Seems like Will, Felix, and Virgil (Where is he?) all came from fairly privileged upbringings. Whereas Matt and especially Amber came from more lower middle/working class backgrounds.

At least that was my reading whenever they would discuss how they grew up.

I always related particularly with Matt, growing up “lower middle class” in the Midwest myself.

    8 months ago

    Virgil has somewhat impressively totally disappeared. I think Bernie getting the shaft melted his brain. He stopped showing up for a long time, and when he was actually there near the end he barely said anything on mic. Then he started doing the other podcast ‘Bad Faith’ with Brianna gray joy, those accusations of him doing inappropriate sex related stuff got posted on Twitter, he told Bri he would explain himself… and that was like 4 years ago. Dude has been a ghost since then

    Edit: her name is actually “Briahna Joy Gray” (I have dyslexia for real)

    • Judge_Juche [she/her]
      8 months ago

      He is still on the Bad Faith podcast branding even though he has not appeared on the show in 4 years, people have speculated that BGJ is contractually obligated to keep him on there and potentially has to give him some of the money.

      If so, it kind of an impressive long con on Virgil’s (not his real name btw) part. Got popular on Chapo, siphon some of the audience onto a Patreon he has exclusive rights over, disappear after like 2 months of the show starting, and just keep collecting those Patreon bucks without doing anything.