I need more Donald Duck shitposts in my life.
That’s a Donald I can vote for.
I had the sound on and didn’t understand one word uttered in this video. But I want more duck!
I dug down to get the audio. The girl is saying, “Bentley” in a seductive voice then tapping or rubbing various parts of the car. Donald says, “Citroën” in duck-speak and then does Donald Duck noises at times.
Ah, thanks!
The woman keeps saying “Bentley” and Donald keeps saying “Citroën.”
When he looks up at the car handle, I’m not entirely sure what he says. It’s sounds like it’s either “oh sheesh” or “oh shucks.”
Ah. I may have gotten the Bentley, probably from the branding haha. But did not get the rest. Thanks.
I think he says “watch this!” before he jumps.
He says “hostias”, it’s a spanish expression. It means something like “shit”
Considering those are Spanish plates, I’d say you’re right!
gonna have to bring this one back to life.
more like perfectlycutquaks tho.
Meh, it’s not like she comes with the stupidly expensive car. At least I could also afford a Donald Duck hand puppet if I bought the other one, though.
I’d prefer she didn’t come with my car anyway. Wife would have questions and honestly she doesn’t seem all that interesting.
Donald Duck however? Yes please
I could come on your stupidly expensive car, if you want
Like when it’s shipped to you, I could lay on there all sexy
and come
When Donald fingers the grill of the Citroën, I lost it.
Why is this ad weirdly sexually charged?
Is Donald trying to make another duck?
This is amazing
Bro found his son😂
Stop posting ads bruh
Too late, I am now a proud owner of Citroën
I thought cars in the last decade couldn’t have hood ornaments anymore ?
I have no idea, but if there is such a rule, it doesn’t matter when the car costs this much. Rich people are gonna do rich things.
Probably sitting on a spring, or with special easy to snap bolts (that was the law in sweden some 30 years ago anyways). Maybe it’s in China.
I prefer the A-10 one