Presenting to the emergency room with hyponatremia, from hypo meaning low, natron meaning sodium, and hemia meaning presence in blood. Low sodium presence in blood !
You could probably use crystals of other elements to treat other deficiencies too, such as iron? But it’s probably easier to just take an iron tablet or eat some food containing iron 😂
The only way crystals can heal you is if that crystal is salt and your illness is a salt deficiency.
Presenting to the emergency room with hyponatremia, from hypo meaning low, natron meaning sodium, and hemia meaning presence in blood. Low sodium presence in blood !
What if I’m bleeding out from a gunshot wound and I have a crystal that is sufficient diameter to plug said gunshot wound?
Helps not die. Not so much heal.
Not dying helps heal.
I remain skeptical. But you do you.
You could probably use crystals of other elements to treat other deficiencies too, such as iron? But it’s probably easier to just take an iron tablet or eat some food containing iron 😂
To be fair; pretty common.