My 10-year-old daughter recently mentioned Mr. Beast and I said what do you know about him? She said I don’t know but my friends showed me his videos and I think the guy’s a creep. I pretty much gave her a high five and said she can have all the ice cream she wants LOL.
If only I can send her some more money for even more ice cream, but then I would be the creep lol. Could you give her a high five for me and tell her she’s the best 10yo kid in the world and she’s awesome, please
also giving a way free money is a pipeline to becoming Mr Beast
I’m going to use this next time I don’t tip
Just admit you want to date his kid
Your comment reads kinda like:
That friends name? Einstein, everyone clapped, and gave you a hundred dollars.
You’re getting downvoted because people don’t like to have their poor critical thinking skills called out. They’d rather ignorantly eat up whatever BS is served to them.
Nope. Everyone’s entitled to theirs opinions, but I downvoted them for being wrong (and because I thought their comment was kind of dumb).
It’s no pinnacle of storytelling, but it reads exactly like a parent telling a casual mini-story about their kid to strangers on the internet. It’s a recounting of someone else’s words, but being a creep is a totally reasonable conclusion for a ten year old to reach and it’s also not all that uncommon for parents to praise and reward children for being able to think for themselves or at the very least form a “good” opinion. Ergo, OP’s comment does not read like they’re trying to pass off a tall tale or spin out bullshit.
Now if the kid had allegedly said something like “the guy’s emblematic of everything wrong with celebrity culture and philanthropy as entertainment is a scourge on society”, we’d be having different conversation.
I saw one a week ago that said it was Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer.
I saw one last month that said he represented Hitler at The Hague
you literally can’t make this shit up
I could have made that up
Could not
Could to
he began in 2012 at 13 years old. Over two decades later
<Checks calendar>
“Holy shit its been over 20 years since 2012? Wait…”
I’m OOTL and the article is not really helping, what is going on with Mr. Beast? Why is he so hated atm?
Watch DogPack404’s 3 videos on him on YouTube. Essentially, Jimmy is a massive loser who has rigged and faked challenges, caused sleep deprivation, knowingly hired and protected multiple sex offenders, commited illegal lotteries, having a degrading work culture: (from one of his documents)
No doesn’t mean no
And has attempted to silence anyone who speaks out about him with cease and desists, attempting to find any ways to discredit them using his employee’s own Xitter accounts, accusing them of being mentally ill or distrustworthy. He is a complete sociopath and nobody should watch him
After watching the videos, and the analysis from Legal Eagle, I find the criticism a little dubious.
“Rigged challenges” is how he introduces surprise things mid-video, like “I’ll give you $10,000 if you quit now, but your team loses a team member!” It’s obviously part of the show and participants agree to it happening before hand.
“Knowingly hired a sex offender”. Well? Should everyone on the sex offender registry be jobless forever, or what is the point? The person in question was convicted when he was 16, and was hired 7 years later with nothing indicating he would reoffend. Don’t we have courts for justice? Instead they should never be hired as punishment? To me it sounds commendable he’s not prejudiced against people’s past.
“Attempted to silence anyone” Did he? There is tons of people criticizing him and I only heard about one cease and desist. Do we know that C&D was baseless?
That DogPack guy seems to have created his YouTube channel solely to attack MrBeast, do we have anyone more trusted?
Like many, I find the MrBeast videos a cancer of YouTube, which makes hearing any critique of him convenient. But I don’t like assuming, and I have a feeling the DogPack guy has an agenda and isn’t offering an objective view.
Knowingly hired a sex offender". Well? Should everyone on the sex offender registry be jobless forever, or what is the point?
I generally agree with this point, except, Mr.Beast channel is specifically catered to and often involves minors. In that particular environment there should be an absolute zero tolerance for any kind of sex offender. That’s a no brainer. If you somehow find out after already hiring the individual the correct response is to publicly and candidly let that person go.
I understand what you’re saying and to a degree I agree but do we know why he was labeled a sex offender? I’m not here to necessarily defend him but I know of people who have had to register when their offense was whipping out their dick near a school to pee. Nothing sexual, they were just drunk and didn’t realize it was a small elementary the building over, the cop wasn’t having a good day and he got fucked by the law.
Again, I’m not necessarily defending him but there’s at least a bit of wiggle room in my opinion depending on circumstances.
Rape of a child between the ages of 1-11. There is no ambiguity in this.
I don’t know, I feel something that you did as a teenager, and that you have already went to court about, shouldn’t haunt you for the rest of your life any more than it already does with the legally mandated registry.
The guy was accused of raping a child between the ages of 1-11. Do you think that person should ever have anything to do with children? Being 16 does not make this excusable.
I’m not from the US, but I assume they have laws for this. I’m against vigilante justice against people who were already judged by the legal system. Do you also support not hiring any felon?
I don’t think he should or shouldn’t be allowed near anyone, I assume if there was a reason to be barred from it by the judge, he would be. Clearly he wasn’t, so I’m not going to be an armchair legal expert and override the judge.
You have a very optimistic view of the American legal system and it does not include nuance such as this. It depends from state to start but generally a sex offender is not legally prohibited from holding just about any position beyond teacher/day care. Some states make it difficult for them to obtain professional licenses. I do not believe any of them actually prohibits “children’s entertainer”.
Typically that would be considered the purview of the employer.
Watch DogPack404’s 3 videos
Yeah no thanks I’ll just stay ignorant if that’s the only option.
huh damn. Thank you :)
having a degrading work culture: (from one of his documents)
No doesn’t mean no
Let’s not take stuff way out of context. There’s plenty to criticize here (including a toxic work culture, but not because of this) so there’s no need to misrepresent anything.
This is the paragraph that comes from. I’d say it’s absolutely shitty to whoever they’re bothering though.
When dealing with people outside MrBeast Productions never take a No at face value. If we need a store to buy everything inside of and you call the local Dollar tree and the person that answers says “No, you can’t film here”. That literally doesn’t mean shit. Talk to other employees and see if any are fans or if any have kids that are fans, try talking to their boss, their bosses boss, have me dm them on twitter and try their social team, etc. If after all avenues are exhausted you are left with a no, that doesn’t mean don’t try the other dollar trees because the manager of those could be huge fans and willing to bend the rules. Basically what I’m trying to convey is what we call “pushing thru no”. Don’t just stop because one person told you no, stop when all conceivable options are exhausted. This is one of many tools that when combined dramatically improve your probability of success when producing here.
Ok. So he wants his sales guys to be pushy. Not good behavior but how is this different from anyone else?
I don’t have a previous opinion because I don’t watch that kind of shit (“philanthropy porn” is a great term for it), but you guys aren’t really selling me on it. I see a bunch of online people jumping right to sociopath and slime, then describing behavior that is all too common, almost normal, and certainly better than most internet slime and sociopaths.
Seriously? Someone who works for him might be a pedophile so he’s clearly a sociopath?
deleted by creator
Fuck that narcissist
His face is oh so punchable. He has the weirdest fake smile and it creeps me tf out
doesn’t smile with his eyes
deleted by creator
That’s how you get super gonorrhea.
…all the ‘rrheas
Oh lordy.
That’s never a good sign.
You don’t get to where he is by being normal. So his success alone is proof he is divergent. He should just own it and move on.
Wait, won’t Elmo’s lawyer EMBRACE sociopath claims?
Philanthropy porn is just disgusting to begin with. That alone should have ended him. But people think it’s a “feel-good story” so they keep watching. A lot of times, the follow-ups to such stories feel less good since the people getting that philanthropy often can’t afford to pay to maintain whatever they’ve been given.
I think you coined the term “philanthropy porn”.
But instead of just the best images of the subject matter like /cableporn or /earthporn, this has the negative connotation of voyeuristic performative prostitution. He’s the pimp, and he’s whoring out his recipients to make his money.
Philanthropy porn
What an excellent description of this kind of behavior.
I agree, but on the other hand the people he helps, well, get helped, and would be worse off if he didn’t do that. Obviously it would be better if he wasn’t making money off of it, but would it be better if he stopped?
As morally dubious as he is, I’m sure the people who have access to water after his “build 100 wells in Africa” stunt would disagree with opinions that he should stop.
So I don’t know. I agree with the criticism, but I always think of the people who got help and I’m unsure what would be better.
He’s finally cooked. Enjoy the long slow ride into irrelevance. Enjoy the fake friends fading away as the money tap dries up.
I mean he’s probably rich af and set for life
People like to pretend that karma is somehow real. It’s not. In real life, the bad guys win and live long and happy lives.
this guy seems to care about his image and status so airing the dirty laundry is poison to him
But not to his account.
If he’s even remotely smart, he put away quite a bit of money, or has some investment vehicle that keeps generating money for him.
He may be irrelevant in 5 years, but also wealthy enough to not care.
Effectively an admission…😅
It’s real dangerous to look at someone seeking legal representation and take that as an implication of guilt.
Not defending Mr Beast at all, I’m sure there is no shortage of actual evidence of wrongdoing
The allegations are that he is a dickhead, and him resorting to hiring a flashy lawyer to fight it pretty much confirms that.
He is not a defendant here he will be a plaintiff in those suits.
This isn’t even a reaction to known allegations—apparently he’s just anticipating potential future trouble:
the reason that Donaldson hired the flashy lawyer is to conduct an internal audit of his company, the likes of which has recently come under fire as the result of various scandals.
So I think it’s fair to say it’s an admission that his conduct might be legally questionable, without taking it as a confession of guilt
What a sociopathic thing to do.
I don’t think being a sociopath is illegal?
I get the feeling that lawyers do a lot more for rich people than they do for us…
Lot’s of trashing on Jimmy lately, is it the new fashion?
Have you not seen what’s come out in the last 2 months regarding him? He deserves every bit of it
I don’t have a lot of time to dive into fluff, I mostly see the scroll and hear what the kids say. Last I really heard about this guy he was planting trees and giving away homes, then I think some vegan teacher hated him? Now every headline I see about him has a negative slant, but nothing bad enough to make NPR or BBC.
Sociopathy is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just Greek for “social illness”. Autism is a psychosocial disorder, which means all autistic people are sociopaths. Beast’s mad dash to avoid being labelled neurodivergent is a very bad look on him. Only an asshole would feel the need to “defend” himself against being called a sociopath.
Sociopathy is about lacking specific traits, like empathy for example. At least with respect to the diagnosis criteria they are quite different and calling everybody with ASD sociopaths is actually not a good look.