I was organizing with a group of (mostly) anarchists today. In my experience every anarchist I’ve organized with in real life is cool af and takes their praxis very seriously with major time commitments focused on improving the lives of workers and lumpen. They are usually hotter than any other tendency too . No whining about “tankies” or Kronstadt, just showing up to meetings, finding creative solutions and putting in the work.
Despite our nominal non-sectarian rule, I feel like there is still general derision towards anarchists here so I just wanted to remind everyone that these internet anarcho-Atlanticists on [insert dunk_tank instance or subreddit here] are just an online phenomenon and not real life. (Have I met those guys IRL too? Yes, but not in real organizing just in book clubs etc and they are tedious but there’s still more to work with than than a lib.)
So here’s to our anarchist comrades keep keeping it real
We have the best anarchists here, because Hexbear has a certain culture to it that makes our anarchists very acceptable to our marxist majority. Irl anarchists can be a mixed bag. Maybe because it’s more common for unread radlibs to call themselves anarchists rather than communists?
Very true. Summer 2020 was a rich time for discovering that most people who purport to be anarchists have listened to a few Robert Evans podcasts and that’s about it.
my partner calls themself an anarcho-tankie sometimes (they are an ancom).
they do this to disassociate themselves from the online anarcho-liberal NATO-oids.
also they said they’d be absolutely happy living under a socialist state of any flavor over any capitalist one, even one with a “small or minimal government”.
they dream of a stateless, classless, moneyless future just like we all do.
in the end, whatever comes of whatever revolution occurs in the future, we will have to discard all orthdoxy and fuse together a wide variety of leftist ideologies into something that applies to the material conditions. if we’re picking up the pieces in a post-collapse scenerio, i’d want anarchists to take the lead and they will.
we all have our roles to play and we’ll see what comes out the other side.
Lol I do this too
Good squirrel
i know there’s more of you here, but i have to say: @Nakoichi@hexbear.net goated
we love our anarchist comrades, don’t we folks?
Thanks buddy
Irl anarchists have a super wide range IME
I’ve seen multiple that just destroyed/vandalized random signs or aesthetic structures right in front of cops with 0 escape plans and immediately got chased down and arrested
Wasted all our time making sure they were alright, gave the cops an excuse to escalate with riot gear and reinforcements and dispersed the protest early. All to inflict like 2 thousand dollars of damages at best to a multi-billion dollar company
First “anarchist” I ever met was stanning Tulsi’s primary run, it can mean a variety of things
I used to know an anarchist who wanted the US to invade Iran.
Yeah even offline is a crap shoot.
Offline people have phones
Believe it or not, everything said online is said by actual humans who exist irl.
At least one guy had pretty legit opinions and knowledge. Was a professor for African American studies and active in mutual aid groups and what not. Just a complete idiot that thought destroying random aesthetic property was praxis
On the other hand I was once at a riot-lite thing where I met an anarchist who was a lawyer. They spent the whole night advising people on their rights and fucking with cops by highlighting how they were breaking constitutional rights lol. Gave their card to everyone who got arrested.
destroyed/vandalized random signs or aesthetic structures right in front of cops
you don’t get to choose your comrades, but you do choose how you work with them. never met a better bunch of tankie authcoms.
They are usually hotter than any other tendency too.
uh mods…? mods??? please delete for sectarianism; I’m way hotter than any anarchist
There at least three people here who can tell you I am not a bad looker and also have serious drip.
We need to do a hexbear’s drag race to fairly decide which faction is hottest
Ends with RuPaul being escorted into a pit that he made for fracking
Real life anarchists are all so based they don’t have time to post. They’re too busy doing real shit that matters to real people in the world.
I have met a few irl anarcho-bidenists, but they were literally children and therefore forgiven
Hopefully, my gentle rejoiners pushed them in a better direction
Did they unironically identify with that term? If so… Holy shit
Oooo i’m tired of posting & reading memes, how does one meet (and even participate in activities with) our anarchist comrades 🤔🦧
Volunteer for something with a leftists vibe - soup kitchens, food not bombs, security for leftist events, mutual aid stuff.
There’s usually a few in those groups, and it’s an easy way to get an in. If you’ve got a local punk bar then visit that as well. Maybe help them host a “riot night” if you’ve got video-editing experience (a riot night is when you hook up a projector to a montage of cops getting beat up, and then that is just run in the background the whole night. Good fun).In short: go outside
I’ve never been outside, what’s it like?
Horrible, lots of bugs and teenagers
Seconding food not bombs. Feeding the hungry is probably the easiest possible way to find us IRL
You meet up with me 😉
(I’m one of the hot ones)
Onlyfans soon
In my experience there are two main types of anarchists - the ones who are out there getting shit done and the ones who spend their time online engaging in ideological pissing contests or in echo chambers.
They are wildly different in their disposition and their politics.
Active anarchists are generally easy to get along with and want to get shit done - whether it’s making life materially better for people who are oppressed or whether it’s wrecking shit up for reactionaries.
The other type of anarchist is mostly concerned with purity of ideology and praxis, and in finding ways to justify their support for NATO and shit like that. These are often the people who presume that because they personally do not engage in any practical application of their politics that therefore their ideological opponents do not either and they’ll challenge you to describe what action you have been involved in recently (Bruh, I ain’t gonna dox myself and I sure as hell ain’t gonna dox myself in an attempt to impress some dork whose praxis starts and ends with sharing memes.)
I know I can be a vocal critic of anarchists sometimes but I sincerely appreciate the grass-toucher anarchists because they are a staunch lot. It’s the terminally-online types that rub me up the wrong way though.
I honestly struggle sometimes with seeing myself as an online anarchist at this point. I was raised Mennonite Brethren, and used to do all kinds of work on the ground to help people, but since I’ve become more politically educated I realized I had to transition for my own mental health, which resulted in a loss of any ability to do what I had previously. I can’t get a “normal” job anymore, so I can hardly help others materially, though I still do. I’m thankful to my family for housing and feeding me but I can’t help but feel so useless. My whole life I’ve been taught to help others around me but I can’t even help myself anymore.
Hopefully having an associates will help with the employment discrimination.
Sorry if this wasn’t welcome.
From personal experiences:
Terminally online Internet anarchists
IRL anarchists
IRL anarchists are too busy anarchy-ing to fuck around on the internet full time. They spent the last week burning forestry equipment in Atlanta. They spent the last week getting arrested for feeding the homeless. They spent the last week planning a march on your boss. They DGAF about memes, or really anything except creating areas of the world where life is slightly less shit.
We’re not all that active or a fraction as adventure-y. And a lot of us are just big nerds who will join Lemmy servers that are openly hostile (not really) toward anarchism just for dank memes. But yeah, I don’t care about a lot other than spending winters in seedbomb production mode and looking at plat maps for spring.