“There are leaflets on how to protest leaflets or how to commit civil disobedience. There are leaflets on what to do when you get arrested, leaflets on what to say to police,” Daughtry explained.
He reiterated: “There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students.”
…There is somebody radicalizing our students.
Correct, it’s the actions of the US government
It’s absolutely ridiculous being on the inside seeing the effort it takes to scrape together a few hundred bucks for signs and tents, then turning around and seeing the frat boy flag rager & zionist thug crowdfunds get like half a mil, then turn around again and see this. Like holy fuck, yes there are leaflets! Some students came together, broke themselves into subgroups to think about logistics, defense, food, etc., then developed plans and executed them! This is like a few hours of work on a weekday night, it doesn’t need to be financed by some giant foreign conspiracy. God damn.
We’re at two minutes to midnight on “Antizionism is a Jewish conspiracy”
That joke got the biggest laugh on the Monday Chapo
“The International Jew vs the National Jew”
They can’t blame the jews so it’s gonna be russia, china or iran. Or vaguely all three. They’re just trying to float it out there and see what people come up with. Eventually they’ll settle on something.
Okay but how long till someone says “Judeo-Bolshevism”?
They can’t blame the jews
We already have “Soros is funding the protesters!”
I’m reminded of the phrase I saw someone on 4chan say: “Antisemitism is a Jewish trick.” Never underestimate the potential for idiocy by rightists
the default state of existing in amerikkka is so atomized that it’s suspicious if you get three people to work together
Given that’s it’s fox news it’ll be China and CNN will be blaming Russia while nobody is none the wiser over who the real culprit is
The US parties are really going to start developing the same fascist line, just one with blaming Russia for everything and the other blaming China, aren’t they?
the nefarious international terror network of middle class teenagers who own a printer and an internet connection is behind this
Who’s buying a printer in 2024? It must be the dastardly Ruzzians and their CCP handlers!
They don’t even need to own a printer they could have gone to the NYU library to print
Students in university having access to printers?! No, the logical conclusion is that this an international conspiracy to bring about the fall of western civilization
Obviously somebody, somewhere, had access to either a printer or a copy machine.
What is concerning is that Intelligence suggests several caches of these machines may be scattered around each and every campus where protests have developed.
A few hours ago I read a ridiculous David Brooks article where he poked fun at the protests saying that modern decentralized movements are bad.
Then there’s the kind of movement we have in the age of the internet. Many of these protesters across the globe are suspicious of vertical lines of authority; they don’t want to be told what to do by self-appointed leaders. They prefer leaderless, decentralized, digitally coordinated crowds, in which participants get to improvise their own thing.
This horizontal, anarchic method enables masses of people to mobilize quickly, even if they don’t know one another. It is, however, built on the shaky assumption that if lots of people turn out, then somehow the movement will magically meet its goals. Unfortunately, an unorganized, decentralized movement is going to be good at disruption but not good at building a new reality.
archive.today • Opinion | The Protests Help Trump - The New York Times
This could honestly be written by a left communist org lmao
the only thing worse than a bad guy with a state is a guy you slightly disagree with with a state
Come with me through the looking glass…
Horseshoe theory is real. But not in the way people think.
Shit. Did David skim Vincent Bevins’s “If We Burn”?
self-appointed leaders
I appoint myself to dictator of the world
Holy shit we did it it’s communism time
This is the exact thesis of Vincent Bevins’ If We Burn. It’s good you should read it
Treating students like they’re 1400s peasants
More like 1500-1700. 1400’s weren’t worst time for peasants in Europe, it was still rebulding after the Black Death, people were more scarce than land, leading to massive internal colonisation efforts where peasants could get lawfully protected privileges and own their land. This was also before religious wars (except Hussite) and serfdom was fairly rare and less awful compared to later.
Meant more like they don’t have access to information or printing machines
So, students printed out leaflets from the aclu? Lmao
This is the same country that said Haitians were behind every slave revolt. They can never admit that their own actions cause people to rise up.
lol the smooth brained chuds in the comments think Joe Biden is behind it because reasons.
Arriving at the correct answer for all the wrong reasons.
maybe they’ll try to ban PSL
Bruh you don’t need to be Russian to print a leaflet.
Average American is incapable of reading so maybe there’s something to that
Printing a leaflet might count as manufacturing and manufacturing physical items is extremely unamerican. That is something dangerous enemies like China and Russia does.