If you’re buying vacant land and paying cash, you can close really quickly as there’s nothing in need of inspection, and loan processing times aren’t a factor… I have a buddy who just purchased 100+ acres of vacant land from a logging company. He paid cash and was able to close in just a few weeks.
yeah, usually closing time is just buffer time for people to get their affairs in order, move out, inspections, lawyer stuff, etc. If you offer straight up cash and pay a boatload to the lawyers to get the paperwork done up ASAP, you can close likely within a couple weeks
Easy, buy up a bunch of land for conservation
Buy $20 for $100 million. If you can “buy” nft’s then Idk why you can’t buy something with less value.
The $20 bill has a unique serial number just like the nft.
It’s even better because no one else can have that same bill at the same time.
There are some recent $1 notes where the same serial was issued twice.
Still 2 different bills.
I’ll tell you why: because there’s nothing with less value than an nft.
I just remember the day, as a software dev with a solid understanding of Blockchain, my older dev neighbor started explaining how NFTs worked
I thought he was confused or stupid or something.
“Wait, so like you have these super rare images, proof you own it on a Blockchain, and a link to the place they’re all publicly hosted?”
Him: “Yep”
“And the only use for these right now is as a profile picture?”
Him: Shrug, “yeah, people use them for discord and stuff”
“But… Couldn’t you just download the image and use it anyways?”
Him: “Yeah, it’s all publicly hosted”
And it was about then my brain locked up. I did multiple hours of research later, sure I had to be missing something
You can buy medical debt, that has lots negative of value to the indebted.
…fair 😁
In “Bewster’s Millions” he also had to have nothing of value at the end.
So yes that is a good method for this formula of the question.
Property can take a while to close — offer to title in under 30 days is on the quick side.
Of course, you could probably close very fast if you offered 100M cash on a 10M property…
If you’re buying vacant land and paying cash, you can close really quickly as there’s nothing in need of inspection, and loan processing times aren’t a factor… I have a buddy who just purchased 100+ acres of vacant land from a logging company. He paid cash and was able to close in just a few weeks.
yeah, usually closing time is just buffer time for people to get their affairs in order, move out, inspections, lawyer stuff, etc. If you offer straight up cash and pay a boatload to the lawyers to get the paperwork done up ASAP, you can close likely within a couple weeks