Sometimes, you just need to wipe the drawing board clean and start over. 🤷👋 🔥
Whelp, it wouldn’t be the first mass extinction. Good Luck to the next civilization, hope you fare better than us.
Be excellent to eachother, dolphin or kangaroo people!
Just gave me an idea, make a deadpool on what species will replace humanity. I’ll just hold onto the pot until we find out what species wins.
Crows or cockatoos. They’ll eat almost anything they can find, and they’ll find almost anything they can eat. Given the opportunity of an open niche they’re probably take a lot of them, and they’re smart enough to bully house cats.
My bets are on spiders and racoons.
wouldn’t be the first mass extinction
It’s already ongoing:
That naturussy got me down bad frfr
I am groot.
Don’t go down the “natural balance” kind of revenge fantasy. It only makes one comfy in passivist boundedness. Also the guy in the picture is far more likely do do just fine in a climate catastrophy than you. Gaia nature god lady won’t bring you any justice, at all.
It’s not about justice. It’s about homeostasis. The guy and possibly his kids will be fine in their luxury climate bunkers as the world grows more bleak and they bark orders remotely until there’s no one left alive or dumb enough to keep listening.
The thing is though, what we’ve done and are doing right now will take millions of years to heal. Nothing to Earth’s 3.8 billion year old story of life, but effectively eternity to our monkey brains. I just don’t see our species putting down our shovel and living within our ecological means when that would mean necessary decline in our quality of life and intentional population control over time. We were warned for a century. We are feeling the effects. Scientists are noting new runaway effects conservative estimates didn’t account for. We need to stop 30 years ago, and we won’t even stop today.
I don’t consider it justice, I consider it wholesale refusal as a species to live within our ecological means. We just keep digging, and the consequences, the physics, don’t care why.
necessary decline in our quality of life
i’m not refuting your core premise.
but on the note of this issue, not sure i can agree.
have a look at this public infrastructure technology from 122 years ago:
imagine if we’d spent the last 1+¼ century collectively working towards the utopia this kind of project hinted at - instead of developing new machines to destroy?
typically they say utopian dreams scatter in the face of increased technological awareness. have to say my experience has been the opposite.
the more i learn about technology, the more i realise we could probably be very close to a near-utopia by now. for some suspicious reason we took a very different road, and here we are.
Yeah I don’t know. Just see how the modern world is shaping society to the negative. Generation Instagram/TikTok all want to be influencers, there’s growing mental illnesses. Fertility rapidly declining (and it isn’t unfortunately all because of education). Capitalism is almost perfected abusing the dopamine system in an unhealthy way. I don’t want to be a doomer. I just don’t see where we are close to utopia. Which for me would be more sociali(sm) more community, less narcissism/egoism and more solarpunk. But right now we are on a different path. I’m happy to be proven wrong though…
Capitalism defeats itself through decline. The decline is a part of the process, join an org and build up dual power so that when it does collapse, there is a ready-made alternative. Thinking and hoping don’t get you closer to Socialism.
Believe me I’m doing all parts of things towards this, but I’m being realistic, I’m just 1 of 8 billion people… And Capitalism as much as I would like it to be different seems to be a rather stable system (destabilising all sorts of other things, don’t get me wrong). I expect other things to collapse first (and foremost ecological systems).
people… And Capitalism as much as I would like it to be different seems to be a rather stable system
In what way? Disparity rises and Imperialism gets worse until it eats itself alive. Systems exist in motion, and Capitalism is unsustainable.
It is, but I fear it will break apart much later than we hope it is. And likely violently, as worse ecosystems also mean less base on which capitalism can grow which in the past lead to conflicts. I mean the whole stuff gets already unstable when it isn’t growing (and I don’t mean capitalism as whole, more like everything connected to it)
Of course your base argument - capitalist economy is ecolocically destructive and dysfunctional regarding the needs of the many.
“Until there is noone left to fulfill their orders” thats the kind of “justice” i’m talking about. Like, Homoestasis will put them down in the end. Justice will be served. But that’s deceptive satisfaction.
Edit (cant properly edit on jerboa rn) … your base argument is right.
Justice would be them dying and the many societies people like them destroyed for self-enrichment that lived in equilibrium with nature, like the Native Americans, thriving again.
I agree with you. Justice isn’t on the table.
OK doomer.
Gaia nature god lady won’t bring you any justice, at all.
for we as a whole really deserve none.
We don’t exist as a whole, wich is the political challenge I would like people to focus on.
I think in post religious thinking it’s not about “deserve”
Our mother grows angry Retribution will be swift We squander her soil and suck out her sweet black blood to burn it We turn money into God and salivate over opportunities to crumple and crinkle our souls for that paper, that gold Money has spent us
The irony of the bottom image being AI generated slop…
To the idea guys who’re having their revenge on real creators for not making their “GTA but in a real city and it’s both MMO and VR” tier ideas a reality: feel free to downvote my comment, call me a Luddite, and demean my artistic skills for me not doing hyperrealism challenges with oil paint.
Is there a name for the ideology that humans should be wiped from the planet for the benefit of the planet and the rest of the organisms on it?
Eco-fascism, or close to it.
Eco-fascism would be putting a gun against people’s head and telling them to stop destroying our only habitat.
Acknowledging we’re destroying our only habitat isn’t eco-fascism, it’s just acceptance of the situation.
You’re erasing the bit where they said humanity must be eliminated.
Humans aren’t saying that, our habitat is in response to our actions, as translated by scientist’s measurements.
We can stop. We should stop. We won’t stop.
If that means you want to call our planet an eco-terrorist, that’s actually kind of funny. This isn’t about humans killing humans. This is about Humans attacking our only habitat as we rely on it for every breath we take and every bite we take, and our habitat responding predictably to our actions.
Is there a name for the ideology that humans should be wiped from the planet for the benefit of the planet and the rest of the organisms on it?
Pretty clearly asking for an ideology that states that humans should be exterminated.
Yep, that is indeed exactly what I was asking. 👍 The ideology that humans should be exterminated.
VHEM for the extreme answer. I think we could follow more degrowth ideas and make good progress, but getting to world to follow degrowth probably won’t happen.
I don’t think there’s a specific one yet, though insults towards such people abound.
Its certainly an extention of misanthropy though.
Misanthropy involves a negative evaluative attitude toward humanity that is based on humankind’s flaws. Misanthropes hold that these flaws characterize all or at least the greater majority of human beings. They claim that there is no easy way to rectify them short of a complete transformation of the dominant way of life.
I thought this was quite interesting. I think I agree very much with
there is no easy way to rectify them short of a complete transformation of the dominant way of life
but not so much with
these flaws characterize all or at least the greater majority of human beings
I just think these flaws characterize all or the greater majority of human beings that possess a relative amount of power. That’s the real problem. Or perhaps the real problem is that power itself transforms humans and gives them these flaws. I’m not sure if it’s the chicken or the egg, kind of thing.