“Not much is known about Generalleutnant Fritz von Kraut. We know he was a brave and competent military commander, but we don’t know about his political beliefs or his attitude towards national socialism.”
My parents watched one recently which, to my incredible surprise, interviewed a living female Red Army sniper. She was the only Soviet representation, meanwhile they had on two or three guys from the German army talking about how bad things got at Stalingrad while they were attacking and blockading it.
Unlike the Germans, the Soviet woman wore all of her medals for the interview
Unlike the Germans, the Soviet woman wore all of her medals for the interview
Top Comment:
“Sigma rule Zhukov: Reject Hitler from Stalingrad like art academy in Austria.”
‘Fritz “Burner of Polish Villages/the Devil of Minsk/Drinker of Russian Maidens Blood” von Kraut is not known to have directly committed any warcrimes’
Absolutely no idea what the political affiliations of Obersturmfuhrer Heinz “Der Jewslaughterer MegaNazi Prime” Hitler 2k could have been
HE didn’t shoot Jews guys! He just ordered his troops to shoot Jews! That makes him an innocent smol bean uwu
But did you see how uncivil those Slavs were being about their impending extermination? They didn’t even get protest permits!
“Von Kraut’s Unit, the 2nd Belarusian Town Destroyers allegedly burned down ten towns in Belarus”
The gentlemen soldier skillfully trapped the peasants via maneuver warfare, or Bervegunskrieg as it’s known among his noble Prussian military brethren.
“Rommel was a respectable guy even if he was playing for the opposite team” - a thing I’ve seen liberals seriously say more than once (except for the opposite team part, that was me doing some comedic hyperbole)
It’s all part of the “Clean Wehrmacht” propaganda campaign to make incorporating the NAzis in to NATO palatable and keep anyone from asking what the Wehrmacht was doing in Eastern Europe.
I hate that clean Wehrmacht feels quaint now that we have clean SS from
We’ll have clean Hitler soon enough
lmao they always are way too lenient with the Nazis while using every opportunity to disparage the Soviets.
Liberals also fall over themselves to say Robert E. Lee was brave and honorable and also a very handsome boy
There’s another insidious bit of the propaganda regarding Lee and a narrative that he fought for The State of Virginia rather than the confederacy which is almost-but-not-quite saying he did it out of concern for states rights.
deleted by creator
states rights? meet states lefts!
They really love saying “national socialism” dont they
When you gotta pad the word count on the shitty essay you half assed the night before due date.
I think it is more to tie socialism to the Nazis
That’s probably the real reason
The white devils can’t help themselves, can’t they
It was some German historian talking head saying it too
Yeah but since he supports
he can’t be antisemitic
Libs when talking about socialists and socialist projects during the cold war : “They were bad and evil and the people behind them just wanted to be bad and evil, because that’s how bad and evil communists are.”
Libs when talking about literal Nazis (or US war criminals) : Flattery and white washing, thinly veiled as “nuance.”
That sounds about reich…
We can take a fucking guess
He was a nazi…
But what did he believe?
What did he eat for breakfast? Did he put the milk before or after the cereals? How could you condemn him without knowing the answer to those questions just because he was a Nazi?
History guys often say this
A new Netflix doc i saw was basically nazi propaganda when it came to the eastern front
Fritz von Kraut
I refuse to believe this is a real man
I believe wholeheartedly that he was a Nazi, but one ala Colonel Klink
I could not remember what they said the guy’s name was and substituted a joke that I hoped was obvious
I am high as shit at the moment, so forgive me and my chicanery