The Declaration would be one thing, but the real win would be getting him to read the Constitution.
The Declaration would be one thing, but the real win would be getting him to read the Constitution.
It will have to get really bad before people actually say it out loud. There are probably already a significant number of people who are thinking it, but to actually admit they were wrong or shortsighted?
The American conservative machine is built on always doubling down, never admitting you’re wrong, never conceding, and never expressing doubts. Admitting you’re wrong is “losing.” They might vote in accordance with the belief that they were wrong (though more likely they’ll just stay home), but they won’t say it out loud.
I mean, the only question at this point is really whether he was one before he ran the first time or if that happened later.
If that’s all this is, then it shouldn’t be terribly difficult to provide a list of all the third parties they transmit data to and why; they could divide it out by “on by default” and “off by default,” and include the data that’s sent to them and how it’s anonymized or aggregated. That would be the easiest possible way to quell the concerns of users, but they’re still being cagey about all of that.
And when you opt-in to those services, you should be presented with their terms.
I’m aware of the feature, it’s been around since before I left. I’m saying that it looks functionally like they coded it to be nothing more than a subreddit named for you, in which you’re the only one allowed to post. They may have put some sort of flashy nonsense over the top of it, but that’s pretty much what it is.
There are in fact a ton of services that browsers interface with on behalf of a user. Always have been. For example, Firefox uses the Google Safe Browsing service to protect against phishing. They use location services to fulfill the Geolocation API. They call DNS servers to find the website you want, etc, etc.
Firefox doesn’t need a TOU to access those. Those aren’t owned or operated by Mozilla. And there hasn’t been anything that has been added to Mozilla which would require such a change over the non-terms the application was provided under for twenty years.
Applications do have terms, they’re called EULA’s. It’s the same idea. Also nothing new, I’ve been clicking through that shit since the year 2000.
Yes, and Firefox had one until 2014. They then replaced it with the MPL2.0, “a free software license, which gives you the right to run the program for any purpose, to study how it works, to give copies to your friends and to modify it to meet your needs better. There is no separate End User License Agreement (EULA).”
So clearly not required.
The problem isn’t what the TOU says, it’s the fact that there’s a TOU at all. The browser isn’t a service that needs terms, it’s an application that shouldn’t have any.
I hope you’re right, at least to a point. Carter was following up the absolute disaster that was the Nixon administration by removing significant amounts of power from the executive, codifying norms that Nixon had flouted, and showing a conciliatory, less-combative presence on the world stage within a fairly flammable geopolitical context. All of that is exactly, to the letter, what we need from the 48th president.
Now, sure, Carter lost to Reagan. But I get the feeling that Walz wouldn’t suffer such a fool.
I’ve been saying this for ages. Even as someone who’s more-or-less against the current implementation of AI, I think people who truly believe in AI should be fighting the hardest against bad uses of it. It gives AI a worse black eye every time something like this happens.
“Only those evil live to see their own likeness in stone.”
It’s not illegal as long as you’re not trying to get it out of circulation, advertise, or pass off one denomination as another. So deface away.
(note: I am not a lawyer, do not believe some random person on the internet)
And then because he said “nuclear” without “family,” he goes off on nuclear missile silos for a while, before “nuclear missile” falls out of his context window as well, and he starts talking about grain silos and farmers. He’s a walking frequency analysis.
This is actually a feature in Reddit for those unaware.
It looks to me like that’s functionally just posting in a subreddit created with your name, in which you’re the only one allowed to post. So creating a community on Lemmy with your name and you as the only authorized poster would serve the same function.
The best explanation I’ve heard is that Game Freak just flat out refuses to ever hire new people.
He’s literally a Markov chain. The word he says next depends solely on the word that was just said. There’s no context retained, no previous information referenced, and if he goes for too many tokens, the first ones start falling out of his head.
Yeah that outer edge is called the firmament.
I mean, it’s not the worst name for the CMB.
Yeah sorry, this meme struck me as very steeped in current American politics (not sure if this same nonsense is happening elsewhere) so I didn’t think about other constitutions.
Looks like “not exactly,” but it’s cool nonetheless:
Almost all of the “classical” Republicans have already resigned. The best case scenario for the GOP at this point would be enough infighting due to purity tests that everyone who’s left rips each other apart.