Via a law announced Tuesday, Venezuela will create a new province or state in the disputed territory, having already appointed a single provisional authority: Major-General Alexis Rodríguez Cabello
The land belongs to Venezuela but is claimed by Guyana, a US puppet state. It’s the same story every single time. Guyana was also doing oil exploration in this territory over protests from Venezuela. Since the corporate media is barely talking about this as far as I can tell, it looks like the US is already overextended in Ukraine and Israel and won’t be able to respond, which is probably another reason why Venezuela decided to go for it.
The land belongs to Venezuela but is claimed by Guyana, a US puppet state. It’s the same story every single time. Guyana was also doing oil exploration in this territory over protests from Venezuela. Since the corporate media is barely talking about this as far as I can tell, it looks like the US is already overextended in Ukraine and Israel and won’t be able to respond, which is probably another reason why Venezuela decided to go for it.
Nooo the british drawn country lines are sacred!! Its imperialism to not respect those!