This shit has me dying lmao
“Shut the fuck up, you don’t know anything” is the correct response whenever any Anglo tries to express an opinion.
Funniest part is the guy didn’t speak a word for the rest of the debate, Hasan truly shut him up
It’s amazing to see a well timed “shut the fuck up” actually work. It’s been my go-to for years when encountering racist chuds in online games. Some dipshit troll thinks they’re being clever with “despite only being x percent of the population did you know that blacks commit y percent of cri-?” “Shut the fuck up.” Do it enough and they lose their cool, drop the mask, start spouting slurs and get auto banned. Hilarious shit.
There was something about the lighting on his cam that just made him look so imposing. I think he should have fully unleashed his chatter tier rant at them it would have been perfect. Honestly these pedantic little fuck weasles need to be mocked and told to shut the fuck up.
There was something about the lighting on his cam that just made him look so imposing.
Hes simply a big boy
Hasan al Gaib!!!
Our boy really is the chosen one and has the voice. His reply was kinda cheeks but it didn’t matter, he was too powerful.
We need a Stilgar emote
i love how one of the other panelists almost started laughing
that moustache on our lovely himbo is doing things to me
What’s with the anti British though?
Yeah, I thought he could have gone harder too
Fuck that gloomy shit island.