Let’s say that you buy a home in cash and have 100% paid off. Could you still lose it somehow?
One thing to keep in mind is that in the US, there’s very few people or companies that actually own the land that they’re on. Most of the time you have the rights to use the land for certain types of things, but not actually own it. The US government (federal on down) has various ways of seizing property for its own purposes.
There’s only a handful of people who actually own the land they live on. Most of them were granted the land by prior governments (mostly Spain) before the US was a country. Their ownership was grandfathered in and has passed via inheritance through the families. Several of those family plots are in Texas and Florida. Everyone else is just allowed to stay as long as they play ball with the rules.
Do you have more info on those that actually own? Sounds interesting.
To certain extents, I think the government has rights of expropriation of land in other countries too. Sometimes you can sue the government for it too. It’s a messy biz.
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I’m talking about the respective government of the country in question, not the US government…
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you could owe the government or a private entity money they can get a lein on your property if you don’t pay it as well
Absolutely. You have to pay taxes on your property (in most states; there may be exceptions that I’m not aware of). If you don’t pay your taxes for a long enough period of time, your property will be seized and auctioned off. Starting bids on property auctions are usually the back taxes; in less desirable areas–such as undeveloped land that with no utilities that’s out in the middle of nowhere–that may be all it costs.
Setting aside all the legal reason people have outlined its important to rmeber this is America.
If a rich enough person wants you dead they’ll shoot you in the head on the front porch of your home in broad daylight in front of your neighbors and then the cops will say no crime happened and the news will say that person always lived there.
Rich people can and do act however they want without consequences and our entire judicial system is just set up as a smokescreen to point to to tell poor people that isn’t the case.
Ahh, hexbear, never change.
I’m sorry, what? You need to take that boot out of your mouth if you want folks to understand you.
Liberals stay dumb as fuck.
Ask the BLM organizers who committed suicide by shooting themselves multiple times and then setting their car on fire how secure they feel.
Or the person who published the Panama papers, whatever happened to that guy.
Nothing at all bad happened to the two German journalists who published the Panama Papers. Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier are both very much alive and well, and have started a nonprofit organization in honor of their friend and colleague, Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was murdered by an operative of the Maltese government officials who she was investigating for corruption that was revealed in the Panama Papers.
The investigations and revelations produced by The Daphne Project are ongoing. These are journalists who refuse to be silenced by one woman’s murder.
But to understand that, you’d have to be interested in not being ignorant for five seconds instead of just parroting things you saw online because you think it makes you sound smart.
30% of any group that’s murdered by a foreign government is still a very high percent of people murdered by a foreign government
Eminent domain baybee
Oh, also if you’re under investigation for anything, the cops can just confiscate your house, car, possessions, whatever. Even if you’re found not guilty, you don’t get anything they took back. Typically it will get sold at a discount, typically to a cop. You’ll often see them on twitter taking pictures with their fancy new car that they dragged someone out of a month ago. It’s called asset forfeiture, and iirc It’s the second or third most prevalent from of theft in America, wage theft being the first.
You can be shot by the cops, in your bed, while asleep. Yes I think you can lose your paid-off house.
If you fall behind on your property taxes, the local taxing authority can foreclosure on the property.
I feel like you had additional context to this question that you meant to add, but just totally forgot.
As it stands, yes of course. If your house in condemned or otherwise subject to eminent domain, if your house is seized to pay creditors for non-mortgage debt (in some states), if somebody else has superior title to your home and you aren’t protected by being a bonafide purchaser, etc.
Natural disasters and other “acts of god” are becoming more relevant - especially as some states, like Florida, have more insurance companies pulling out. Flood insurance is often unaffordable too.
I used to see stories in the legaladvice subreddit regularly about Housing Owner Associations putting legitimate liens on properties for not following the rules. Even when the rules were as ridiculous as “air-conditioning unit can’t be visible from the street” or “only these specific plants can be grown and your lawn cannot exceed a few inches in height and must always be green” or “internal curtains must be pink or white”.
For a culture that prides itself on its freedoms, the miniature authoritarian regimes that HOAs embody are a great example of the evidence not matching the story.
HOAs started as a way to keep neighborhoods white only. Now it’s a way for developers to have a super majority vote to keep giving themselves contracts and a way for control freaks to control their neighbors. They started as bad actors and now some are bad actors for other reasons.
Not all HOAs are terrible but there aren’t a lot of actual accountability in-spite of some laws to stop corruption and there’s not a ton of benefits for most except perhaps for condos.
For example, I wouldn’t mind having an HOA that contracts rates for trash, lawn care, creates and maintains a park with some stuff for kids, maintains beautification of non-homeowner areas and maybe even has security patrols. You know, actual amenities to keep the neighborhood nice and convenient for the home owners. Not an HOA that makes sure that shampoo bottles in people’s bathroom windows aren’t visible, front doors have to match some aesthetic or have to approve decks and sheds for people’s yards.
TIL, property tax is a thing.
You can get eminent domain’d or your house could be destroyed by natural disaster, house fire, etc.
In theory, in the case of eminent domain you get the value of your home paid. In practice… its often not enough to actually buy a similar house.
This is America, what do you think?