To clarify : “strength of character”
This is a very vague and open-ended question. Keep thinking on it and ask a more specific question to get better answers.
Masculine is the word you’re looking for. It’s all the same, really, just less precise. Out of biological necessity, women and men evolved different ways of handling situations. There will never be a stereotype or trait that applies to every individual of a large group, but if I ask you which is more likely to get into a bar fight, it’s clear the scale tips in one direction or the other.
But regarding the movie question, no. It’s cheap to make a woman physically beefy to give the idea that she’s strong. There are many examples where the woman hero character is not beefy strongwoman. Movies where sword skill or martial arts are employed. There are characters of women who are strong because of their intelligence, always being one step ahead. Women characters who use their cunning wit and charm to con people. Women characters who use their compassion and stoic nature to unite opposing groups to fight a larger enemy.
You see big = strong more often because it’s an easy trope. You wouldn’t expect to see a movie with some lanky spaghetti armed guy kicking ass all day. At most he’d usually be the hacker sidekick for comedic effect.
The discussion around gender stereotypes, no matter how accurate, will always be a landmine, so be warned.
Yes yes.
On a tangential note, I just had a post removed from nostupidquestions. My post about the degradation of knowledge.
Apparently lemmy mods have recently been given the power of shadow-removal (the power to temove while keeping you in the dark about the fact), which is nice.
When everybody you talk to is dumb as a rock. When the people in charge have the integrity of jello. What then? Is it worthwhile sifting cesspools for specks of intelligent conversation then?