what does this do to the press freedom index ranking of the united states? nothing im guessing
TikTok is a platform, not press. I just wish they were banning the other walled gardens too.
These are advertisement platforms. Not free speech platforms.
Good fucking riddance.
Only US tech companies can harvest all that data from their products, I mean, customers.
Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.
You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector for cybercriminals all so you could fry your brain with garbage media.
Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.
Entire world should ban US based apps in this case.
The U.S government doesn’t have the same ability as the CCP to just get whatever info they want out of corporations with no due process. The two are completely incomparable.
Do you seriously believe in this?
Do I honestly believe China has an easier time getting corporations to bend over and violate their citizens rights? Why do you need to clarify this??
What is the difference if both countries access to user data at the end no matter easier or harder way? US is trying to block Tiktok under the name of national security but US itself has been violating other countries’ national security and privacy of people of these countries for years. What bothers me is people like you support this hypocritical action.
Hypocritical action? China’s internet hasn’t allowed external companies to offer services since its inception. All I’m saying is if the US wants to treat Chinese companies like China has treated US companies that should be perfectly fine.
You’re out here complaining that China’s not receiving the same rights it fails to extend to other people and calling that hypocritical??
You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector
Please explain how using tiktok constitutes “offering yourself up as an attack vector”
Case in point: all the college protests. All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid. But the question is how the fuck is protesting at a college going to change what a government in another country is going to do in any way? The Israeli government gives little to no fuck about kids opinions protesting at a college campus in the United States. It’s likely civil unrest being spread by TikTok.
Civil unrest to force the great satan to stop supplying the zionist entity is good and cool actually. In fact, I hope the unrest stops being civil.
They have very simple demands, they’re not giving some pie in the sky stuff like “have Joe Biden tried for war crimes and abolish capitalism” or something; the protests all have demands along the lines that their university boycott Israeli companies and cut ties with weapons manufacturers aiding the genocide. To claim otherwise is completely infantalising to the protestors who are risking their university positions and physical health to protest despite the police crackdowns.
Here’s a link to the list of demands of the student protest in new York, for instance
And here’s a picture of the list of the demands of the columbia faculty protest:
I mean let’s be honest, that’s slightly better than US companies plus the Chinese Communist Party being able to do so.
They still can, they just have to go back to buying that data lmao
I don’t know about you, but if I must leak my private data like a sieve to use the internet, I’d much rather that data go to a government that isn’t governing me!
A government that isn’t governing you … yet and that has no ambitions (/s) to take over as much power as possible in the country you live in, you mean?
Ahh yes, I should be worried about how they could in the future, do something while my current government can make me a fucking slave, legally if they decide to.
Look, I don’t know which country you live in but if you’re worried it might make you a slave, you should riot (if at all possible, that is). Be part of the opposition.
So what…?
Not everybody is living in the “default country” and also, with the US we see how well it all works for them and how slavery is not a thing there at all.
I hope the CPC takes power here in burgerland. Maybe then the place would stop being a shit hole.
I don’t think you’d like ruining your social score by hanging out too much on lemmy and as a result losing access to movies/streaming/games, driving cars and your dog.
America defended. You get +1 FICO credit score. You can now afford air conditioning for 2 hours.
I have enough hate for both governments, no worries.
In fact, even if they wanted to they can’t.
Remember the “algorithm panic” that happened a couple years ago? The one that saw Zuckerberg the subject of a senate hearing?
During that, they made it illegal to sell algorithms.
So the TikTok logo can be sold, but it is illegal for them to sell the algorithm that is TikTok.
I’m not sure what specifically you’re referring to, but algorithms are, generally speaking, code. You can purchase a company and their code.
Admittedly, I don’t know the details, so I’ll concede readily if someone has something to say I’m flat out wrong, but TikTok is on fire with lawyers posting their legal analysis of the situation, and the overwhelming concensus that a couple years ago, a series of laws were passed that would make it illegal for a US company to purchase a Chinese algorithm.
The company, the branding, yes.
Specifically the algorithm, no.
Paranoid people who don’t know how to open a PDF passed laws that make that nearly, if not entirely, impossible.
Or so a bunch of lawyers that have side TikTok gigs say.
They are anticipating that being a core argument when TikTok US sues the federal government.
Can you link to any info about this? You have twice declared it illegal to sell an algorithm but expect others to prove you wrong as a proof
I have done a quick search and found no proof of this
Then your quick search is balls and if you have nothing to the contrary, you have as much footing as me.
I’m good with that.
TikTok “legality of selling the algorithm”. Mountains of takes.
You still dont share any concrete info about your statement. By now i’ve read 3 articles about it with no proof of what you re saying although many results are about algorithms that sell stock.
This did not mention it to be illegal although it discusses why Tok would be unwilling to sell the algorythm
Id value if you could share where you have your info from instead of asking me to proove that its not there.
BTW? Did you just recommend that i search about it on Tik Tok?
BTW? Did you just recommend that i search about it on Tik Tok?
Ya, if you want to find some lawyers that have a vested interest in what is going on with TikTok that Google and Microsoft aren’t suppressing, you might want to check out the platform we are actually talking about. It’s great at quickly spreading uncensored information (the real reason the fed is trying to ban it. They want us dumb and eating up their propaganda).
Just an idea.
Who would ever think I’ll side with TikTok…
First they came for the TikTok, and I said nothing, for I wasn’t a Tiktoker.
I feel like this ban WILL start a monopoly. Since Facebook does the same amount or more data mining than TikTok, Facebook will have to be banned alongside Instagram, making YouTube Shorts a monopoly, as there really isn’t any other alternatives that are relevant.
This isn’t about privacy or Meta and Google would be slapped too, this is just about the newest boogeyman for americans.
Seriously this smacks of McCarthy’s grocery list in the House Unamerican Activities Committee.
If there is evidence then they need to show us. We’ve learned some hard lessons about not trusting our government with this stuff.
They already held hearings on this at Congress last year, plenty of evidence was presented during those hearings. They basically forced the CEO to admit that the CCP has control over TikTok on the record. It’s on Youtube
Where is it then? Where is the evidence? Can you link to it? Is there a CSPAN broadcast of it or some talking head making shit up?
I would be very surprised if there was evidence because the newspapers haven’t turned up any and they aren’t about to just let it sit on YouTube.
Here’s the full hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1xEuK0Fxu8
There are also many articles across tech sites on the internet that you can find evidence of how the TikTok app is a data mining monster. If you haven’t read any about it yet, it’s probably just because you don’t want to hear it. It’s certainly not because the evidence is not out there, as there is a shitload of it.
Oh wow. All you could find is the entire 5 hour hearing? You don’t have any time marks? Articles referencing it? Are you seriously just hoping I’ll give up because you threw 5 hours of raw footage at me?
If there’s so many articles then link them. If they proved something in that 5 hours then give me the time stamp. You don’t get to make assertions that destroy people’s jobs and rights to speech without actually citing something.
Oh wow, I provided literally what I said I would provide, and all you can do is complain like a brat? Go find your own shit, I have already wasted enough time attempting to help you.
Long story short, there’s plenty of evidence out there and you will never look for it. Anything that I send as a reply will not be good enough, because you already have chosen what you want to believe about it.
They don’t care about monopoly. They care about evil China. It doesn’t seem to be an issue to strenghten evil Meta and Alphabet.
If we could have it banned in Europe or just Germany I would be happy for my people.
I dislike it. But no. Don’t ve authorjtarian like China. Bann it on phones of those with security clearances, but that’s all.
Get fucked, stay fucked. YouTube shorts eating good.
Neither TikTok nor YouTube Shorts a good.
Lol YouTube Shorts is fine, TikTok is oversatured dogshit.
It’s the same shit. Same dogshit.
Yeah, wasn’t bad for me. Don’t know what shit you guys get but I get stuff that isn’t brainless sigma videos or 14 year olds dancing in thongs.
Lol it’s what the algorithm thinks you want. It goes by what you watch right through, not just what you actually upvote.
Then I guess I skip past the trash because it actually gives me things I want. Like some dude cosplaying in fallout gear and acting out scenarios in a funny way. It feels like what Vine used to be, so it’s chill to me. TikTok just has too much jailbait and room temperature IQ posts of ‘stimulating’ videos. Like cutting kinetic sand or some shit.
Yeah this is why I never let other people use my tiktok, ten minutes and they wreck the algorithm.
If you just search option find proper content, follow that, then block/not interested any kids or kinetic sand and shit in fyp, it will change and never show you it again, it learns way faster than youtube.
I wonder if Tiktok will just make a seperate company that would comply before the 2025 ban comes to effect…
Or they will just exit the US market, interesting stuff.
I still think Glenn Greenwald views on this topic hold true.
“ByteDance doesn’t have any plans to sell TikTok,” the company posted on its official account on Toutiao, a social media platform it owns.
The sell-or-ban measure was signed into law by US President Joe Biden on Wednesday.
“We are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts,” said TikTok boss Shou Zi Chew in a video posted on the platform this week.
“The facts, and the Constitution, are on our side… rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere.”
The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.
The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.
The fundamental ethos of the US and its propaganda of why it’s the greatest country on the planet is the first amendment and the current bunch are absolutely destroying that illusion in plain sight of younger generations.
They’re sending billions for wars and to Israel supporting and assisting them in genocide yet are saying to the ones they expect to pay for it that there’s no money for healthcare, infrastructure, education, welfare, raising minimum wage, etc, etc, et al, and then still demanding they should receive their votes “because the other guys much worse”.
I see a lot of younger people saying that both are shit, that the system is rigged and they ain’t playing their game anymore. That is tantamount to revolution.
Funny how you concerned citizens always seem to mention Israel without also mentioning supporting Ukraine. Almost like it’s not on your talking points list.
If you don’t see an issue with a hostile nation state directly controlling something that is consumed by so many Americans, you’re not looking at it properly.
Also because Ukraine is a nazi state. It has nothing to do with my “talking points” just that Ideologicaly I am opposed to The Ukraine, so I do not want support being sent to them.
Ah, so you’d be perfectly ok with Russia just expanding in Europe and invading the Baltics and Moldova? Oh, you’re a .ml user. Your answer is obviously yes.
Don’t stumble down that slope jackass
Who said anything about the baltics ot moldova?
Ukraine was doing a genocide and violated 2 treaties Russia granted aid and enforced the treaties, and then the areas voted to join russia
If you want to talk about the baltics we can, or Transistria, not Moldova, we can, but that wasn’t the topic of discussion
Won’t people just continue using the app? Wouldn’t it be as easy as side loading future installs?
iPhone has left the chat.
Still think it’s a baited headline given their stated intention to go to court to fight the “unconstitutional ruling”. I’m not so sure the constitution gives foreign companies many legal rights so in that regard they’d perhaps be more protected if they were an American company. Whoops.
TikTok’s 80% of investors who aren’t ByteDance won’t pass up billions of dollars in cash either if the alternative is that they forever get zero from the American market.
They’ve been investing heavily in the US market for the last couple years too, so I doubt they are in the black.
They’ve just all around played politics the American way very poorly. I can’t really comment on whether that’s good or bad but I’m blown away this Shou Chew CEO dude still has a job after this came down.
They’re probably going to find themselves having to explain what it means that a social media platform is itself engaged in speech, instead of functioning as a platform for others to speak. TikTok users, whose voices are allegedly curtailed by the ban, aren’t exactly prevented from going to another platform.
If they say that it’s Tiktok’s speech that’s curtailed, they’re going to have to explain carefully how they’re not a foreign influence operation.
The language of the first amendment is pretty stark, but the courts have always understood it has various limits.
they’re going to have to explain carefully how they’re not a foreign influence operation.
McCarthyism’s back baby!
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the TikTok community?
Banning TikTok in an election year is proof Democrats don’t want to win.
Who votes for the dictator because of losing TikTok?
They’re just going to stay home.
Which is the same as a vote for a dictator. And that is super cool if you are looking forward to Project 2025, and selling out loved ones so they can be put in camps as political prisoners.
Have you thought maybe the democrats themselves own some responsibility for the jeopardy the election is in? Maybe banning one of the most popular social media sites right before an election was a bad move?
It had votes/support from both sides. And giving away democracy because you’re upset about a social media site seems like a bad take. Imagine telling future generations you traded the country’s democracy because you were mad at them because they took away your short video sites.
You can’t fear monger about “the end of democracy” every election while also insisting that everyone has to vote for your guy, regardless of him being an antidemocratic, genocidal ghoul.
Is a vote for Trump actually two votes for Trump? Oh! Is every dollar you don’t donate to Biden a dollar donated to Trump?
Mathematician here, I can answer this. Equivalence relations are symmetric, so if staying home is a vote for Trump then showing up to vote for Trump is the same as staying home on election day.
Okay, but then isn’t staying home also a vote for Biden by the same logic?
This isn’t a binary relation, there’s clearly three options (vote for Biden, vote for Trump, vote for neither).
That doesn’t make any sense. The idea that staying home could be a vote for Biden seems pretty silly on its face. If that were true, there wouldn’t be any point in going out to vote for him, because the majority (or at least a plurality) of the country stays home regardless. He’d win in a landslide.
Lol it was bipartisan. Not just democrats, Republicans as well.
So what? This only pisses off the Democrat’s base and it will make them stay home.
Notably the ban doesn’t kick in until after the election, after which it may not even be Biden’s problem. Maybe ByteDance will shut it down sooner. Maybe the next administration won’t follow through with the ban. 🤷
It was smart to delay the ban. The original bill would have banned it before the election - monumentally stupid! This, at least, delays the impact.
People are paying attention, though, and TikTok has been buying ads to campaign against this law. It’s still going to have an impact.
What’s the overlap between people who vote Republican and people who use Tiktok? I’m actually curious.
They’re both dumb as hell and love to be influenced by autocratic governments
You’re saying that 1/3 of Americans are dumb as hell while repeating BlueAnonsense.
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- Washington Post: FEC fines DNC, Clinton for violating rules in funding Steele dossier
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- Jacobin: It Turns Out Hillary Clinton, Not Russian Bots, Lost the 2016 Election
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- Jacobin: Why the Twitter Files Are in Fact a Big Deal On the Left, there’s been a temptation to dismiss the revelations about Twitter’s internal censorship system that have emerged from the so-called Twitter Files project. But that would be a mistake: the news is important and the details are alarming.
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- Jeff Gerth at Columbia Journalism Review on Russiagate: Editor’s Note | Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
- Matt Taibbi: WMD, Part II: CIA “Cooked The Intelligence” To Hide That Russia Favored Clinton, Not Trump In 2016
- Chris Hedges: Why Russiagate Won’t Go Away
- Paris Marx: The TikTok ban is all about preserving US power
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The age range skews younger, so probably not huge. It’s definitely there though - lots of “tradwife” thinly disguised fetish content. 😒
There’s a reason Trump came out against this ban, he knows it’s going to be unpopular and he loses nothing by flip-flopping on it.
This is just a free W for Trump and an L for Democrats with literally zero upsides. It accomplishes nothing besides pissing people off!
Well, unless there’s a credible national security angle that’s being kept confidential. I kind of suspect there is, since Trump tried to push through similar legislation, but worded it so badly that it never got out of debate… and the likes of Wyden voted for it even while they said it was the wrong legislation to solve the problem.
Please don’t tell me you actually believe them when they cry about national security. It’s almost always a lie.
Usually it’s about economics. But in this case, it may actually be true.
Generally, I consider real natsec issues to be things they can’t tell the public. So when I see privacy minded reps joining in with reps from both side of the aisle, I’m willing to lend a bit of credence to a security angle.
Assuming it’s not just the US being upset that some other autocratic government is controlling the medium du jour.
… and so by whining about natsec they can get you to support anything, as long as they don’t tell you about it?
No, I ignore the whining and consider it may be an issue based on actual behavior, as I originally stated.
Hence the “in this case, they might be actually telling the truth” from the original statement.
Just because they over-use an excuse doesn’t mean that it isn’t true on the odd occasion.
The problem is that so much crying wolf makes it more difficult to tell when it’s real.
It’s actually already banned in multiple countries, especially for anyone in government positions.
i don’t use tik tok and think this is all hilarious. watching you all fight over it is even funnier.
I don’t protest so watching the government arrest protestors is hilarious. No way this will ever blow back on me!
this has nothing to do with tik tok
This makes sense as there still billions of other potential users around the world. Add to that the fact that other nations like content of their own cultures in their own languages. It means even if they will feel the change the platform won’t collapse because it is missing US users. Now If other countries follow in the US footsteps then it becomes a different story.
Since it hasn’t been mentioned yet; the real reason TikTok is being banned.
You have got to be kidding. Did you really just link the canary? The same canary that got banned from Twitter for making antisemitic remarks.
They also failed dozens of fact checks.
Is there anything factually incorrect in the article?
They also failed dozens of fact checks.
The ban on tiktok was going through before palestine attacked Israel. This article is just pure speculation and conspiracy theories.
The Canary has faced criticism for claiming that Israel is an apartheid state for its occupation of the West Bank. According to the Jewish Chronicle, Kerry-Anne Mendoza, the editor-in-chief, had her Twitter account suspended when she compared Jewish Labour Supporters with South Africa’s Apartheid “Imagine if during a day of international solidarity with the oppressed of Apartheid South Africa the Labour leadership opted instead to spend the day with white supremacists. That’s what Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner are doing today.”
What great journalists.
The Canary has faced criticism for claiming that Israel is an apartheid state for its occupation of the West Bank.
So they’re getting criticized for being factually correct? Typical FIVE-EYES cracker bullshit.
Sure. Ignoring that this started in 2020 during Trump’s presidency.
And back then the Republicans were the party screaming about banning TikTok.
Now that israel is involved this became a lot less partisan very quickly.
Yes. This has been ongoing since TikTok acquired musical.ly. The CFIUS didn’t care as much until it became popular. TikTok has tried to comply, so why isn’t the CFIUS and there considerations being heeded?
This is the same conclusion Second Thought came to a while back in one of his youtube videos. While I don’t disagree with the conclusion, I also wouldn’t say it’s mutually exclusive to reasoning promoted by the mainstream media of "foreign influence. " What’s really wild is the idea that the ban is also being pushed by “foreign influence.”
The concept that “foreign influence” can destabilize the system means the system itself is not transparent and fair enough.
It means local influence does not work in public interest, and the problem is not abroad, it’s in your government.
Plausible deniability, 2 birds with 1 stone. There are hundreds of companies with foreign investors and influence. TikTok has tried to work with investigators and even spent $1.5 billion on a server framework for Project Texas. If TikTok was a crappy app and wasn’t the primary source of news for young adults, the government wouldn’t care.