“Pro-Palestinian people”
Good god, that phrasing!
Freudian slip here that Hamas is just another way of saying Palestine to them
Honestly, just getting libs to admit that they’re not pro-Palestine is progress. If it’s making these genocide fans annoyed, it can’t be wrong.
Liberals care more about words than actual reality
It’s like that “meta/optics” analysis you see news commentators do. They completely ignore the actual content of the topic, and obsess over which person had a more powerful stance or talk about which person’s suit had better big dick energy.
A liberal told me a while back they didn’t like Parenti, and when I asked why, they said they hated the style of the writing. He’s not writing fiction lol, the content is what matters.
Also Parenti’s style is great what is wrong with them.
PS I salute you, OG Lemmygrad poster.
Ugh, that reminds me of a person I know who didn’t like Bernie because “He was too angry sounding”
It’s like, my dude, priorities!
Much like my abusive father, Bernie Sanders would raise his voice. This is completely unacceptable for someone I would vote for
Yeah that copypasta always made me laugh.
[CW: Abuse]
My abusive father would promise shit and not deliver, kind of like Biden, so which way, liberal man?
That’s often a huge anti semitic red flag too
I’m not a Yank so i’ve never paid that much attention but I had no idea he was Jewish, that really recontextualizes a lot, wow
Yeah, all the talk about him being “loud” and “always yelling” was really gross antisemitic tropes. Then those same people would dismissively call him an “old white man” and negate his experience as part of a minority in America so he couldn’t win either way.
He was way to fucking nice in the face of all that bullshit.
I think when they say things like that, what they mean is “This content is challenging my pre-concieved notions, but I can’t handle that, so I’ll find some excuse to dismiss this book out of hand.”
No but he waved his finger this time its serious
But he said the good words! Not like the bad orange man who says the bad words
We’ve had decades of basically nothing changing in western countries. Politics is just an abstract thing that we commentate on because it doesnt materially impact us. Politics happens out there in the hinterlands. People have their entire lives ruined and their families destroyed in the blink of an eye and without warning in the hinterlands. I’m not actually sure any of those people are actually real, anyway. So I will vote for the red team or the blue team depending on my aesthetic preference.
That will change of course. We are on a collision course with the laws of physics. Liberals of all stripes will ignore that though and continue to play empire.
Curiously, conservatives do too.
Really makes for a fucked up country when its all style and no substance.
it’s just idealism, magic powerful man has the right ideas because we believed in the power of democracy hard enough so israel will have no choice but to do good vibes now
Liberal politics is purely about aesthetics
I don’t want Biden to “call for” a ceasefire. He’s the goddamn commander in chief and Israel is his vassal. I want Biden to enact a ceasefire
Exactly. When people call for a ceasfire its Biden they’re calling too
“Please stop supporting genocide”
“Biden has called for a ceasefire!”
“Okay, but please stop supporting genocide”
“You’re moving the goalposts!”
Guys it’s not like he’s in charge of the country keeping “Israel” afloat, it’s not like he has blocked Congress to send them bombs so they can continue their genocide; listen, he said he’s really mad, what else do you want? He can’t do anything else, he’s powerless.
And yes, Trump would use his power as President to make the United States a part of Russia.
Everyone: We should stop murdering people
That’s what I’ve been saying!
But your honor, did you account for the fact that while I was murdering many innocents I said “Violence should stop!”??? I should be exonerated
Correct, I’m not voting for the guy who has been enabling genocide for six months regardless of whether he stops tomorrow
I’d vote for him if he did a complete 360 and entirely dismantled the settler-colonial state of “Israel” and gave the land back to the Palestinians.
“Ahem, listen to yourself. Be realistic.”
Ceasefire ain’t gonna do much at this point. He needs to demand that Israel help rebuild Gaza cause that land is nigh unusable at this point. They completely obliterated all of its critical infrastructure. How do they expect people to live in rubble?
how do they expect people to live in that rubble?
They don’t.
Love getting blocked by every Zionist who talks about goalposts by saying:
Yeah I can’t stand it when people are like, “take the gun out of the kids mouth” and then when I do, they’re like “now let the kid go” like come on, pick a lane!
I always wonder who would be gullible and stupid enough to hear the empty pledges without looking deeper into the actions taken before, during, and after making them? Who would see “Russia and China block ceasefire” and just repeat that line to own the tankies without looking further into their reasoning.
That’s when you meet people like the poster of that meme and everyone agreeing. You can argue damn near anything and they’ll find some way to convince themselves they’re in the right. And these are supposedly educated people with degrees.
The more educated people are, the better they are at bullshitting and rationalizing themselves into very stupid positions
“I’m disappointed in you and I wish you’d stop” I sigh out as I hand a mass murderer an AR-15 and a box of ammo.
The Palestinian goal has always been self-determination. Liberals want to ignore this and think a ceasefire was always the primary goal, when it’s a temporary compromise.
No, the goal is decolonization and a single Palestinian state. That’s the only solution
Was parsing this and for a second landed on the horrible mixed metaphor “picked up their goal and went home.” lmao