these types of people feel like they’re flailing wildly for an identity
it’s all just college students trying to fit in with cliques, right? some people become goth in college, some get into baseball, some weirdos do whatever this is. “I’m in the neoliberal club” yeah ok
Its normal for young people to generate some random ideology not really linked to their actual conditions in any way. It’s usually not very serious or backed that strongly but instead draping in aesthetic.
The true radicalisation comes after screaming in the staff room after a few years of working realising this is it forever. Or me hiding in the toilets at my office until the lights turn off and i just continue sitting there.
yeah sometimes I actually want to sympathize with younger people who do this. They’re adopting wacky ideologies and making it their entire personality because they don’t have need for politics yet. It’s a fun game for them
Yeah, when I was a kid, I was always left sympathetic, but a total lib. Nothing brought me further to where I am today than getting a job with a large company and experiencing the dissonance of the CEO rolling out the red carpet for himself to tout the amazing year we had before calling an all-hands meeting to say that there wasn’t money in the budget for raises.
Also, the design of social media engagement rewards bombastic behavior and “maxing” anything to stand out from everyone else. You can’t just be Bob, a guy who tacitly supports the neoliberal global order. You have to be Slazac the NATO loving kawai catboi nyan uwuuu~<3
That really puts into perspective a person I know who changes religion and political ideology every 2 years. Always updating their social media space to reflect the changes. It’s a way of standing out
Twink death but like a threat
Imagine having not one, but three goddamn twitter accounts
“Vaush fan, horse-emoji” FUCKING COME ON
I don’t get it
advocates bestiality sometimes
And pedophilia
We need an emoji of pomni doing that face where she’s fucking losing it
The one where the hyper-unnerving Evangelion-sounding orchestra kicks off and the zoom-out shot bears an uncanny staging comparable to the Last Supper?
As a Discord moderator for Destiny, Vaush would often post about how much he likes male horse genitals.
What the fuck dude
This kid needs to be bullied more. And this is coming from me a staunch anti bully and significant victim of it. It’s better to suffer lifetime trauma like me than be like he is.
Might just turn him into a rightwing twink instead though…
He’s pro NATO, he’s already right wing.
More mask off then
I justify it by thinking about how bullying is only ‘good’ when it’s done against bullies. This person supports causes that ‘bully’ people in the world, directly or indirectly. Therefore, bullying this person is justified. Otherwise, I too am very anti-bully and feel it’s probably one of the sentiments that is most broadly supported. It’s just that people have fucked up notions of who’s being bullied and who isn’t.
His bio has a thumbs down for the US, Russia, and China, yet he simps for an organization who’s main goal is to advance US imperialism. Makes a whole lot of sense. The kind of
I’ve come to expect from Vaush
Last one
Atleast others don’t pretend to be pro-DPRK
Pink Capitalist, Globalist, and Anti-Italian
The whole world needs a gay global capitalist system that exploits the labor of Italians
These people are just trying to take the piss out of socialists because they know their real ideology is extremely safe and mainstream. They get paid to tweet while interning at the Institute for Peaceful War and Extraction. We shall neither read their tweets nor reply to them.
This is what happens when your entire ideology is replying with Chad memes
A socialist who loves capitalism??
You could chad-reply them into any ideological corner just by exploiting their need to impress you
Said this before but Americans love to trick each other by wearing fake, confusing ideologies designed to start arguments but eventually trick themselves after wearing the mask too long, thus becoming endlessly goofy and irredeemable characters. It’s that weaselly COINTELPRO lying-for-convenience mindset they’ve adopted. It’s why genuinely honest politicking is impossible over there. And it’ll be the death of them.
Fucking Euro-Maoists, what the hell man, everybody involved here needs to be banned from the internet for six months and forced to make friends in real life disconnected from any of this bullshit
Anti-Italian, they lost me then suddenly I’m back on board.
They will try to censor you
opinion discarded
They haven’t done anything cool since 1871
even 1968 doesn’t count?
its ok but in the paris commune they formed a battle line and killed or wounded nearly 10k soldiers and a number of generals and the archbishop while vastly outnumbered after raiding a military arsenal, the experience was so important that lenin was shouting what they did wrong and directing people in russia
NATO leftist strikes again. And he has a Taiwan flag. Dude can go fuck himself for that. The homophobic Ukrainians would probably murder his ass but keep simping for them.
There’s a certain curiosity to watching liberals’ understanding of China retreat to the frontiers.
They’ve given up on “Free Tibet”. The Uighurs are falling down the memory hole. Now Taiwan is the extent of liberals’ understanding of Chinese socio-economics. Gotta wonder how long before they’re demanding China decolonize Singapore, Vietnam, and Japan.
People seem to have forgotten about the Hong Kong riots roughly 15 minutes after the NED money dried up and the consent manufacturers had to be transferred elsewhere.
Honestly I still don’t know what those protests were even about? Were they even about democracy? Cus I recall their demands did nothing that would have changed the fact that Hong Kong is basically 5 banks in a trench coat.
At their core, the protests were about a sense of localist superiority. I’d say “ethno nationalism” but Hong Konger isn’t really an ethnicity separate from Guangdong people. The rioters thought that they were superior, “more civilized” because of exposure to British rule. Hence shit like calling other Chinese people “locusts” and flying the HK flag.
It’s one of the reasons the protesters’ cause flopped categorically with anyone old enough to remember British rule.
a proposed bill for the extradition of criminals to taiwan, macau, and the mainland is what it started over
the case that started the bill was a hk couple who went on holiday to taiwan, then the boyfriend murdered the girlfriendYeah i remember they were mad some murder ceo was going to be punished.
They were mad that the central government wanted to exert any level of control over the five banks in a trench coat iirc
Gotta wonder how long before they’re demanding China decolonize Singapore, Vietnam, and Japan.
Stroke rates in Japan spike as all Kanji is replaced by hiragana.
We need the great firewall. Make people go out of their way to see the websites that will give them brain rot.
Volt has always been and will always be a recuperative op to make radlibs even more non-threatening. They’re basically the Greens minus the environmentalism and with even more neolib bs. I’ve always wondered who falls for that shit, Volt is entirely irrelevant even at the joke elections for the EU parliament where everybody just picks whoever they believe to be the the funniest party on the ballot, but in hindsight i could’ve guessed that the Venn diagram between these losers and the European V*ush fandom is a perfect circle.
Volt aren’t radlibs, they’re regular libs of the common kind.
They’re a party tailor-made to the average student liberal, meaning of course that they’d get like 20% of the vote if there was no tactical voting nonsense going on.
This kind of people used to be even more common in the past, but I suppose the kind of person to watch Vaush in Europe is also the kind of person to care more about the US Presidential election than any local news.
would-be cool kids if my town is any indicator
I have been tearing off their stickers while going “every little bit of anti-fascism helps”, I hate them so bad
Is this a time to go into the discussion about how twinkness and capital W Whiteness are intertwined
The Unbearable Whiteness of Twinking
James Somerton ass title
stop, he’s already dead
My sister is dating a Hispanic twink so idk if that’s totally true.
What being terminally online does to a mf
I really think people like this must find conviction in their beliefs from how hopelessly complex, muddled, confusing, and contradictory they are
slapping the nato logo on the bi flag is a hate crime
this post needs a content warning for making me want to rip my eyes out
I agree.