Guy Debord, born on 28 December in 1931, was a Marxist philosopher and filmmaker who co-founded the Situationist International and authored “The Society of the Spectacle” (1967).
Guy Debord began his career as a writer after dropping out of the University of Paris, where he was studying law. Debord joined the Letterist International, a group of avant-garde French artists and intellectuals, when he was 18.
Debord was first to propose the concept of the “Spectacle”, referring to the role of media, culture and advertising in post-World War II consumerist society, and the way it is able to commercially co-opt and repackage counter-cultural ideas and movements.
On the nature of media and the new-found emphasis on appearance, Debord stated “Just as early industrial capitalism moved the focus of existence from being to having, post-industrial culture has moved that focus from having to appearing.”
The concept of “Spectacle” became central to the ideas of the Situationist International, which Debord co-founded in 1957. Ideas from the Situationists proved influential on protesters during the May 68 uprising in France, where quotes and slogans from Situationist work would appear on graffiti and posters.
Debord himself would disband the Situationist International in 1972, following internal tensions amongst its members, and would focus on creating experimental film and tabletop war games, publishing “A Game of War” in 1987.
Suffering from depression and alcoholism in his later years, Debord committed suicide at his home in 1994.
“The more powerful the class, the more it claims not to exist.”
- Guy Debord
Situationist International
The Situationist International (SI) was an international organization of social revolutionaries made up of avant-garde artists, intellectuals, and political theorists. It was prominent in Europe from its formation in 1957 to its dissolution in 1972. The intellectual foundations of the Situationist International were derived primarily from libertarian Marxism and the avant-garde art movements of the early 20th century, particularly Dada and Surrealism. Overall, situationist theory represented an attempt to synthesize this diverse field of theoretical disciplines into a modern and comprehensive critique of mid-20th century advanced capitalism.
Essential to situationist theory was the concept of the spectacle, a unified critique of advanced capitalism of which a primary concern was the progressively increasing tendency towards the expression and mediation of social relations through objects. The situationists believed that the shift from individual expression through directly lived experiences, or the first-hand fulfillment of authentic desires, to individual expression by proxy through the exchange or consumption of commodities, or passive second-hand alienation, inflicted significant and far-reaching damage to the quality of human life for both individuals and society. Another important concept of situationist theory was the primary means of counteracting the spectacle; the construction of situations, moments of life deliberately constructed for the purpose of reawakening and pursuing authentic desires, experiencing the feeling of life and adventure, and the liberation of everyday life.
The situationists recognized that capitalism had changed since Karl Marx’s formative writings, but maintained that his analysis of the capitalist mode of production remained fundamentally correct; they rearticulated and expanded upon several classical Marxist concepts, such as his theory of alienation. In their expanded interpretation of Marxist theory, the situationists asserted that the misery of social alienation and commodity fetishism were no longer limited to the fundamental components of capitalist society, but had now in advanced capitalism spread themselves to every aspect of life and culture.
When the Situationist International was first formed, it had a predominantly artistic focus; emphasis was placed on concepts like unitary urbanism and psychogeography. Gradually, however, that focus shifted more towards revolutionary and political theory. The Situationist International reached the apex of its creative output and influence in 1967 and 1968, with the former marking the publication of the two most significant texts of the situationist movement, The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord and The Revolution of Everyday Life by Raoul Vaneigem. The expressed writing and political theory of the two aforementioned texts, along with other situationist publications, proved greatly influential in shaping the ideas behind the May 1968 insurrections in France; quotes, phrases, and slogans from situationist texts and publications were ubiquitous on posters and graffiti throughout France during the uprisings.
Guy Debord: The Life, Death, and Afterlife of a Brilliant Crank :debord-tired:
Enragés and Situationists in the Occupations Movement :france-cool:
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I’m gonna open a food truck called
So I’ve Been Reincarnated in a Strange Truck That Sells Food and I Only Know How to Deep Fry Things
Doing it as a pop-up outside dragoncon or something would print money.
New Megathread Nerds!!!
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No current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:
this hamster has just been notified what liberalism is. he is not happy with this revelation
will you make him read Lenin?:
Okay my “being straight” arc has officially come to an end, I downloaded a dating app and after two days of scrolling through profiles I’ve come to the conclusion that I basically only like anthropomorphic furry men, not actual real life guys
I have also discovered that 40 year old men really really like me
idk why like 90% of the time the people who I find attractive don’t fine me attractive and the people who do find me attractive I’ve not attracted to
The math is super wrong here
A lot of people you swipe right on haven’t even come across your profile yet and never had a chance to like it
Also, most people wouldn’t be attracted to most people who find them attractive. This one is harder to explain in an intuitive way and I’m lazy but just trust me on this one, I have a math degree it makes sense in my head LMAO. It’s like a graph thing
That makes sense I’m just being pessimistic
When are you not 😌
and 40 year old guys find pessimist hot.
I became interested in people-matching apps when I briefly tried using BumbleBFF to make new friends, and I learned that these apps do stuff with their algorithms on purpose to try to keep us coming back. This includes not presenting a person with everyone they could match with all at once.
It’s better for them to keep you logging in every day, and behavioral science has found that intermittent positive reinforcement is better than fulfillment for holding interest.
ChatGPT: Umm akshually Israel being an apartheid state is a bit nuanced and complicated even though there are 1:1 parallels between the two.
Idk why I’m arguing with an LLM which doesn’t even know what it’s saying.
claims to be against boredom
is never not Debord
Society of the Spectacle is so dense at first. Enjoyably, insightful, but dense. It has its own aesthetic quality to be enjoyed, IMO.
There is a situationist group local to me and they’re pretty cool.
Hey buddy you ever hear of the RevComs?
God why does everything suck. Fuck.
We are confined to the false reality of a mad and cruel demiurge. We must forge a sword from the light of wisdom and KILL GOD
Escaping from the false reality by the light of Sophia
Helping some 13 year old using way too much hair gel build a sword out of the bones of dead philosophers to murder god
dinosaurs are cool but there are other cool extinct megafauna, many of which our hominid ancestors interacted with. Giant ground sloths and mammoths and saber toothed tigers and so on
wooly rhinos
dire wolves
giant tapir
Irish Elk
Megasloth is easily the best animal in Rimworld, and one of the best animals ever to exist IRL
the James Somerton apology might have worked if he had a ukulele song to go with it
the man still had the audacity to show his face on the internet after that? I would have taken the money and ran if I was as shameless as him
They never do. It’s never just about the money. On that scale there has to be some something behind it. Probably sexual pathology bc it’s political
Old kind of Guy just dropped
just watched a good movie
nice what movie
wild zero. it’s a japanese zombie movie about a bunch of really cool rock and roll guys dealing with the wildest shit imaginable and it fucking rules. points for trying with a trans character, but not as many as it could be since it’s kinda clumsy. does feature a man named guitar wolf screaming “LOVE HAS NO BORDERS NATIONALITIES OR GENDERS,” to shame a guy for being transphobic to the girl he likes
basically do you want to see a bunch of dudes (and some chicks) rocking? this is the most a movie has ever been for you, like even more than something like rrr. here’s a sampler
Looks sick
it is possibly the sickest movie ever made
i mean that’s definitely hyperbolic, but i just watched it so i hope you can forgive me
would focus on creating experimental film and tabletop war games
he rules. He said fuck this nerd shit I need different nerd vibes. Certified dudes rock moment
Only had to endure one rant about Israel/Palestine so far. They brought up the whole, I can’t believe there’s LGBT people who support Hamas, don’t they know they’d behead them etc. etc. thing. Which I guess was their way of trying to bring me into the conversation but I didn’t bite. Six hours in the car tomorrow with them though so … yay.
On a cheerier note, I saw Poor Things which was really good even though they toned down the more overt socialist stuff in the book, apparently. Don’t recommend watching it in the theater with relatives who are uncomfortable with onscreen nudity cus oh lordy is there a lot of it.
It’s not a checkmate by any means, but telling them that Hamas is only one of like ten different factions working together in Palestine to fight Isreal is the kind of thing that knocks those people off balance.
this loaded like it was 1995