Nobody expects the Spanish language inquisition.
Second language teachers are all a little crazy.
My German teacher was nuts, but mostly in a fun or benign way. She genuinely cared for her students, though, and there were a lot of lessons that had nothing to do with language skills at all.
My high school French teacher split in the middle of a semester to join the Bagwan Shree Rajneesh cult in 1984, so yeah.
I remember an argument between the spanish and french kids. the french kids were saying the spanish teachers were the most insane. The french kids the opposite.
It was quite heated.
They all looked at me and my other friend that was also in german looking for a tie breaker. “I don’t know what your talking about. [The single German Teacher] is definitely the craziest.” it was a point of pride. they were quite taken aback. She had been caught on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall and took several weeks out of the year to talk about both the holocaust and east germany and how awful they were.
and it wasn’t the sugar coated ‘murica-great’ oorahrah that was history class.
Was that a cult?
You decide. The followers all worked on the farm, wore very simple clothes, got rid of all their worldly possessions. The Bagwan was driven around in a Rolls Royce, lived separately from the commune. He also didn’t pay taxes and the government thought he owed them millions.
I think there’s a documentary on line somewhere now.
The essence of reality is in the difference between “ser” and “estar”.
es cierto
Si es certo, pero estas equivocado
Es como Heisenberg
Watch who you’re callin’ equivocado hombre!
I’ll teach you about the limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known!
Yep but with error margin aka big chance of missing the target
(Actually I definitely won’t as you may be able to tell from me copy/pasting from Wikipedia)
Ser and estar aren’t that difficult. I mostly see people struggle with por/para or the subjunctive mood.
It’s not about the difficulty, it’s that what they differentiate has philosophical consequences.
Subjunctive is the bane of my existence
philosophy isn’t real, your life is a lie, everything you’ve ever known and loved is a social construct made up at some point to appease the human brains insatiable desire for structure.
And yet, philosophers still exist for some reason. Curious.
I too hear the call of the void, brother.
Become a soulist
All form is interpretation.
So is interpretation just physics? Like, mass and inertia?
Really and truly though, it’s physics.
actually physics is just applied math. and in fact, it is actually philosophy. which is applied language. so the spanish teacher is right.
I was on reddit for years, now lemmy since the reddit enschittification started. This is the best comment I’ve ever read. So many layers of truth, meme reference, and wit!
You made my week.
thank u my friend :))
No it’s all bits and bytes all the way down.
Physics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, whatever other physical sciences are all the same thing when you get down to it, just a different applications of it for describing different things…
And beginners french!
I never realized this but it seems logical. I grew up in a French speaking area of Canada, English is the second language, but the provincial TV was broadcasting Spanish lessons. From the earliest moment that I can remember watching TV, there was Spanish lessons on it.
The entire universe is beige
(Says a man facing a beige wall)
Essence of Reality? Tan cierto.
Unironically, language dictates how we think.
So if you’re bilingual or speak more languages you have to cast a vote every time you make a decision?
What am I having for dinner?
Hot dog - screams your English speaking part
¡Tacos! - says the brain from your mother’s side
No, curry! - comes your dad’s side of the brain
Gagh, petahq - who knew? Seems like you’re 5% Klingon
Omelette au fromage - that’s the part that stayed on Reddit for too long
Voting results: I think I’m fasting tonight
Wasn’t that disproven
It was. And it is called Sapir–Whorf hypothesis.
Spanish is just the bastard child of Latin.
Latin is the bastard child of Proto-Italic
Proto-Italic? Well that’s just someone’s amateurish, slanted opinion.
It’s bastard children all the way down.
…and Arab