“Can I invest in crypto”
“I already said no throwing it away”
No gambling also applies
I genuinely laughed out loud at this one. 😂
Easy. Buy 100 homes in my city. Become a landlord. Barely ask rent so it’s technically not gifting. Use my infinite money to maintain the homes so people have affordable decent housing. Profit for all!
Short time later your homes are in ruins and your broke from continuously fixing your houses.
I sincerely doubt that the maintenance bill for 100 houses is going to exceed a billion dollars any time in for foreseeable future.
Found the idle rent seeker, or worse, a bootlicker for idle rent seekers.
There is a reason why capitalists and socialists both hate landlords, they are a relic of feudalism.
You sound like you need a warm cookie and a glass of milk
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So when someone calls me a boot licker and other names I should smile and be happy? Good luck with that
If you don’t wanna be insulted, don’t simp for the oppressors. I’d insult you if you said “I love absolutist monarchy!”
You could always stop and wonder why they’re calling you a bootlicker, but most bootlickers are bootlickers because they lack the ability for introspection.
You sound like you need a peasant’s revolution
Nah, I guess tips will cover the repairs
Tips will cover the furnace or the shingles when they wear out?
Damn those would be some nice tips.
Always be sure to leave a good tip to your landlord/landlady
I do, it’s called rent is 5x more expensive than it needs to be.
You need to add 20% to be a good person
What’s the difference between paying rent or leaving a tip (which is going to be used to cover expenses)?
Rent is fixed, tip is left for great service
Easy, buy up a bunch of land for conservation
Buy $20 for $100 million. If you can “buy” nft’s then Idk why you can’t buy something with less value.
The $20 bill has a unique serial number just like the nft.
It’s even better because no one else can have that same bill at the same time.
There are some recent $1 notes where the same serial was issued twice.
Still 2 different bills.
If you can “buy” nft’s then Idk why you can’t buy something with less value.
I’ll tell you why: because there’s nothing with less value than an nft.
I just remember the day, as a software dev with a solid understanding of Blockchain, my older dev neighbor started explaining how NFTs worked
I thought he was confused or stupid or something.
“Wait, so like you have these super rare images, proof you own it on a Blockchain, and a link to the place they’re all publicly hosted?”
Him: “Yep”
“And the only use for these right now is as a profile picture?”
Him: Shrug, “yeah, people use them for discord and stuff”
“But… Couldn’t you just download the image and use it anyways?”
Him: “Yeah, it’s all publicly hosted”
And it was about then my brain locked up. I did multiple hours of research later, sure I had to be missing something
You can buy medical debt, that has lots negative of value to the indebted.
…fair 😁
Property can take a while to close — offer to title in under 30 days is on the quick side.
Of course, you could probably close very fast if you offered 100M cash on a 10M property…
If you’re buying vacant land and paying cash, you can close really quickly as there’s nothing in need of inspection, and loan processing times aren’t a factor… I have a buddy who just purchased 100+ acres of vacant land from a logging company. He paid cash and was able to close in just a few weeks.
yeah, usually closing time is just buffer time for people to get their affairs in order, move out, inspections, lawyer stuff, etc. If you offer straight up cash and pay a boatload to the lawyers to get the paperwork done up ASAP, you can close likely within a couple weeks
In “Bewster’s Millions” he also had to have nothing of value at the end.
So yes that is a good method for this formula of the question.
Easy! Just spend the month in a US hospital without insurance
Hopefully the billion will cover the rest of the bill
You know it won’t
Genie never said they’d give me a 100M to spend in the first place. No way I’d be able to spend 100M that I don’t have.
This reminds me of a scam I fell for in Eve Online once
I wonder whether Eve has more or less scams per capita (player) than Roblox or Runescape
On an unrelated note, anyone want me to trim their armor? 50k for colored trim, 100k for gold trim. Totally legit!
this is exactly how i learned what a scam was 20 years ago
Find someone rich who would believe you have this pact with a génie, and promise them a 100% ROI.
Thinking of it, that’s not the worst idea for a new
sectreligion…Or worse if he does, how do you prove to all the anti-money-laundering watchdogs you got free money from a genie? Will you be able to gain control over your instantly conviscated money in 30 days?
First get the spending money then do it. In a non-refundable unable to be altered manner (ignoring the magicially manifesting money part)
Can I just keep the 100 million? I don’t think I need a billion.
I’ll take your billion.
This is the kinda selfless attitude the world needs.
Unfortunately you’re not spending my 100 million so you can get 1 billion.
I’ll spend your 100 million, too, if you want. I’ll be the second idiot to shoot his car into space.
Sent this to my friend at AWS and he said it was already all-over their internal Memes Slack channel. At least their engineers and project managers are in on the joke. 😁
Just buy like 10 apartments in New York.
or preorder a yacht
how to spend 100+ Million in less than a month. Buy a jet.
Create a serverless function on AWS that calls a serverless function on Azure, which calls a serverless function on gcp which calls a serverless function on Oracle cloud which loops it back to AWS.
Now stick CloudFlare in between each step of that.
Dude, you only have 100 million.
Just buy all the Star Citizen goodies
I’ll pay for college for a large number of people and pay a lawyer to defend my action as not “giving it away.”
Just make them pay you a dollar for the service. Now it’s not giving it away since you are technically getting something out of it.
A better educated and less impoverished population is something, too.
I’d spend 100M in a month easily. Especially after I’ve bankrolled GrapheneOS, Ladybird and all my favourite FOSS projects. They also didn’t say anything about charity which IMO isn’t gifting. Once I feel like I’ve sufficiently contributed to society I’d buy a 50ft sailboat, pimp the shit out of it with solar and fuck off forever.
With the billion I’d establish a fund that pays out monthly to any projects I deem worthy and funds all food banks in my local area indefinitely.
Then maybe graphene OS would be able to get enough people to maintain non-pixel builds.
Especially after I’ve bankrolled GrapheneOS, Ladybird and all my favourite FOSS projects.
According to the book The Starfish and the Spider, which is about decentralized organization versus centralized organization, the Spanish Empire was able to defeat the previously-undefeatable Apache resistance by giving gifts of horses to some of the Apache leaders. It provided them status, creating a hierarchy, turning the Apache society into the sort of thing that could be destroyed in conventional battle.
Not saying it’s a very tight analogy, but I would be wary of changes in team culture resulting from a project going from volunteer based to well-funded.
Obviously open source projects need resources, such as servers and github accounts and all that, but spirits change when resource flows change, and projects excel or flub on spirit.
No gifting.
Charity isn’t gifting.
Give it all away anyway. Screw that genie, wealth hoarding jerk. At worst he kills you and you leave a saintly legacy.
seems better to just spend the 100M like he wants and then just give the remaining 900M away.
yeh, I do rather value my life. Got a bit attached to it once I came out of the womb.
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Sorry what is AWS?
Amazon Web Services, the largest cloud provider in the world
Sorry what is a cloud?
It’s just fancy jargon for someone’s else computer through the internet.
Sorry what is a computer?
Those white fluffy things in the sky.
I’m sorry what is the sky?
the blue thing above your head