Reply: “The only atrocities the Afghani Muslims have committed is not sending you home in a pine box.”
okay this is epic
“The atrocities Muslims commit in Afghanistan”
Bruh you were invading their country, stfu.
I don’t mean to paint with a broad brush, but every marine that saw ground combat in Afghanistan is an unstable PTSD riddled psychopath.
I have yet to meet a marine veteran that isn’t a severally fucked up person. We don’t talk about how hard we fail on protecting our troop’s mental health but we sure love waving flags and calling them heroes.
To be fair they deserve the mental health issues they suffer, it’s likely to be the only justice their victims receive
Eh they’re psychos. Let’s provide free mental health care to literally everyone else and then wen can work on the baby killers.
This is as stupid a statement as the moron in OPs image
Please provide evidence for your claim that not every marine that saw ground combat in Afghanistan is an unstable PTSD riddled psychopath.
fascinating why were US marines in Afghanistan anyway
To steal natural resources and destabilize the global south… er, uh… I mean, for freedom!
please play this-
I’ve witnessed the atrocious Muslims committed in person in Afghanistan
Staring through the scope of my .50 and shaking my head in disapproval so the rest of my brigade knows I don’t like what I’m seeing
(Fighting on behalf of muslims in a country thats 99.7% muslim) Those evil muslims…
US marines were absolutely not fighting on behalf of muslims or anybody that lived in Afghanistan
I’ve witnessed the atrocious Muslims committed in person in Afghanistan
Even if I’m going to take this racist shit seriously, what does this have to do with Palestine you imperialist dog?
This idiot probably thinks Afghanistan is next door to Gaza
every yank who took part in afghanistan will say they “served in the middle east” despite the country… yknow, not being in the middle east. if you’re going to invade a country on behalf of your empire i feel like you should at least know what part of the world it’s in
Depends on who you’re talking to, some consider it as part due to cultural similarities. The ambiguity of what is ‘the middle east’ is part of the racism towards the area according to some of the middle east history classes I’ve had
yeah and it’s pretty culturally distinct, they just want to lump muslim countries together. it’s as “middle eastern” as pakistan, turkmenistan, or uzbekistan. it’s like saying austria is a balkan country
most yanks seem to think afghans and iranians are arab, too
Austria is in a certain sense a Balkan country.
balkan bavarians
deleted by creator
Austria is Balkan though. It’s part of greater Albania
Middle East is where Muslims live QED
After 9/11 the Bush admin coined “Greater Middle East” which was literally just every majority Muslim country more or less contiguous to the Middle East. Anything from Mauritania to Somalia to Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan. The former-most having a latitude west of Europe and the latter-most having a latitude going into India and China, being lumped with a geographic region that just means “near the east”
They’re all Muslim and so they’re all bad.
Who funded the atrocities by Muslims in Afghanistan?
you'll never guess
It was Americans and their fair weather ally Pakistan
his logic is literally “dude, why is my antiracist music scene not racist? don’t they know this race is bad?”
The Taliban trained Hamas right in Baghdad
Least racist marine
Some days I kinda wish I still had a reddit account to bully people
They would have banned you for hurting these chud’s feelings
For being
, the comments are excellent. Overwhelmingly just dunking on him being a racist dipshit.
I actually just started getting into hardcore, but I’m a little less enthusiastic about it when I started interacting with the scene and saw how dogshit the politics are in it. How is the community STILL having debates about whether conservatives can be punk? Shouldn’t that have been settled in the 80’s/90’s?
It was. This isnt a debate that’s had by non posers. Punks don’t post on reddit
All the coolest crusties post on hexbear
At least three of em do!
If you weren’t thinking of me in that number I am going to be disappointed in myself.
Ooh, sorry to tell ya there chief
It’s always the way, goes back to Dead Kennedys “nazi punks fuck off” and further.
I think aggressive music will attract aggressive people, and bigots sure are aggressive.
When the descendents put out a track celebrating Trump losing, all the comments were “keep politics out if your music” as if they hadn’t always had political leanings in their work, and if punk/hardcore isn’t one of the most politically charged genres.
I think the actual scene is a lot nicer. Go to a show and people are mostly on the level. Look at online discussions and you’re more likely to find the people who fight in moshpits and get upset that women exist.
Keep at it! Lots of hardcore folk are sweethearts and I have met more good than bad from all areas of the hardcore spectrum!
You want the DIY scene. It’s adjacent to Hardcore, but also has black metal, country, pop punk, ska and folk punk, and has much better politics.
It’s not really much of a debate, as you can see by this guy getting zero upvotes and 100+ comments calling him out on Reddit of all places.
the modern hardcore scene is pretty cool. there was a bit of chuddery back in the late 90s to early 00s but those assholes left or got their asses kicked or became similar to the punk rock MBA guy
Does Punk rock Mba guy have a bad rep?
Nazi punks:
eunt domus
are kindly invited to leaveFUCK OFF
lemme guess, San Diego?
Reading that Reddit thread makes me hopeful because it means not all Redditors are completely lost. But many of the comments will probably be removed within a day.
The OP has been removed lol
This guy got owned so badly, lol.
Unfortunately there’s definitely a bunch of “apolitical” chuds in hardcore as some of the most downvoted comments in that thread can show you.