“Business owners take risks that’s why they should be paid a lot of money”
“Of course minimum wage shouldn’t be higher, then the business owner can’t afford to run their business”
“Of course the business owner should be compensated! They couldn’t know the market would crash, it would be unfair to punish them for events of chance!”
It’s wild how people think it’s a divine right to own a business where you can underpay workers.
Economists are to capitalism what priests were to feudalism
I thought this was UlyssesT for a moment
That’s either a compliment or an insult and there’s no real way to know
Inside of you are two UylessesTs
this could get messy
Salute to the glorious socialist state of CCCalifornia for literally executing the petty bourgeoise by creating a minimum wage that is almost enough to scrape by on
I hate how these fuckers complain while poor people are suffering more than them.
“Waaaaaa I can’t use near slave labour to get rich off my shitty restaurant, waaaaaa”
Good. Fuck you.
Remember how the capitalist class kept blaming inflation on the meager COVID relief checks sent to individuals but conveniently overlooked the much larger amount given to small businesses? And how easy it was for them to fraudulently inflate the losses reported?
“I support the free market.” … “No, not like that.”
Damn, business owners will have to work instead of play golf and wrack up harassment lawsuits.
It’s fine, they can still golf all they want so long as they dial back on the harassment lawsuits by about 10%.
Too fucking bad, you don’t get to have people support your “dreams” of owning a restaurant by working for you on poverty wages you greedy fuck
Did someone get addicted to exploiting cheap labor?
What’s that? Restaurant owner wants handouts? Tough luck bud, it’s a free market and if you can’t compete that’s on you!
You want all the reward of being a capitalist with none of the risk. Come back to me when you’ve gotten over your entitlement!
buckling up for Economy Crashed Because Wages Too High headlines in 2025
I made 26 an hour my first year working as an RN at a hospital, beyond the fact that I’ve been blacklisted at my local hospitals because the first one was a transphobic piece of shit, I don’t even want to go back anymore, I can work at a nursing home with less interstaff drama, less stress, and less risk to my own health while making more than the hospitals pay even after they had to jump pay up 10+ an hour just to get some nurses back.
Restaurant owner? Fast food?
Ya know, if you give really good service at a restaurant you can make a killing as a server/bartender. But if you just want to do mediocre work, I guess $20/hr at fast food sounds enticing
paying your bills and feeding your family shouldnt’ be dependent on fucking tips. People regularly don’t tip just because they are dumb fuck lead poisoned assholes.
Employers who pay their employees less than a living wage absolutely deserve to get the most mediocre work possible from their employees. If you want to pay someone $10 an hour and schedule them 30 hours a week so they don’t get benefits then don’t come whining when they don’t give a fuck about your shitty business.
If you want exceptional work then pay exceptional wages.
As a fellow dedicated chef, I wish you a very The Mess.
Damn, he got removed by mod before I went the absolute fuck off on this idiot. I work high end stuff and have been blessed to never have had to work fast food and can very reasonably say those people work SO much harder than we do and we work really really hard. I couldn’t do it and no one should even have to, those conditions are nuts and kitchens aren’t a ballpark to begin with. If there’s a fast food gig on your resume I take it as a huge plus, if you can handle that, the stress aspect is already handled and the rest is learning how to cook. I’ve met plenty of people thst did culinary school before working any kitchen jobs and someone who is pure theory and full of themselves is way worse thsn someone who had grinded it out before but needs to learn how to food. Teaching people how to cook is esybessier thsn teaching people how to deal with kitchen bullshit.
Your parents failed in raising you
Is it true that the big chains are mass firing people in response to the raise?
I can’t recall the last time I saw more than like 2-3 people working at a fast food restaurant at the same time. A lot of restaurants are getting rid of kids play places since that requires a lot of labor to clean (or just letting them get disgusting). There’s no more labor that can be cut.
Who cares? Franchisees are not restauranteurs. They are businesspeople who want to skim six figures off the top of a restaurant simply because they own it. They do this by exploiting workers and making shittier food at incresasingly smaller portions. They will fire people and shittify their product until they eventually go out of business - and because they are participating in the capitalist ideal, they would do this eventually even without California’s help - or hasn’t anyone noticed that fast food does nothing but get more and more shit.
This will ultimately drive the market back to owners who are restauranteurs - who care about their place of business, their product and their workers. These people too may make six figures in the running of the restaurant, but they are actively involved in running it and they add enough value to it to justify taking that money from it. The franchise model of American food service has been nothing but a disaster for this country - for workers and for the health of the general public - and I for one am glad to see it crippled in any capacity.
Edit: to say nothing of the CEOs of these companies and their obscene pay that the franchisees empower.
Restaurateurs are businesspeople too, they’re just worse at it
Some franchisees are for sure but I don’t see how they can when they’re already all so understaffed
Fast food already runs a skeleton crew, I don’t see how they can do it without opening later or closing earlier
At this point if you find a place in retail or food that isn’t running on a skeleton crew to barely run the place then it’s probably an accident of scheduling. Because about 15 years ago all the business managers decided that quality experiences in stores is expensive and what are customers gonna do? Shop elsewhere? No, you do the bare minimum, keep the employees miserable and try to force them to quit with terrible work environments so you never need to give them a raise because they all quit within a year. The suckers who stick around get promoted to supervisor and given a pittance of like 40k a year to abuse the shit out others so they will continue to quit within the first year. It’s the cycle of retail hell.
Is this an attempt to make people depend further increases to minimum wage for fast-food workers?
“My wage slaves! Curse them for wanting a better paycheck!”
As it should be. When I graduated college, min wage was $8 and rent was like 1k a month to live in a really rough area in one of the shittier cities.