have to justify the attack on Lebanon somehow
also why don’t we have a burning Israeli flag emoji?
HAMAS and Hezbollah tunnel system is being linked by North Korea
The tunnel system is linked to Osama’s bunker in Taliban occupied, China funded Afghanistan
and you know who’s under that bunker?
Welcome to the Bad Country cinematic universe
He had accidentally stumbled upon a small cleft in the rocks and, investigating, found that it opened out into an underground passage.
Armed only with a small prospector’s lamp he had walked along the tunnel, which was about eight feet high with smooth, carefully crafted walls, for about half an hour. Suddenly, he had noticed a strange light up ahead.
‘It was green – a sort of sinister green light… it got brighter as I walked along, and then the tunnel opened into a large cave.’
In the cave, David was greeted by the extraordinary sight of a number of mummified bodies lying either on the floor or propped up against rocks. The fluorescent light which glowed over everything seemed to make the bodies even more gruesome, and their distorted poses gave us the distinct impression that death had crept up on them unexpectedly.
Along one wall were a number of statues that seemed to sparkle dimly in the green light, as if they might be made of gold. The faces, too, appeared to be strangely similar to those of ancient Inca gods he had once seen. David also noticed that the corpses were dressed in strange garments that looked as if they might be leather.
Yet he told himself he had never seen anything quite like it before. His only thought was that it might have been a treasure house of some kind. ‘I felt as if I had stepped into somewhere very ancient,’ he said later. ‘That the people had somehow been laying like that quite unchanged from the very earliest times. But how long I just couldn’t even begin to guess.’
Despite his driving obsession to continue, David felt too nervous to stay in the green-lit room for long. For one thing he could see no source for the strange light. And for another, several of the bodies were grouped around a hole in the far wall of the cave which looked like a continuation of the tunnel. Although he couldn’t be sure, he had the uncomfortable feeling that they might have been its guardians – as well as the keepers of the gold statues – when they were still alive.
Clearly David found an ancient necromantic ritual site. Probably a historical precursor to the modern arcanoscience known as “Juche Necromancy”.
also why don’t we have a burning Israeli flag emoji?
Because it has a religious symbol on it.
We have multiple burning religious symbols.
Burning jewish symbols is evocative of things that would be easily used against us. Too easy for right wingers to co-opt a burning star of david.
You are just accepting the Zionist premise that Israel = Jews, it’s pretty pathetic. Is it “anti-Semitic” when Hezbollah burns the flag of the Zionist entity? No.
Resistance fighters burn the Israeli flag all the time and that’a good and based. Cowardice from the mods and giving into Zionist narratives
Several Jewish hexbears have said that a burning star of David would make them uncomfortable, that’s the end of that discussion.
It’s an emoji on an internet forum. You’ll be fine without it.
Oh so if some Jewish protesters say “from the river to the sea” makes them uncomfortable we should fold to their concern trolling? That’s just the end of that discussion huh? And when jews say Harvard is anti-semitic and pro-palestine protests make them uncomfortable, that’s just the end of that discussion too?
You know it’s bullshit, you don’t buy this argument anywhere else
I’m an Arab poster and mods giving in to Zionist concern trolling makes me feel uncomfortable and like they believe israel = Jews and they think Hezbollah and Ansarallah are “anti-semites”. There’s not one place on the western internet that’s free of this cowardly hedging. Nowhere that will just outright support the axis of resistance and not wring their hands in worry the whole time. Every single place caves to zionist rhetoric eventually.
“It’s just an internet emoji it doesn’t matter”
If it doesn’t matter so much then add it and stop backing up Zionist arguments
deleted by creator
I have this and will post it over and over. Let go of accepting Zionist concern trolling and embrace Hezbollah thought. You are just accepting the Zionist conflation and giving into it. It’s false and you know it
Your argument is basically “Zionists are right that Judaism is Zionism and Hezbollah and Ansarallah are anti-Semitic for burning flags with the Star of David”
You know this argument sucks but some mod made some bad decision about it and now you are backed into a corner defending an undefendable argument we all know is false
If you wanted to be part of the struggle session maybe you should have been here when it was done back in October, but as it is you’re not saying anything that wasn’t said then.
This is actually a way crazier argument than the people saying we have to listen to Jewish students at Harvard - I mean Hexbear, typo my bad
i don’t give a fuck about hexbear internal clique politics or ‘struggle sessions’. Accepting zionist arguments and folding to their concern trolling in such a way that would throw ansarallah under the bus is pathetic. Slimy. It stinks like all zionist concern trolling.
No they’re correctly pointing out that Israel’s flag has a star of David on it and that could be turned against us, just as it is in real life. They’re not conflating Zionists and Jews
Turkeys flag has Islamic imagery on it too, here is Hezbollah chads burning it and burning the Zionist rag
Are you saying they are anti-Semitic? They they are bad optics? I disagree, I think caving to Zionists is bad optics
ok yeah I actually responded with that above but it seems that that’s not the reason.
I’m wondering then how it would be misused as you said below? The only thing I can think of is it would be misused by antisemites, but that sort of feels like we’re equating Judaism and Israel, which is something we are explicitly trying not to do. What is burning is pretty clearly the flag itself which represents Israel and not Judaism.
It just feels like it makes more sense to have a burning Israeli flag than a burning Philippines flag. Would rather a settler colony burn than a neocolonial victim of US imperialism with an ongoing communist insurgency (although I don’t actually know their relation to the flag).
it would be misused by antisemites
that is precisely the reason. As leftists we have to tread on eggshells because every excuse to accuse us IS going to be used against us.
Better ban “From The River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” then too while we’re just caving to all bad faith Liberal tone policing and bourgeois optics. Actually, if you think about it, talking about Palestine at all makes many Jewish people uncomfortable so we should remove it from this site.
ok, well I’m not sure I totally agree, I’ve already been called an antisemite and a Jew-hater for merely opposing Palestinian genocide, even when presenting my position in terms a liberal can understand. I’m not sure how much more damage a burning Israeli flag can do to our image, and at least it would be in line with our values. However, I will accept the Hexbear party line and lay off it.
Democratic centralism. we don’t have to agree. I don’t, but its the party position.
Democratic centralism requires democracy. This place ain’t a democracy so I hold no obligation to follow mod edicts
Democratic centralism.
Honest question: was this decided democratically? How was it facilitated?
Some mod and not any democratic means lmao
we didn’t have a vote if that’s what you’re asking. but if users really really want a burning star of david which the woman who does 90% of our emojis has very justifiably voiced hesitance about, they can. if they do it themselves and overcome the rest of us who support whyesseff’s decision about it.
We have
DPRK built tunnels for Hezbollah
maybe false but based if true
And also freaking Thanos was there!
Did he do the fortnite dance?
Wow, what an ensemble masterpiece. I loved it when Captain America punched Hamas with his own weapon!
These are really weak stories from the state department the last few days if they’re trying to beat the drums of war. Only the most bloodthirsty would care about or believe this and the unsubstantiated claim about “Chinese weaponry.”
should do for your flag burning desires
Hezbollah aren’t cowards like hexbear mods
This is true for reasons other than the flag
but also the flag
If I were to make a choice I think it would be way cooler to have the mods doing armed revolutionary struggle against imperialists is all I’m saying.
sure but as long as they’re just making emojis for us to post they should at least not be zionist cowards about it
What is the second flag?
Looks like it’s the Israeli flag mixed with the symbol for the Stern Gang, aka the Lehi.
The Lehi were a militant, fascist Zionist group. Among other things, they committed the Deir Yassin massacre and are overall one of the more sick Zionist groups to exist. They’re thought of highly in Israel to this day. The Israelis I know call the Lehi freedom fighters, instead of what they were, which were fascist murderers who targeted children.
I’m pretty sure this symbol is used in the emoji rather than the typical Israeli flag because it be really, really bad to have an emoji of a burning star of david.
Idk what it actually represents but the tag is isntrael
idk what it actually represents
Such great flags and emojis! Let’s use things we don’t even understand just to give into the Zionist narrative that Israel = Jews
OH NO, NOT TUNNELS! How dare they have tunnels! Next on the list to attack: Paris, Chicago, and Toronto! Tunnels are illegal!
Mark my words - this is turning into a regional war, and will lead us into WW3. I knew Biden was bad, but I caved and voted for that pos. Didn’t think he was WW3 bad, but here we are.
There isn’t a burning occupier flag because it has potential to be misused.
better tell that to hezbollah, hamas, ansarallah an the arab peoples of the world that their protests burning flags have the potential to be misused or perceived as anti-semitic!
If a user is being anti-semitic, then ban them. Don’t pretend like anti-Israeli sentiment is anti-semitic or accept even 1 millimeter of that argument.