Why the hell do they even let them operate anymore? Spying on people. That’s one of the most illegal things you can fucking do to a person, save bodily harm. Even law enforcement needs a damn permit for it.
They have money. Period. End of discussion. Money equals do what you want. Having “fuck you” money equals do what you want to whoever you want without consequence.
This is the world we live in and it’s not going to change while half of an entire country’s voting body is willing to elect an insurrectionist that’s guilty of rape among ninety some-odd other things.
Best to just accept this and look inward to you and your own and do your best to keep those things happy and healthy.
On that note, lets federate with threads! (I‘m gonna rub this in for the rest of eternity)
I mean, how braindead does someone have to be to not see that meta is the devil.
Fedipact for the win! :)
Lovely to see how crazy long that list was!
Quite simply: “Feda is always betta without meta”
They could be “snooping” on the fediverse anyway by starting an instance and federating.
They could and anyone things that they’re not already doing that is high. But thats not the concern of the fedipact. We just dont want them here as in their posts, their culture and their behavior.
Which is batty. I want lemmy to grow, to have niche communities open up etc. Gatekeeping people because “we don’t take kindly to your type” is plain stupid.
We’ve already had this debate and we don’t care that you don’t like it. If you want to be on Threads, go be on fucking Threads. Not all of us want Lemmy to grow at all.
Why would you not want it to grow. I would have never cared about my online privacy if I didn’t stumble upon a Lemmy thread on reddit and join. I would have never ditched windows for Linux without Lemmy. I would not have done a lot of things without Lemmy. Saying you don’t want it to grow is dumb if something does not grow it will die. If you don’t want to see there content then block them. You should not be able to decide what others see.
Sounds like Lemmy did just just fine at the size it already is.
That and there is organic growth and a 100x entity entering your space and calling it „growth“. Its delusional. Its literally the gauls and the romans.
Whatever „batty“ means.
Your argument is falsely equating our „we dont accept authoritarian systems here“ to „we dont accept people“ which is thinly veiled gaslighting.
No, the issue is “we don’t accept people from facebook”. It doesn’t matter what their opinion is - facebook bad.
facebook bad.
The company that has been complicit with multiple ethnic cleansing campaigns, election manipulation schemes, and attempted to suppress their own research showing that their platform harms children? Yeah. They’re pretty ethically bankrupt and anyone with something resembling scruples should want nothing to do with them. The users are welcome to join an existing instance or create their own. The company needs to be blocked.
You‘re doing it again. Please stop putting words in my mouth.
We dont accept facebook here, period.
Which is the exact same thing I said - you don’t care about the people, you just go “facebook bad” and ban it
“It’s okay when a major company does it. For everyone else that’s a violation of the computer fraud and abuse act…” - FBI/DOJ
“It’s okay when a major American company does it.” - FBI/DOJ
Fixed it for you. Guarantee if they found TikTok doing this that ban would be going through today.
The TikTok ban isn’t about Privacy - it’s about selling it to Trump’s billionaire backers for cheap. That’s why Truth Social is going public now and “mysteriously” doing so well. It’s leading to a TikTok takeover.
They took Twitter, already have Facebook, and now are targeting TikTok and Reddit.
The political right’s biggest enemy over the past 30 years has been the democratization of information. But with the centralization on online activity that’s occurred over the last 15 years, they have a chance to undo all progress we’ve made.
The project was part of the company’s In-App Action Panel (IAPP) program, which used a technique for “intercepting and decrypting” encrypted app traffic from users of Snapchat, and later from users of YouTube and Amazon, the consumers’ lawyers wrote in the document.
Looks like they didn’t decrypt anything, just used MitM spyware.
This is a ‘man-in-the-middle approach,’" the email said.
Yep, this article has more details about it
Zuckerberg Did Nothing Wrong
I’m concerned that the narrative that what Facebook was trying to achieve here was wrong or bad is itself user-hostile, and pushes in favor of the non-fiduciary model of software.
Facebook paid people to let them have access to those people’s communications with Snap, Inc., via Snapchat’s app. This is so that Facebook could do their analytics magic and try and work out how often Snapchat users tend to do X, Y, or Z. Did they pay enough? Who knows. Would you take the deal? Maybe not. Was this a totally free choice without any influence from the creeping specter of capitalist immiseration? Of course not. But it’s not some unusually nefarious plot when a person decides to let a company watch them do stuff! Privacy isn’t about never being allowed to reveal what you are up to. Some people like to fill out those little surveys they get in the mail.
Now, framing this as Facebook snooping on Snapchat’s data concedes that a person’s communications from their Snapchat app to Snapchat HQ are Snapchat’s data. Not that person’s data, to do with as they please. If the user interferes with the normal operation of one app at the suggestion of someone who runs a different app, this framing would see that as two apps having a fight, with user agency nowhere to be found. I think it is important to see this as a user making a choice about what their system is going to do. Snapchat on your phone is entirely your domain; none of it belongs to Snap, Inc. If you want to convince it to send all your Snapchat messages to the TV in Zuckerberg’s seventh bathroom in exchange for his toenail clippings, that’s your
-given right.User agency is under threat already, and we should not write it away just to try and make Facebook look bad.
Even if they paid them there are a lot of things being done here that could be illegal, hence why they immediately shut down the VPN after someone found out what they are doing.
Not to mention how highly unethical this all is. If you read the articles, there were multiple people FROM Facebook that questioned the approach.
There are obviously ways that this kind of research could be done ethically or legally, and your right that people should be empowered over their data. That does not mean a large company abusing it’s knowledge and power should be legal.
How many times is Facebook going to be caught doing this kind of shit before some real action is taken? They clearly can’t be trusted. Let’s add them to the same TikTok ban at this point.
The lesson to be learned here is to be careful with which VPN you trust on your phone.
Google offers a VPN as part of their Google subscription. Makes me wonder if they’re going the same thing.
Hahaha, why would Google need a VPN to spy on you? Google keyboard tracks everything you do.
I am not fan of Google but that’s an enormous accusation. Do you have any evidence?
Willing to bet they meant in the context of whatever you search for with Google.
Or the default Gboard on Android phones.
That is what I thought they meant.
Tracking the keyboard like they said would be extremely invasive and extremely illegal.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
(And yes some local tracking is needed to predict words but that’s very different from collecting data)
Let’s be real for a moment, when has legality stopped Google?
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but until relatively recently countries have not been holding Google or other big tech companies to task beyond a measily small percentage of their annual revenue
beyond a measily small percentage of their annual revenue
If you are referring to the GDPR you should know that the penalty is actually really high. And it’s not like they can’t continue issuing fines if they don’t stop.
Also you have to keep the PR impact in mind. Proved tracking of keyboard input like that would be very concerning for even the people that say “I have nothing to hide”.
Google also doesn’t need to track that when they know everything else about our life’s.
Yeah but…
Facebook achieved their MITM attack by selling a VPN with spyware in it.
And so you have to wonder: who in his right mind would buy a VPN service from effing Facebook of all companies? It’s like asking the KKK to do the catering at your bar mitzvah: if you have a problem with the service, you kind of asked for it.
Facebook paid kids $20 a month to run this app: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/1/30/18203803/facebook-research-vpn-minors-data-access-apple
These kids most likely didn’t see it as a VPN at all