The entire universe is beige
(Says a man facing a beige wall)
The entire universe is beige
(Says a man facing a beige wall)
Ah, “shitstain”. No shame here.
It sounds to me like you care very much about fitting in etc. Well more power to you.
But some of us don’t.
So you do you. And don’t pretend that you know how to do us.
Practice a little humility.
The greats are often famously slovenly, antisocial etc.
And here you are, pushing mere shame.
Your shame seems small, comparatively .
If you don’t care about it then you shouldn’t be investing your (valuable, finite) attention in it.
So all that weak stuff, be slackful about it. Squeak by on the halfassed minimum.
And the stuff that matters, do it perfectly.
That’s what every great artist/inventor/scientist/philosopher/etc has done since forever.
It’s a dumb point. Basically fanfic/dogmatism processed through a child’s brain. I’d really rather spend my attention on something better
It’s amazing how small the 99% is. Narrow and shallow. I am re-astonished every time I come here. It’s like the zombie apocalypse happened and nobody noticed.
Yeah those guys are the worst.
It’s called science fiction you gibbering philistine.
You remind me of a religious fundamentalist encountering his first plate of spaghetti.
My cynicism is so automatic that I could never say what you just said and keep a straight face.
To underline the joke : research does not imply publishing. Except among scientists it does. Did I get that right?
I researched the spelling of “research” for this reply. Does this count as publishing?
They’re also spelled differently, aha!
Well somebody’s got to.
Well first we would change beans into peas.
The rest is trivial.
That doesn’t seem to make much of a difference, strangely enough.
I read a short story where they took a humane approach to population reduction.
An engineered disease. A short fever and then your uterus stops working. 95% effective.
Rioting. All scientists hung. But the world was better.
Or, maybe we already do 100% science. It’s just that the agenda isn’t precisely popular. And the voting is just for show.
99% of the voters wouldn’t know science if it bit them on the butt
Well that’s the question.
Voting means lots of dummies, a sea of propaganda… Bad stuff there too.
All form is interpretation.
So is interpretation just physics? Like, mass and inertia?