Isn’t it the opposite? Soda would be bitter AF cause of the caffeine and the carbonic acid is added to give it the fizz, then they dump a ton of high fructose corn syrup in.
Isn’t it the opposite? Soda would be bitter AF cause of the caffeine and the carbonic acid is added to give it the fizz, then they dump a ton of high fructose corn syrup in.
It says it doesn’t apply to updates, only app downloads…
I mean every oven I’ve ever had has a cook time and a timer, the cook time turns the oven off when done and the timer just beeps, plus it doesn’t require that your oven be on, so you can use it for other things. Also your link doesn’t work.
Plasma bigscreen if you want it simple, if you want those extra features go for KDE anyway.
Not dying helps heal.
Aww, Leslie, Susan, Hannah, and Rick are pretty cute.
Interesting, what’s a common one that the average person would consider good?