The real headline should be “CPAC audience cheers Bannon’s Nazi salute”, because they totally did, and it leaves no doubt that CPAC is full of Nazis.
The real headline should be “CPAC audience cheers Bannon’s Nazi salute”, because they totally did, and it leaves no doubt that CPAC is full of Nazis.
I know they’re unbelievably dense, and they’re getting their bizzaro worldview reinforced by Fox News every day, but at some point it will be obvious to a critical number of them that they’ve been had; used and tricked and made fools of.
The whole mind control apparatus that was supposed to keep them in line was keeping their anger on a hair-trigger to short-circuit their critical reasoning faculties and make them atrophy. It worked for a long time, but the consequence is that, once it becomes obvious (even to them) that they’ve been duped, their carefully groomed anger will overflow … and they’ve got an insane number of assault weapons.
This cartoon reminds me of this song
Something about https://huggingface.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1 , or at least that’s the model that everyone’s been talking about recently. It looks like it’d be half a terabyte to clone the entire repo though, and I don’t know how to use it either …
According to the article, Walz said on MSNBC
“We spent three days debating, or trying to debate that ‘President Musk’ gave a Nazi salute. Of course he did”
Then one of Musk’s Xitter followers said “I hope Elon sues [Walz] for all he’s worth.” to which Musk replied “I think I will”.
So, Musk was just talking out his ass, and it’s doubtful he’ll actually file suit.
This has all got me thinking, how else can Musk be manipulated? Exacerbating cat fights in the administration and surrounding MAGAsphere seems like one of the most promising ways to prevent them from doing too much damage.
If it were just another black dude who got shot “because he had a gun”, I’d doubt the word of the police about that. But this guy? I’m almost certain he had a gun and made some move that would have raised reasonable suspicion that he was intending to use it. Because those are the sorts of people who when to Jan 6.
Something like if (stupid_bool & 0x01)
should work for those.
Realizing this investigation has been quietly going on for 4 years now makes me think of all the other ongoing investigations that the incoming Trump administration will kill, so they can focus on fabricating reasons to pursue their political enemies.
I would really like to thank the Arch community for maintaining such a wonderful wiki; it’s great that your nuts-and-bolts approach naturally generates the best documentation. That said, Debian will always be my distro of choice.
I know it’s a long shot, but it’s possible Trump could be manipulated into doing some actual good. He’s at the phase of life where even he must realize he can’t take his material wealth with him in death, and might want to send a final “fuck you” to all his pathetic suck-up followers when he realizes that they just want to use him.
I can’t get inside the head of any of the crazies who go on a rampage and shoot up a school or a house of worship, but it gives me comfort to think that such people now know that if they shoot a CEO instead of a classroom full of children they will be regarded as having made a positive contribution to society. I really hope school shootings will go down after this, and I think they may well.
That was back when Facebook was actually doing something useful: there were so many huge Bernie rallies posted to Facebook that the MSM was forced to acknowledge him. Now that social media has been “fixed”, we won’t see anything like that again.
I spent most of my week poring over logs until I finally figured out what the issue was, then submitted a one-line commit to fix it. If my company used this bullshit, I’d be fired.
Senator Sanders has some wise words about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf5MThSniiY
Yeah, money is a social construct; it’s really just numbers in computers. We can redefine capital to be numbers that actually make sense … uh, theoretically.
neither. 0.0% chance for either candidate.
This level of cynicism is unwarranted. Sure it might be low, but for Harris it’s at least 0.1%.
Weird to use an obscure source to report that Axios (a reasonably well known web presence) reported about this. A moment’s search turned up the original Axios article.
I hear you, but please still get out and vote for Harris/Walz this November. This is about keeping the infrastructure of representative democracy in place so we will be able to work towards those needed changes. If Trump wins, all that is going away, and those of us guilty of thought crimes such as believing in global warming will end up in prison at best.
You’ve always got to show up for those school board elections now. Every. Single. Time.
Warren, MICHIGAN. I would like to encourage anyone who posts local news to put clarifying geographical data in the title … I’ve spent so many minutes of my life clicking thru to some local TV station’s story and looking … looking … looking for any sort of clue where the hell they are.