“There are leaflets on how to protest leaflets or how to commit civil disobedience. There are leaflets on what to do when you get arrested, leaflets on what to say to police,” Daughtry explained.
He reiterated: “There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students.”
the nefarious international terror network of middle class teenagers who own a printer and an internet connection is behind this
Who’s buying a printer in 2024? It must be the dastardly Ruzzians and their CCP handlers!
They don’t even need to own a printer they could have gone to the NYU library to print
Students in university having access to printers?! No, the logical conclusion is that this an international conspiracy to bring about the fall of western civilization
Obviously somebody, somewhere, had access to either a printer or a copy machine.
What is concerning is that Intelligence suggests several caches of these machines may be scattered around each and every campus where protests have developed.