Speak friend, and enter !
Speak friend, and enter !
“Republicans repeat propaganda and democrats don’t” isn’t even the conclusion of this paper, which you’d know if you had actually looked at it. In fact, we already knew that republicans spread more disinfo than democrats, it’s been demonstrated in multiple studies that are cited in this paper.
This particular study’s interest is about what triggers it : “Our research enhances our understanding of when and why conservatives tend to spread more misinformation than liberals. We find that an ideological asymmetry emerges when politically polarized situations trigger conservatives’ desire for ingroup dominance. Acting on that salient desire, conservatives spread ingroup-skewed political misinformation, which is of uncertain accuracy, but not definitively false. In less polarized situations, conservatives’ desire to achieve ingroup dominance is tempered, along with their misinformation conveyance.”
No problem. Thanks for the giveaway anyway :)
I’d like Kerbal Space program please.
That’s a Donald I can vote for.
Donald is again mistaking commerce for extorsion. People buy your wares if they fit their needs and if the price is right. This is commerce. " If you don’t buy our cars, bad things will happen to you " is extorsion.
What a genius businessman.
Oh yeah ? Well Trump had an uncle who was a professor at MIT, so I guess they’re even. /s
It’s a well established historical fact that the last supper is the only time in history that people gathered around a table !
Deoxyribose is the ‘D’ in DNA. Just use the blood of your enemies.
I honestly don’t understand why you’d go back to Intel these days. Performance is only comparable if Intel chips guzzle like twice the wattage, and they’ll make sure you have to also change your mobo by conveniently switching sockets every two years. What’s the upside of going Intel?
I agree with you but this phone comes with a proprietary super fast 100W charging tech that only works with their charger and cable.
it’s an advanced technique to produce a gliding sound
The partial pressure of oxygen in the Apollo 1 capsule was about 16.7 PSI.
I had always assumed they just compensated with oxygen pressure to match atmospheric partial oxygen pressure, but I checked and indeed you’re right, but it was only that high an oxgen pressure for testing purposes on the ground. Once in flight, they would have dropped it to 5 PSI. It also makes sense as to why that Apollo 1 fire was so violent. Thanks for that learning opportunity ! :)
Partial pressure of the gases you breathe is what matters though, that’s why astronauts could breathe pure oxygen for days during the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo missions and be fine (as long as there’s no fire :/ ).
There are 850k people living in La Paz, Bolivia (elevation 3650m) with the equivalent of 13.2% sea level oxygen and they seem to be doing just fine. And granted, the natives of the region display some hemoglobin adaptation, but still… Even Aspen, Colorado sits at about 15% sea level oxygen and I’m pretty sure people don’t wear breathing gear while skiing there.
There are 850k people living in La Paz, Bolivia with the equivalent of 13.2% sea level oxygen and they seem to be doing just fine.
This guy could suddenly rupture a brain aneurysm and you wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference.
Dr Becky is an actual astrophysicist (PhD) and her content is great and based on a thorough analysis of published science. Maybe watch the video first next time ?
Everytime Trump is in power, a new plague comes up. You’d think fundamentalist Christians would figure this out …