there’s that whole story arc in Jack where Fran Drescher’s character is implied to be into a 10-year-old in a 40yo body
very weird
there’s that whole story arc in Jack where Fran Drescher’s character is implied to be into a 10-year-old in a 40yo body
very weird
this Project Plowshare remake sucks
nah it’s pretty dark hey
the black background doesn’t help
it is Blue Label though
$2000 to fast-track an ASD diagnosis/consultation through private channels means not waiting on the public list for three years, which gets the employment agency off my back, so I don’t have to do a bunch of bullshit busy work which eats into both my actual work and the hunt for further work
only thirty years too early
Am I missing something obvious as to why they don’t use firing squads? Is it a matter of “optics” or so whoever’s making the lethal* injection juice can sell at a huge markup?
I’d give six stars if I could, dudes rock
I like to think of Taiwan as sitting at the intersection of art and technology
this book is ASS
that’s all I’ve got
gonna get those square hogs from Space Truckers