Ya know, if you give really good service at a restaurant you can make a killing as a server/bartender. But if you just want to do mediocre work, I guess $20/hr at fast food sounds enticing
Employers who pay their employees less than a living wage absolutely deserve to get the most mediocre work possible from their employees. If you want to pay someone $10 an hour and schedule them 30 hours a week so they don’t get benefits then don’t come whining when they don’t give a fuck about your shitty business.
If you want exceptional work then pay exceptional wages.
paying your bills and feeding your family shouldnt’ be dependent on fucking tips. People regularly don’t tip just because they are dumb fuck lead poisoned assholes.
Damn, he got removed by mod before I went the absolute fuck off on this idiot. I work high end stuff and have been blessed to never have had to work fast food and can very reasonably say those people work SO much harder than we do and we work really really hard. I couldn’t do it and no one should even have to, those conditions are nuts and kitchens aren’t a ballpark to begin with. If there’s a fast food gig on your resume I take it as a huge plus, if you can handle that, the stress aspect is already handled and the rest is learning how to cook. I’ve met plenty of people thst did culinary school before working any kitchen jobs and someone who is pure theory and full of themselves is way worse thsn someone who had grinded it out before but needs to learn how to food. Teaching people how to cook is esybessier thsn teaching people how to deal with kitchen bullshit.
Restaurant owner? Fast food?
Ya know, if you give really good service at a restaurant you can make a killing as a server/bartender. But if you just want to do mediocre work, I guess $20/hr at fast food sounds enticing
Employers who pay their employees less than a living wage absolutely deserve to get the most mediocre work possible from their employees. If you want to pay someone $10 an hour and schedule them 30 hours a week so they don’t get benefits then don’t come whining when they don’t give a fuck about your shitty business.
If you want exceptional work then pay exceptional wages.
paying your bills and feeding your family shouldnt’ be dependent on fucking tips. People regularly don’t tip just because they are dumb fuck lead poisoned assholes.
As a fellow dedicated chef, I wish you a very The Mess.
Damn, he got removed by mod before I went the absolute fuck off on this idiot. I work high end stuff and have been blessed to never have had to work fast food and can very reasonably say those people work SO much harder than we do and we work really really hard. I couldn’t do it and no one should even have to, those conditions are nuts and kitchens aren’t a ballpark to begin with. If there’s a fast food gig on your resume I take it as a huge plus, if you can handle that, the stress aspect is already handled and the rest is learning how to cook. I’ve met plenty of people thst did culinary school before working any kitchen jobs and someone who is pure theory and full of themselves is way worse thsn someone who had grinded it out before but needs to learn how to food. Teaching people how to cook is esybessier thsn teaching people how to deal with kitchen bullshit.
Your parents failed in raising you