this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.
this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.
this is just some autistic shit from musk most likely.
technically, originally the GPS system was private, until made public, where it had error obfuscation, until semi recently it was released fully.
It was originally funded by the US government, still is, it’s just publicly accessible now.
(the original usecase being for shit like ICBMs and what not, obviously)
GPS? You mean the technology that we as a country collective maintain? And have continued to maintain since it’s immediate inception?
Yeah, ok.
Call me when you start using glonass.
good shitpost
man this comment is, one of the comments of all time. I think.
does the DNC even know what the protest vote numbers are? And even if they did, how does anybody know whether or not they’re even significant.
If everyone thought like you did, the DNC would completely ignore the entirety of their base.
??? ok.
They clearly operate from a completely amoral calculation these days. They dont care about much of anything. Not law, not human dignity. Nothing.
Not even a little bit of any of these things? Not a single percentage point of ANY of these things? AT ALL?
i mean, this is less of a property tax issue and more of a social security thing.
Though i am pretty fundamentally against property tax, it’s a physical thing that i can own, i don’t see why i should pay taxes on it. If you want to tax me just hit me with income tax.
i mean, i’m not sure modern social justice is working as intended given the political landscape, but historically small communities do manage to self regulate very effectively, that one is for sure. I will give you that.
The only effective way to mandate something at a societal level is going to be laws, i.e. government, otherwise you’re going to have an extremely disjointed and culturally diverse society, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
all of my arguments have explicitly removed any form of anything closely resembling CSAM to the point of being illegal under existing law, or at the very least, extremely questionable.
The only thing i haven’t excluded is the potential to use an AI trained explicitly on humans, with no children being in the dataset, being used to generate porn of someone “under the age of 18” which it has zero basis of reality on, and cannot functionally do. That would be the only actual argument i can think of where that wouldn’t already be illegal, or at least extremely questionable. Everything else i’ve provided a sufficient exclusion for.
Have fun calling me a pedo for no reason though, i guess.
protest voting is definitely an option, although i wish it listed actual numbers. Kind of ruins the point if it’s just worthless to do.
Losing elections to the republicans? You mean the party that most lefties accuse the dems of being in bed with? Seems like a bold strategy. Do nothing and, when you do end up doing something, make sure it’s something that doesn’t actually do anything.
they have brain damage.
this is most definitely political homie, this is literally referencing politics.
i think the whole hermit kingdom we will kill you and your entire family, plus sentence you to forty years for forced labor is going to be a more impactful difference between north korea, and literally anywhere else in the world.
technology has the potential to make life so much better, there are two problems.
Tech that makes life better, usually doesn’t create much value. Because it’s either, already been created, and if it has, it’s probably enshittified by now.
Go use open source FOSS tech, it’s great. Contribute to the improvement of society by not using terrible technology and begin using good technology, it’s free!
I’ve been thinking about this more and I think one interesting argument here is “toxic culture growth”. As in even if the thing is not distributed it might grow undesired toxic cultures through indirect exposures (like social media or forums discussions) even without the direct sharing.
this is another big potential as well. Does it perpetuate cultural behaviors that you want to see in society at large? Similar things like this have resulted from misogyny and the relevant history of feminism.
It’s a whole thing.
I think this is slippery to the point of government mind control but maybe there’s something valuable to research here either way.
i think there is probably a level of government regulation that is productive, i’m just curious about how we even define where that line starts and ends, because there is not really an explicitly clear point, unless you have solid external inferences to start from.
Personally, legal is only what the law allows the wealthy to do, and provides punishments for the working class.
if you have schizoprehnia, sure. Legal is what the law defines as ok. Whether or not people get charged for it is another thing. The question is “do you have the legal right to do it or not”
Morally, that’s what you’re doing when you use AI to generate CSAM. Its the same idea why we ban all pre-created CSAM, as well, because you are victimizing the person every single time.
legally, the reasoning behind this is because it’s just extremely illegal, there are almost no if not zero, where it would be ok or reasonable, and therefore the moral framework tends to be developed around that. I don’t necessarily agree with it always being victimization, because there are select instances where it just doesn’t really make sense to consider it that, there are acts you commit that would make it victimization. However i like to subscribe to the philosophy that it is “abusive” material, and therefore innately wrong. Like blackmail, i find that to be a little bit more strict and conducive to that sort of definition.
It makes them a victim.
at one point in time yes, perpetually in some capacity, they will exist as having been a victim, or having been victimized at one point. I also don’t really consider it to be healthy or productive to engage in “once a victim always a victim” mentality, because i think it sets a questionable precedent for mental health care. Semantically someone who was a victim once, is still a victim of that specific event, however it’s a temporally relevant victimization, i just think people are getting a little loose on the usage of that word recently.
I’m still not sure how it makes that person a victim, unless it meets one of the described criteria i laid out, in which case it very explicitly becomes an abusive work. Otherwise it’s questionable how you would even attribute victimization to the victim in question, because there is no explicit victim to even consider. I guess you could consider everybody even remotely tangentially relevant to be a victim, but that then opens a massive blackhole of logical reasoning which can’t trivially be closed.
To propose a hypothetical here. Let’s say there is a person who we will call bob. Bob has created a depiction of “abuse” in such a horrendous manner that even laying your eyes upon such a work will forever ruin you. We will define the work in question to be a piece of art, depicting no person in particular, arguably barely resembling a person at all, however the specific definition remains to the reader. You could hypothetically in this instance argue that even viewing the work is capable of making people a “victim” to it. However you want to work that one out.
The problem here, is that bob hasn’t created this work in complete isolation, because he’s just a person, he interacts with people, has a family, has friends, acquaintances, he’s a normal person, aside from the horrors beyond human comprehension he has created. Therefore, in some capacity the influence of these people in his life, has to have influenced the work he engaged in on that piece. Are the people who know/knew bob, victims of this work as well, regardless of whether or not they have seen it, does the very act of being socially related to bob make them a victim of the work? For the purposes of the hypothetical we’ll assume they haven’t seen the work, and that he has only shown it to people he doesn’t personally know.
I would argue, and i think most people would agree with me, that there is no explicit tie in between the work that bob has created, and the people he knows personally. Therefore, it would be a stretch to argue that because those people were tangentially relevant to bob, are now victims, even though they have not been influenced by it. Could it influence them in some external way, possibly causing some sort of external reaction? Yeah, that’s a different story. We’re not worried about that.
This is essentially the problem we have with AI, there is no explicit resemblance to any given person (unless defined, which i have already explicitly opted out of) or it has inherently based the image off of via training (which i have also somewhat, explicitly opted out of as well) there are two fundamental problems here that need to be answered. First of all, how are these people being victimized? By posting images publicly on the internet? Seems like they consented to people at least being aware of them, if not to some degree manipulating images of them, because there is nothing to stop that from happening (as everyone already knows from NFTs) And second of all, how are we defining these victims? What’s the mechanism we use to determine the identity of these people, otherwise, we’re just schizophrenically handwaving the term around calling people victims when we have no explicit way of determining that. You cannot begin to call someone a victim, if it’s not even know whether they were victimized or not. You’re setting an impossible precedent here.
Even if you can summarily answer those two questions in a decidedly explicit manner, it’s still questionable whether that would even matter. Because now you would have to demonstrate some form of explicit victimization and damage resulting from that victimization. Otherwise you’re just making the argument of “it’s mine because i said so”
The law exists to protect the ruling class while not binding them, and to bind the working class without protecting them.
again if you’re schizo, sure.
on a loosely defined basis, yeah, in some capacity it uses the likeness of that person, but to what degree? How significantly? If the woman in the mona lisa picture was 4% some lady the artist saw three times a week due to their habits/routine would that make them suddenly entitled to some of that art piece in particular? What about the rest of it? You’re running down an endless corridor of infinitely unfalsifiable, and falsifiable statements. There is no clear answer here.
Exactly. So, without consent, it shouldn’t be used. Periodt.
you need to explicitly define consent, and use, because without defining those, it’s literally impossible to even begin determining the end position here.
maybe, but you’re talking about finding someone who can win the graces of the people who like trump, who see trump as this historic figure. That’s a REALLY tall order. Even if you hemorrhage like 10% of your voter base, that’s enough to lose. If the republicans are smart they’re already working on grooming the next republican figurehead, but i doubt they are. Though they might end up playing their cards right, i’m not really convinced it’s a reliable determination to assume that they will find someone to replace trump, these things are just way too volatile.
no, the dems, because literally who else are you going to vote for lmao. There is always a budding dem/left leaning candidate, we will never have that problem, we don’t play as aggressively on that.
could be for good reason, there’s a huge bird flu outbreak in the US right now, plus the US also has really strict egg washing laws, so depending on where these eggs are going, and assuming that it isn’t just eggs, which is likely, it could make sense.