one passage I read warned that anyone who got too deep into studying mushrooms very quickly started to sound like they had gone off the deep end …
Isn’t there some conspiracy theory about how mushrooms secretly rule the world?
No. Stop asking questions.
Sincerely, the mushrooms.
For some reason, I now have the urge to bury you in wet shady soil.
That’s the mycelia talking…
There’s a fun movie:
A movie about fungi. I can’t say more without spoilers.
Immortal mushrooms? Like some quill does? Googling it is spammed by “mushroom of immortality” because of some chinese legend. But may be the same thing.
I’m guessing they’re talking about clones?
Yeah, lots of living beings do that.
So most fungi do have a lifespan, they have teleomere decay, and when you’re cloning mushrooms (from propagating mycelia) you have to let them go to fruit (the part that looks like a mushroom) every now and then. It’s a pain in the ass.
But like the other poster said, they play it fast and loose with which part you consider the “organism”. My favorite thing is that they do cytosolic streaming. Genetics can be a pain on mushrooms because not only do they share nutrients and metabolic burden through mycelia, they can share nuclei.
One of the weird convienent realities we used extensively is that cells are big enough you can spread them over a petri dish with a little loop, and if you diluted the initial sample enough, the colonies that developed were, practically speaking, from one parent cell. So you could try to modify a bunch, and then plate them (spreading the cells around) and pick individual colonies that were all clones from a single parent. Fungi mycelia means the nucleus isn’t stuck in one cell. It also means expression levels can be variable (some cells will have multiple nuclei, and then later maybe they don’t).
Fungi are a godamn pain in the ass to study. They’re not mysterious, they’re not alien, they’re just fucking assholes.
Being a mycologist sounds a lot like being a mechanic who works on German cars
And some will blast your brain into the 4th dimension and make you almost enjoy Tool albums.
My friend was told by a psilocybic manifestation that the mushroom is the body of a wizard from a thousand universes away who’s here to introduce us to the larger world and hold our hand and such.
oh goodness, Maynard should have been the composer for the Dune movies
i hate this post because it’s completely inaccurate and ignorant of the science, i have to link something every time i see it, like this thread:
Nuh. My links are stronger than your links
They are the internet providers of the trees
And you cannot kill them in a way that matters.
I have found that a mix of olive oil, butter, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper makes their deaths matter a lot.
you fool. you’ve only removed the parts outside of the ground, it’s mycelia still lives. it will be back in time.
I sincerely hope so! I’ll be hungry for more by then!
powerful response. you may yet stand a change against the fungal menace
Why does the way I kill them have to matter?
You need to be able to credibly threaten them with death if you want to force them to tell you the name of God.
I like lychen. It’s a symbiosis of moss and fungus.
They can be even more complicated
Just give me the mushrooms that’ll make me see the curvature of the universe fam
My mushrooms are too strong for you, traveller
Is there really a mushroom that will make your body irritated because it’s so similar?
Honestly, I’m not a mycologist, so someone with more expertise feel free to correct me, but I’m pretty sure that’s BS.
The concept of a mushroom being generally similar to humans is total horseshit. What they’re probably referencing is a mushroom with some signaling protein (or saccride or steroid or something) that is coincidentally similar some human equivalent and your immune system (for some reason) freaks out about it when you eat it. Then, as is referenced, the response to the mushroom happens to also be able to target some of your own cells, and now you’ve got an autoimmune disorder.
That behavior is not normal for your immune system to do, by the way, otherwise cannibals would all die from allergic reactions to their unfortunate meals. But, the immune system is complicated, so shit happens sometimes.
I think that they are referring to Paxillus involotus
It is quite an interesting mushroom. It was considered “safe to eat” for a long time, but it contains an antigen that a human’s immune system can learn to attack.
The antigen is still of unknown structure but it stimulates the formation of IgG antibodies in the blood serum.
I once looked into whether this immune response builds up over many exposures, or if it is a random event that has a probability of happening for each exposure. I don’t remember finding a convincing answer… If it is a random event, then mushroom could be considered a “Russian roulette” mushroom that will usually provide a nice meal, but, if unlucky, you may experience the following:
Poisoning symptoms are rapid in onset, consisting initially of vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and associated decreased blood volume. Shortly after these initial symptoms appear, hemolysis develops, resulting in reduced urine output, hemoglobin in the urine or outright absence of urine formation, and anemia. Hemolysis may lead to numerous complications including acute kidney injury, shock, acute respiratory failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. These complications can cause significant morbidity with fatalities having been reported.
I agree with you that this is probably unrelated to the “generally similar to humans” comment. I feel like this fantasy is a combination of the above fact mixed in with the fact that the Fungi belong to the Opisthokonts, which places them closer to animals than plants, and so they share some interesting cellular characteristics with us. This places them closer to animals than plants, but “generally similar to humans” is perhaps a bit of a stretch _
But, it is just a meme about a guy being hyped about mushrooms. Hopefully people don’t expect memes to be super accurate 😁
I always liked the theory that fungi are actually aliens that came from some asteroid from another planet and have just been around long enough that nobody bats an eye at them anymore. I mean, look at slime mold and tell me that not basically Venom!
Slime mold is a protist not fungi :0. I’m just being a jerk here doesn’t matter lol. I love the slime molds they’re so cool I always liked having them in the lab each year as a teaching tool. Definitely venom
C? It’s exciting.