That’s it. That’s the post.
Fucking morons that think it’s the ‘woke mind virus’ and minorities ruining everything when capitalism is staring you right there in the face. Cowardly fucks controlled by their primitive racism and sexism. Throw them all in the pit.
If you look at the media in the past, chuds have been complaining about the left using variations of buzzwords like “woke” for decades (I mean they still bring up “PC” too and that one’s at least four decades old at this point). It’s exhausting because it’s obviously all manufactured outrage, but you sound like a crazy person when you explain it that way to people, because the propaganda is so ingrained.
Truth spoken
Just this… Red Sails essay all over again…
Honestly for all this talk of fancy ideologies and ancient philosophies and shit it’s still pure hate for them (and the fact that I have to spend the rest of my life stuck with them in some form or another) that drives me. Everything else is just kind of working backwards from that
the relative ignorance and moral weakness of those inferior in love, will, and wisdom to ourselves should engender our compassion, and not hatred
Fuck em
I feel more pity (with a bit of despair because it’s so hard to deprogram people) than I do hatred. I feel more hatred to the ideas themselves and how annoying it is that chuds use every opportunity to bring up their politics and whinge about everything.