So richtig Techno hören geht doch eh nur einmal. Danach piepts nur noch. Ich habe noch nie so richtig Techno gehört. Mein Gehör dankt aber.
So richtig Techno hören geht doch eh nur einmal. Danach piepts nur noch. Ich habe noch nie so richtig Techno gehört. Mein Gehör dankt aber.
Not much brain. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hat es denn so geklappt mit dem Kontakt?
I use Archie btw.
This is about mining, not about production.
I didn’t say I don’t have any anxiety. I just mean it’s probably better to keep it low instead of riding the anxiety wave all day, every day.
But yes, sometimes anxiety is what it takes to really get going.
I guess it just makes a very stressed human being, which is not healthy at all in the long run, neither psychically nor physically.
So what…?
Not everybody is living in the “default country” and also, with the US we see how well it all works for them and how slavery is not a thing there at all.
Lol you’re me
Look, I don’t know which country you live in but if you’re worried it might make you a slave, you should riot (if at all possible, that is). Be part of the opposition.
A government that isn’t governing you … yet and that has no ambitions (/s) to take over as much power as possible in the country you live in, you mean?
Good fucking riddance.
I’ll actually try this right away tomorrow morning when I get to do my work, concluding that I want to get shit done because of my bad-conscience-induced stomach ache.
Mein Arbeitslaptop hat die Nach-oben Pfeiltaste links von der rechten Umschalttaste. Wer auch immer sich das ausgedacht hat gehört jedesmal dann geohrfeigt, wenn der Cursor wieder mitten in den verkackten Text reinballert und ich gefühlte fünf Minuten den scheiß Text reparieren kann.
Frage im Titel… da klingelt was…
Oops, missed that typo. Sorry I guess…
You see, parents are a motor to innovation. (/s)
Hopefully the patent runs out soon…
Shrimp is bugs.