20k USD would pay off a four year degree at most colleges in China. so, that, probably
$2000 to fast-track an ASD diagnosis/consultation through private channels means not waiting on the public list for three years, which gets the employment agency off my back, so I don’t have to do a bunch of bullshit busy work which eats into both my actual work and the hunt for further work
However much it’d take to secure a mortgage. Currently unemployed but my sister makes a good wage so I’m sure we could do a deal where I front the down payment, she takes care of monthly payments until I secure a job. Right now the only one who owns a home in my family is my dad, and that’s a 1 bedroom condo with another twin bed in a closet for my brother. Having an actual safe space for myself, my sister, and my mother is she needed it would be crazy.
€15,000 more and I could tell off my boss, spam
in the company Slack and move back to South Africa for good.
I have like €6,000 saved right now for this very purpose. Getting that extra cash means buying a decent enough 1BR apartment outright and cover living expenses for at least 2 years, but I wouldn’t have to wait 3 years to do so.
My life could completely change for less than $10k. 7k would let my GF and I move in together and get engaged. 9k would give us a base to succeed and get properly established.
Seeing my checking balance cross the four digit threshold after paying the bills.
I spent a long time thinking about how the 2000 dollar stimulus check promised by Biden would impact my future plans.
That would have let me move or just buy me some time to get my shit together. Less than that would change my life, but I hate that I held out hope for a Biden promise
10-20k USD would be great. I’m very lucky that my parents have land I can build a small home or park a trailer on, hooked up to well water and all. It’d be a 40 minute drive from there to literally anything else (work, groceries) but I’d take that over having to rent. I wouldn’t be thrilled to live that close to my parents, but I don’t hate them like I do my other parents, and I’ve had some creepy interactions with some of the people that live up there. It’s very secluded, like Google maps doesn’t go down that area secluded, an hour wait for emergency services secluded and that’s assuming the main of the two roads in isn’t blocked by a semi that thought they could brave the mountain. But if that’s the only option I have for owning a home I’ll take it.
With 20k I could pay off the small amounts of debt I get and put an end to the collector calls, and still have enough to put down for a trailer or something I can live in and own as personal property. With 2k I could buy the makeup and clothes that I want and need to express my gender better.