your weekly dose of hankschannel libshit. the description is pure “the president couldn’t possibly have lied or made a mistake” copium
deleted by creator
to be clear, twitter is bad, but not because it tells people when biden is lying without giving Hank enough Details and Context. I mean ffs this all happened ages ago and I could have told you exactly what he spent the whole video researching and whinging about how complicated it was. It’s not that complicated.
Biden is doing his best which is the problem
Thesis: Biden is doing his best.
Antithesis: Biden is ethnically cleansing Palestinians.
Synthesis: Biden is doing his best ethnically cleansing Palestinians.
Good lord I fucking hate this cracker and his dipshit brother
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Hank Green is just that guy from Mentopolis. You can’t convince me he’s a Youtuber.
I don’t trust anyone who writes YA books for a few reasons.
His brother is the YA writer
Wait there are 2 of them 😳
This is getting out of hand!
weird take
I don’t trust Hank green, but it’s because he’s a lib
Are there any YA authors who aren’t either Libs or weirdo midwest conservatives?
Probably, yeah. There are a ton of different YA authors out there. Off the top of my head, the book Feed by M.T. Anderson is a great depiction of a techno-capitalist dystopia. In the book,
a girl with an aftermarket brain chip is denied healthcare because her consumer spending patterns make her an unprofitable target for advertisers.
I’ve seen YA authors get derided a few times on this site (once, it was aimed at male YA authors in particular), and it comes across as reactionary to me. I just don’t understand.
Fair enough, it’s just every well known YA author I can think of off the top of my head has shit politics. Also most examples of YA I know of have shit politics story wise too. Also I’ve found the whole existence of the genre kinda weird, what specifically about them makes them for “young adults”? People in that age range are generally mature enough they could just be reading regular literature, outside of them having younger protagonists (which there is plenty of non-YA literature with younger protags) idk what is specifically is “YA” about them besides maybe having a bit easier to digest prose?
hahahaha its the original soyjak who “fucking loves science”!!!
I remember he recently shat out a video about how the solution to homelessness is to build more houses because: “akkording to muh soyience, supply must be down because demand and price lines go up!”
I remember he recently shat out a video about how the solution to homelessness is to build more houses because
Hot take, I agree with the Libs on this one, we should be building more housing. The country is increasingly urbanizing, which should be a good thing, but local petite bourg real estate owners want to restrict supply to make their assets more valuable. Hence the affordability crisis. Throwing up more high rises in Cali would do a lot to help lower housing costs and reduce homelessness.
like making more housing is kinda of the solution, the problem is that you don’t need to build houses as much as should retrofit existing buildings that are empty in dense urbans spaces into housing, as they would have access to much better infrastructure and would be cheaper and less damaging to de enviroment as building materials have such a fucked up carbon footprint due to their production, like i am from brazil and i think the best thing lula did was his proposal to use old federal buildings that have lost their use into housing (for example, a bunch of stuff in rio that is on the most valued land with a bunch of transportation and infrastructure already built in that lost their function when the capital moved to Brasilia) which is incredibly better than the other program that we already had from his first term that builds houses because those tend to be so far away from where people actually live on the areas that have the least job oportunities
I don’t agree with libs on this one. More housing doesn’t directly relate to more affordable housing. If it was affordable high rises, sure. But the housing we’re building is “market rates” and higher and that just doesn’t push down prices, it drags prices up.
Housing is an inelastic good and landlords will charge whatever they “can” which is based off other available houses.
I should have prefaced, as a socialist I think we should build more PUBLIC housing. That would address the problem more quickly and directly.
landlords will charge whatever they “can” which is based off other available houses.
Part of the reason they can charge so much is they don’t have much competition, any open space is going to have a lot of people competing for it so you can Jack up prices, somebody will probably be able to pay. If there was more selection people could go for cheaper options and landlords wouldn’t be able to ask exorbitant prices for subpar properties.
If it reaches the scale of Red Vienna then it definitely starts to have an effect
Yeah part of the reason the Karl Marx Hof worked is because private landlords now had to compete with this really nice, affordable, housing bloc. You can’t charge exorbitant rents if your tenants have a decent affordable option on the plate.
Built by who? Owned by who? What’s stoping those homes from immediatly being bought up by investment capital and being rented out at the “fair market rate”?
Fucks sake I’m sick of the “I don’t understand why they don’t just…” solutions
Fucks sake I’m sick of the “I don’t understand why they don’t just…” solutions
I don’t understand why we don’t just abolish the landlord class