normal situation, but if we recognize that it’s a joke, we can still see the resemblance and find that humorous.
yeah, it took it far to serious, let it be a joke. ;-)
ich hab auch schon so gelangweilt an einem großen tisch gestanden, in einer gruppe von gelangweilten menschen.
We can’t have a dude explain things to girls because girls can’t be interested in what a guy has to say. Girls good. Guys bad.
I’m more intrigued by what appears to be a ghost arm behind his right shoulder.
It’s the hair of yet another lady sitting in the background.
Okay, the building name is the chef’s kiss.
Nice! Amazing what a few extra pixels can do.
I thought he had a huge ponytail
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Looks like the back of someone’s head to me, but the picture is kind of blurry
Fats his fabulous raccoon’s tail.
Dude must drive a
T-topR-top trans-am
a ghost arm behind his right shoulder.
The arm of the student who literally died of boredom.
It looks to me like the back of his chair. Ghost arm is much more entertaining, though.
Its ok. He’s probably explaining how menstruation works
…are you presuming her gender?..it’s a woman’s right to grow a beard if she chooses…
One joke
I choose to believe the more wholesome version that this is their gay, autistic, and genuinely endearing friend who got started on his special interest without realizing that nobody else cared, and his friends otherwise like him enough that they’re trying to figure out how to move the conversation forward without hurting his feelings after they all lost interest minutes ago.
“So during Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Spock is passing through decks in the Enterprise, and we see one called Deck 78. Now you see, this class of Enterprise only has 23 decks, and so unless we assume someone misnamed this deck, how did this one get here? Some fans have speculated that maybe maybe Q put it there as a practical joke to confuse the audience, but why would Q use the number 78 specifically? This could be a reference to the episode All Our Yesterdays in The Original Series which is production code 78. In this episode, Spock reverts to being emotional like his primitive ancestors after traveling back through time, and this could be hinting to the idea that he secretly feels emotions for his half-brother Sybok who’s the antagonist of the movie.”
Go on…
After successfully docking with his long-lost step brother, the Enterprise ventures off after Q, anonymously masquerading as 78 Christmas trees each one representing the different layers of love that Spock feels towards the 23 decks.
78 could be a continuation of 47
How is that more wholesome than “person speaking in a group”?
The interpretation in the rest of this thread is that this man is being a sexist, condescending douchebag to his peers. I hope “overly enthusiastic about your favorite subjects” is better than that.
Fair enough. But it doesn’t look like either of those, it’s looks like a tutor or study group and they’re literally just having a conversation. I guess I’m not surprised some people on lemmy don’t know what a conversation among friends looks like.
I dunno, the one in the top right looks like she’s seriously reconsidering her life choices…
Yeah i said “a tutor or study group”
Do you even study something if you don’t reconsider your life choices at a regular basis?
Neither do you, it seems. Given this is an ad for a university, it’s pretty clear to me this is intended to represent some type of group project or study group.
Doesn’t imply they’re friends at all.
I literally said “like a tutor or study group”
Learn to read.
I dunno, I typically made friends with the people I worked on projects and studied with.
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Why can’t there just not be people deciding he’s being condescending for being straight and tutoring some girls?
Because if you don’t create division, how will the billionaires get even more rich?
It’s actually 40k Lore studies
Do you like 40k lore?
Their facial expressions are like they think Magnus did nothing wrong.
All of those faces look really annoyed.
If it doesn’t scream “mansplaining” it at least says “this meeting could have been an email”.
All of those faces look really annoyed.
That’s how you know you’re doing it correctly.
How about a masters in propaganda on social media?
That’s called Marketing.
The term “public relations” is literally propaganda to make propaganda look better. It was just called propaganda before WWII but then there was a propaganda campaign to increase local resistance to propaganda from the Nazis and then the Communists. And it worked, so they needed more propaganda to get the local propaganda to work again.
I bet you listen to podcasts.
This was bait to get you to mention the podcasts you are listening to so I could either say “me too!” or find something new to listen to.
What you said about propaganda was reminiscent of Amy Westervelt’s research in “Rigged.”
Mainsplaining sounds more like a liberal arts degree to me.
Yeah, and those are for women /s
“It’s about this long”
“I’d never pooped a log so big before and didn’t realize it was possible”
“Had to hand-lower it in to prevent splashback. WorkSafe you know”
About 5.5" standard sized.
This meme gave me some comic relief, thanks for posting! But the comments here are horrible. I would like to forget how lemmy is mostly cis dudes but it’s moments like these it gets super apparent… :(
Maybe you’ll like my interpretation of this image! I believe those women are a coven of witches politely waiting for that guy to finish talking so they can begin their ritual sacrifice to The Morrigan.
It’s important to show people their own biases which is why I do not remove a lot.
Let me help you with the cis dude perspective. I’ll explain it to you in a way you can understand. I’m a guy, I know. . . . /s
We should all be decent, empathetic, and compassionate enough people that the demographic breakdown doesn’t create a negative effect like that.
I’m one of the many cis dudes here, and I just cannot get offended when it gets pointed out that other dudes can be assholes. Or that other Americans can be assholes. Or other humans, for that matter.
Unfortunately that is hardly ever the case. Most people’s way to think about themselves and how they act differs greatly and thus they have to bridge this gap in some way. People like to think of themselves as tolerant, open-minded or empathetic, but once you start to confront them in any way with how they are acting problematic in any way, they usually start to get defensive or try to twist reality around so that it fits with their positive view on themselves. And by “confronting” I don’t necessarily mean that you even have to actually have to tell them about this mismatch, just by existing as a person can trigger this reaction in person. That is, only by being trans or by beingvegan people think that they have to defend themselves somehow. And it gets even trickier to actively help people reflect upon their own actions. The huge number of people that have tried to explain me that discrimination isn’t real is so frustrating. Most people life in their fantasy world not wanting to think critically about themselves. And if one has these mental barriers, empathy or compassion doesn’t really help either because in order to protect their skewed view on themselves they cannot access their empathy.
I am a man, therefore i lemmy.
It’s so funny because he looks so sincere and precious and all the women look so annoyed but polite haha
Those women are waiting for him to finish so they can correct the numerous errors in his scientific reasoning.
I don’t think so. You can tell by their billion miles stare they don’t have much of a choice but to put up with his crap for now.
It’s true. He’s the student trying to work through his proposal.
Or beat him to within an inch of his life, as the case may be
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This has always happened to women. I mean, men do it do men too, but other men counteract that by doing it too. As a cis man I’ve encountered way too many cringe worthy situations from my fellow men.
If you’re never experienced mansplaining you might now actually know what it is about.
Oh yes. Only men mansplain. It’s in the genetics.
Do trans men also mansplain? They’re biologically female, so they might be incapable.
It isn’t only men, it is just the biggest group.
Us men are taught that our opinion is always valuable. A noble goal I am sure.
But women still get too many “go back to the kitchen” comments whenever they give their opinion. From the more sleazy and sexist people around.
Yes, every person has the potential to mansplain, but the group that gets attacked for it the most (even if it is not called mansplaining) tend to do it less.
Us men are taught that our opinion is always valuable.
As a man I’ve been told no one wants my opinion since the 2000s so I’m not sure where you’re getting this from.
It ever was? I was a kid back then, my opinion has never been valued and never will.
There’s that saying about equality in an unequal society feeling like oppression. I think it applies here. Of course I don’t know your particular life circumstances but I would bet you’re being a bit hyperbolic.
You went off the rail when you used “women” and “men” instead of “people”.
I’m not exactly sure which one is more frequent, the behaviour itself or the accusation thereof as thought- and conversation-terminating cliche, but both suck donkey ass. OTOH it’s not some special grand thing in itself, either, it’s plain old failure to relate and communicate.
Of course it sucks when both do it. But one group does it far more often. Your argument sounds like the “all lives matter” of “black lives matter”.
But one group does it far more often.
With “one group” you presumably mean egocentric people in general, and nothing sexed. Because otherwise: Citation or you’re a sexist. And with “citation” I mean “controlled for perceptive biases”.
Your argument sounds like the “all lives matter” of “black lives matter”.
Plenty of citations for racial bias by US police so no, it really shouldn’t. Side note though: The moment the assclowns came up with “all lives matter” the BLM folks should have jumped on it and used it themselves. It’s a much more powerful message, and impossible to argue against. With the momentum they had they could easily have drowned out the racists.
It’s the same way the student protests for palestine died out. The message was inpalatable to the general public because of the rhetoric that was used, whether or not it’s “correct” in the academic sense.
“Mansplaining isn’t real, but quick sidenote here is how the black community should have handled their outrage if they wanted to be more effective.”
By the way, the entire point was to explicitly point out that BLACK lives matter, because they are systematically treated as if they do not, and BLM was an attempt to force people to come to terms with that fact. “All lives matter” is a hollow, whitewashed response that gave racists a shield to hide behind, allowing them to pretend like they cared about “all” lives, but really from its inception all it meant was “White lives matter.” Co-opting that slogan would have just allowed everyone to brush the conversation under the rug even more quickly than they did.
Mansplaining isn’t real,
Not a thing I said.
but quick sidenote here is how
That was Eurosplaining. I do that all the time to Yanks and I stand by it.
And yes MLK was rotating in his grave that day. What’s your point, here? That it would befit me to want to see black folks being ineffective in their struggle? Is that really where you want to go with this? Want to continue racistjacketing me?
And just for the record I already talked about this with actual BLM organisers. They agreed, it was a missed opportunity, hindsight is 20/20, etc. The issue isn’t even lack of institutional knowledge – the civil rights movement is literally the textbook case on how to stage such things effectively – the “trouble” (not really, but form this perspective) is that the whole movement gained momentum so quickly that people didn’t have time to organise properly.
Co-opting that slogan would have just allowed everyone to brush the conversation under the rug even more quickly than they did.
Co-opting that slogan would have carried on momentum that was broken by getting into a fight with the slogan. It allowed energy to be diverted from opposing specific state structures to opposing a slogan.
This isn’t about “oh but white racists came up with it so now it’s a bad slogan”, it’s not about dictionary semantics at all that’s not how social movements or political messaging works. If Black people shout “All lives matter” then that’s saying “Hey we’re people too”. It’s saying “Not just your lives matter”. It’s also saying “if your schizophrenic kid got shot by out of control police, go come join us”: It allows for a broader movement, overall more solidarity.
You know what’s the worst part about this? The right is really good at this kind of stuff. They understand it. They didn’t go out saying “Black lives don’t matter” or “Fuck N****s”, they went out chanting “All lives matter”. Because they knew exactly that it was their most effective shot at breaking BLM’s momentum, even though they sure as fuck don’t care about all lives.
The creator of critical race theory (a very famous and highly regarded black lawyer and law professor) would agree with this guy. If you don’t believe me, look him up. He argued for segregation to remain the law of the land when Brown V BoE occurred, but for ‘separate but equal’ to be actually enforced. Instead, schools were desegregated to change the global American image in the name of the Cold War and fighting the ideological battle. His vision would have seen eventual desegregation over a period of time on a set path to avoid the mass violence and angry sentiment incurred by too fast a change. The same thing happens today with trans and gay people getting called groomers. We were doing alright (in the US) until Obergefell V Hodges. Same thing.
He argued for segregation to remain the law of the land when Brown V BoE occurred, but for ‘separate but equal’ to be actually enforced.
I’m very sure I said nothing about any of that and I’m pretty sure I don’t agree with that take. Even if it actually was viable, as in politically possible to have equality while segregation continues, it sounds like ripping of a bandage slowly, very slowly.
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Buddy, you just went off the rail when you decided that means anything other than specifically including both genders in the ‘not caring’ category.
mansplained like a true splain
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Previously to the word mansplaining this was just men being sexist.
I’m surprised Oldsplaining doesn’t exist as a word.
Running commentary would still have the same concepts, just not encapsulated in a single word
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