His rhetoric in labor has been a big improvement over the past 20 years. Too bad his policy involved literal strike breaking. No talking your way around that.
Rhetoric is all that matters right Jack?
To the liberal media: yes
His NLRB people are waaaaay better than Trump’s.
you’re allowed to decide to join a union but you’re not allowed to leverage union power
As the most pro-union president in American history
trump-ass line
His brain is a slurry, cut him some slack
I love how these supposedly pro-labour libs conveniently ignore that Biden did, in fact, bust unions and break strikes too.
Funny how libs will call out Trump supporters for ignoring all of Trump’s actions and only listening to the empty pleasantries he says to his supporters, but will then turn around and do the exact same thing with Biden.
schniff pure ideology
He’s a strike buster and an environment terroist. He’s not a friend of labor. He is a very naugty boy.
he’s a strike buster and an environment terrorist.
He’s not a friend of labor
He is a very naughty boy
Ronald Reagan: “I’m going to de-unionize the FAA by firing every single member and forcing them to reapply for their old jobs or GTFO.”
Joe Biden: “Hey, Jack! I heard you filed for a union election! I’m going to blog about it, as the most pro-union president in American history!”
The two genders.
You forgot the part where he breaks the strike after they unionize
One paragraph form letter written by an unpaid intern is “tits out”? I wonder how my work ethic would rate on that scale
Yeah I bet railroad workers share that opinion of Biden.
the ultimate win for the workers is when they’re allowed to maybe bargain for a little bit, and maybe the president (the guy with the power to uplift the workers) congratulates you after the fact
that’s a workers movement right there.
cops also have unions 0 pinnochios
Not the point, but the Socialist Republic of Chattanooga continues to amass its power.
Over time that would probably become too dangerous even for “union loving” parts of the government to allow. People getting organized in masses and becoming more class conscious can serve as a platform for more serious movements and revolutionary action to take place. People in the US are worlds away from being class conscious, but unionizing can only improve that.
If i say im the most pro union that means I am the most pro union pls vote
im from a union family, i have deep roots, so I understand whats best for the unions and that’s why I am firing everybody involved in-