Off with his head
Off with his head
Doubt. If anyone is gonna profit off of his half baked idea then it’ll be him, no one else
Stuff probably makes your dick shrink and gives you cancer anyway
Are you child cause I really want to
Wait nvm
Eh, if it truly were that sentiment I doubt it’d care much. As it’s like talking to a brick wall when it comes to doing anything that matters
That’ll get you literally nowhere. Someone with deep pockets would be the only option to sue em. They’ll just counter sue for defamation and drown you in legal fees
I feel like the dumb from reddit is leaking into lemmy more and more. You’re a traitor to democracy if you think we shouldn’t fund and supply Ukraine
All about the trumps just doesn’t slap like Benjamins. All about the trumps sounds like a nightmare of a reality show
He’s the most frumpy looking dude on earth
Retirement is nothing but a fantasy. I own a home and the only way I can think of Retirement is if I sell it, then what though??? Live under an overpass slamming heroin every night just to stay warm?? I won’t rule it out but still
Not to be “that guy” but I’ve never understand this issue. A usb has two distinguished sides that look different from one another one side goes plug in top up and vice versa
Well of course it does. They finally have one of their own puppets back in the oval office
What this guy said^^ focus on the real issues and watch out for the other sleight of hand cause in the end that’s all it is. They want us bickering with each other while closed door deals are being finalized
Dear Jesus, plz flood the earth amen
Little guy probably there recommended a better air filter setup. Those fipk’s are garbage
I wonder how massive dinosaurs had sex. Those big ass tails would be hella in the way
Any and all politicians are open to scrutiny imo. They are PUBLIC servants and as such they should get called on their collective bull shit.
The democratic party has failed us in a massive way. That’s just facts. The republican party is a circus with an orange ring leader. None are doing their jobs in a way that truly helps the people, when they enter politis they start thinking of themselves and how lobbying can make them rich. There are only a few exceptions, Bernie, AOC etc…
I had a female bun make a burrow in my backyard underneath a brush pile i had going. She gave birth to about 4 to 6 baby buns. I had no idea they were there, as I’ve never seen a bunny in my yard, not even once in the 12 years I’ve lived here.
Well spring came and needed to to start cleaning up the yard so I start weed eating around said brush pile.
The noise i was making scared alll the baby buns and they came running out of their home. I hit one with weed eater by accident. It laid there breathing heavily bleeding and unable to run. I gave it 30 minutes to see if it would get up and run away. It never got up.
So I did what needed to be done and put the little baby out of its misery. I smashed it with a very large rock, very swift and quickly. That was hard to do.
I held a funeral for it and buried it in my yard. Rest in peace little bun, im so sorry 😞
Only tall folks get the glory hole??
That’s like discrimination or whatever
My grandma had a painting of a woman playing a guitar underneath a tree by a river that gave me nightmares, idk why but that painting put the fear of god in me