Trying my hand at two sentence horror:
It’s my 80 anniversary. Walmart has promised i will get shorter shift today and a donut.
You should post this one in the subreddit.
Average r/TwoSentenceHorror post:
My apologies if this one missed the mark. Here is the explanation: pee pee poo poo
Love my two sentence horror story to contain an additional paragraph of lore you have to read to understand it.
If your two sentence horror requires an essay to actually make sense, it isn’t really “two sentence” horror, is it?
More like run on sentence horror.
, : ; doing a lot of heavy lifting
This is ADHD slander
Ah, well: nevertheless;
Seriously it defeats the purpose of being two sentence horror if both “sentences” are just a full paragraph with no punctuation.
That’s just the average literary author
Using find and replace on War and Peace to replace all periods with commas and claim victory over the sub
Longest two sentences of my life
Lmao I’ve been missing these amateur translators. It was always fun to see their notes scrabbled in the margins of manga as well.
It’s nice having some nerd explain cultural and linguistic nuances instead of just like editing rice cakes into donuts
There’s a little tiny nugget of an interesting horror idea here, maybe reflecting the artificiality of suburban American dream nuclear family life, maybe that it’s all a lie and the people you love and count on could abandon you any second, but it was done in the most awkward way - and tying kink is just weird lol. I don’t think anyone could do a 24/7 dynamic and then just… walk away lol
but it was done in the most awkward way
This is the real horror. Making it about kink aside, this gave me flashbacks of being unable to explain ideas as a child.
Yeah this screams teenager with decent imagination and a critical eye towards social constructs, but hasn’t developed the skills to express those in a smooth, articulate manner.
And it’s been done better years ago in a song as well. The lines “And you may say to yourself this is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!” From Once In A Lifetime is basically that, but good.
shines flashlight under face
but it wasn’t 😱
That sub is really scary
if you’re a punctuation mark.
but it wasn’t
Damn got a master scribe here
But then who is the baby? The baby is you.
Category 3 Homestuck Reference spotted smh
Wonder if that might actually be underhanded anti-BDSM/anti-sexual roleplay propaganda
Two sentence horror is always garbage. Its always a run on sentence with bad punctuation that overexplains bullshit and then “but baby ded”
Counterpoint: I told him to pass me a soda. Little did I know that it was ✨spooky soda✨
There was like, maybe 20-50 good 2 sentence horror ideas. They’ve all been posted already, it’s just 2 paragraph horror now.
but baby ded is so such a good encapsulation