Facebook paid kids $20 a month to run this app: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/1/30/18203803/facebook-research-vpn-minors-data-access-apple
These kids most likely didn’t see it as a VPN at all
Facebook paid kids $20 a month to run this app: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/1/30/18203803/facebook-research-vpn-minors-data-access-apple
These kids most likely didn’t see it as a VPN at all
This is the game I play on my Steamdeck the most. Great for five minutes or 45. I’m at ascension 14 or so.
There will be scores of people looking for evidence this new device is doing something Apple has not disclosed. This is how security researchers make a name for themselves.
The engineers on the team building this product will not want to be associated with building something nefarious. These engineers are just regular people. You can find them online and speak with them. They look for jobs at other firms just like we all do. Unless they are being paid so well that they won’t ever have to work again, they can’t ruin their reputations.
If you really believe what this post is purporting, I’ll remind you that you are most likely carrying a device with you every day that has a microphone and internet access. If you aren’t, you are still surrounded by people who are.
The claims this post is making will simply make people tune out or ignore real security concerns.
I have no respect for Max as a platform. It’s degrading HBO’s brand and is just full of junk.
Some of the shows that have fallen off Max have already found success on Netflix.
Maybe the show will find an audience on Netflix. Max is not the right home for a show like this.
@Klanky I loved every bit of that except for Rick Berman’s name.
Are the Rest of Lemmy guys there playing 3D checkers?
TIL Bohemian Rhapsody was formally the highest grossing biopic. I kind of liked the movie but I know a lot of people who obsessed over Freddie Mercury and they all swear the movie is wretched
@mike591 this is the guy who showed the world that Russia’s military is a joke, right? I’m not sure anyone takes this guy seriously
This is a super useful clip. Voyager is one of the shows I’ve retained least well and I couldn’t remember who this holodeck character was supposed to be
The arcade scene today is full of mobile IP reimagined as quarter munchers
but if I saw one in my bedroom or bathroom, that’s a dead bug brah.
If a house centipede is living in your bedroom or bathroom, that should tell you that you’ve got a pest problem.
House centipedes are wolves. Wolves don’t just hang around where there’s no prey
Oh? You don’t have to setup a usenet provider to Sonaar work?
I’m out of the loop then. You have any recommendations for modern setup tutorials?
@owiseedoubleyou @deleted @iHUNTcriminals
No, binaries were included. That was the main way binaries were exchanged for a time.
Usenet access used to be included by ISPs. It’s been a long time since that was standard. I’m not sure which Usenet providers are worthwhile now.
Does your ISP still provide Usenet access or do you subscribe to a Usenet provider?
Paying $9 a month for Usenet makes me wonder if I shouldn’t just keep paying for Hulu
How cheap were Decks on sale? They aren’t likely to have refurbs on sale, are they?
He’s been a libertarian douchebag as long as he’s been a public figure.