They insisted that south park is nuanced and insightful, others said no it’s bad actually
But when the world needed Ulysses the most, he vanished.
Once he grows enough potatoes to power up a laptop I hope he’ll log on and be proud of how we handled ourselves today even without his guidance.
Damn… a new site tagline AND a copypasta? My cup runneth over.
deleted by creator
“I don’t know what a chapo is, but it seems like you people need them to tell you what to think”
most of us have never even listened to the podcast lmao
There’s a podcast?? 🗿🗿🗿🗿
it’s about being gay with your dad
Yeah it’s called Cum Town and they think you’re gay
I do listen to the podcast, but I also figured out south park was a load of shit years before the show even existed
also now that I think about it, I don’t think chapo has ever talked about south park…
I’ve only listened to when they read Ben Shapiro books. Really funny stuff
i tried one episode. wasnt for me.
It’s actually a very nuanced and intelligent show. One of the few in the modern media sphere that isn’t afraid to talk about the complicated issues even when the woke mob comes for them. I’m going to attach my résumé (you might know it as a resume) so that you know my podcast opinions are coming from a worldly and properly educated poster.
Yeah, but is your dad French Canadian? I need to know before deciding whether or not this is a good podcast or not!
Also “I’ve never even heard of them but that’s not going to assume I know what their opinions are and that you all share them.”
@Yerbouti@lemmy.ml Thanks for the new tagline
All those degrees and books read and they like south park, lol
“I don’t know what a chapo is, but it seems like you people need them to tell you what to think”
Yeah you’re cooking with that doctor logic now baby. The research expert has logged the fuck on.
Having a doctorate actually has very little to do with how smart you are
Can confirm, have PhD, am dumbass.
Also can confirm I’m a college dropout and I’m smart as fuck and have a very big brain.
Oh yeah fuckface? Well my name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.
Seriously? I’m 10. I go to South Park elementary. I’ve read more books then you will in your entire life. My mom is from Colorado and my dad is Jack Tenorman. I think this sub is fucking pathetic. I’m not sure what exactly Chappo is, but it’s seems you people need them to tell you what to think. You guys are behaving EXACTLY like Trump supporters: privilege white people behaving like they are better then everyone. Toxic AF. Wannna tell me about you? Did you ever accomplished anything interesting or do you just tell people on the internet they suck to make you feel good?
This is what people who care about academic accolades look like
I forgot more languages than most people ever learn and I am not this full of myself
Ten posts explaining in detail why south park sucks:
One post that’s just “it’s dumb and so are you lol”:
yOu pEoPlE ArE MiNdLeSs fAnAtIcS LiKe dRuMpH CuLtIsTs!
Did you ever accomplished anything interesting or do you just tell people they suck to make you feel good?
You guys are behaving EXACTLY like Trump supporters
Right, throwing a fit because people criticized your favorite little media treat is not chud behavior at all, meanwhile criticizing those treats for being reactionary and transphobic - exactly like Trump
I know pointing out people’s spelling mistakes is annoying and dumb, but when you’re trying to convince everyone you’re a big brain, highly educated genius it kinda ruins it when you mess up basic stuff like then/than and capitalization rules.
This is highly offensive to say. The Quebecois are famously not fluent in English. Or French.
Genuinely the worst spellers in Canada, both in English among Anglophones, and in French among Francophones.
My mom is from a first nation community
what was the
line about Adam’s “suspiciously gratuitous qualifiers” again?
Having a French Canadian dad is I guess something to brag about too. I’ve met the children of many French Canadian dads in my time, wouldn’t say it makes you a worse parent but could demonstrate pretty easily it certainly doesn’t make you a good one.
more like they frenched their Canadian dad?
blammo. got em.
Just because your mom was a rez agent doesn’t mean she’s from there bud
this person is a posting genius y’all need to appreciate what they gave us
Lmao they just kept going
This guy was really fun.
If you check their profile directly they’re still around posting extremely funny shit, but they appear to be banned because the posts aren’t showing up on the hexbear side. They aren’t mentioned in the modlog so idk what’s going on there really.